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Sunday, June 2, 2024

"Duck Surprise" by Susan Pearl

 I remember hearing a lady tell of the biggest surprise and scare of her life.

It was a busy day at the house when her son walked in and was carrying a limp duck.

He told her he had just shot the duck. 

She explained she was so busy that he should just lay the duck in the freezer and she would get to it as soon as she could.

It wasn't too long and she went to the freezer to get the duck.

Evidently the duck was not shot.  Rather it has been stunned and had woken up in the freezer.

When she opened the freezer door the duck flew out. She screamed.

A busy day had just gotten busier try to capture a duck flying around in the house.

What a duck surprise it had been! Quack! Quack!

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