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Saturday, June 29, 2024

"The Pearl" by Susan Pearl

 I've read the "Pearl" is the birthstone for the month of June.

 It was a a life changing moment for me when I discovered the formation of a Pearl is caused by the pain and irritation of a grain of sand inside the shell fish.

 A self survival mechanism, called mother of pearl, keeps covering the grain of sand and in the course of time a  one of a kind, rare pearl is formed.

I have shared on my blog several times my Dad named me Susan Pearl.

My dad died when I was one year old.

It was painful and an irritation growing up with out a dad.

I had to learn to live with what I could not change....time and time again.

I knew he loved me very much and knowing that was stronger

   than any pain or irritation over the years.

So, somehow, I feel our own self survival mechanism we all have is "love". 

And in accepting changes in life love will help us go forward to a better day that is waiting for us 

to discover ---like a hidden pearl---a hard to find, one of a kind, rare pearl.

Each June I try to share something about the formation of the pearl because I think it is very important.

Nothing is stronger than love.

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