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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

"Contrasts Implement Hidden Beauty Discoveries" By Susan Pearl

I have been told:

Contrasts are a very important part of decorating-

Often times I apply this to enjoy the beauty of nature in a special way.

Like a fluffy white clouds crossing the sky above a permanent large rock-

The fluffiness of the cloud and the hardness of the rock contrasts.

Also, the wind blows the clouds and the permanent placement of the large rock are contrasts.

Moving cars, stationary trees.

Not all contrasts have to be about color.

But it is a interweaving of various contrasts, of textures and colors_

like the old weathered table of worn uneven blistered wood_

With a lone fuzzy soft fresh picked peach sitting on the table.

Many an artist has painted this comparison to the delight of others. 

Take the view for comparisons and contrasts in looking at artwork. 

And everyday beauty-

There's a whole new world to discover of texture contrast.. 

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