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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

"The Pearl" by Susan Pearl

 I've read the "Pearl" is the birthstone for the month of June.

 It was a a life changing moment for me when I discovered the formation of a Pearl is caused by the pain and irritation of a grain of sand inside the shell fish.

 A self survival mechanism, called mother of pearl, keeps covering the grain of sand and in the course of time a  one of a kind, rare pearl is formed.

I have shared on my blog several times my Dad named me Susan Pearl.

My dad died when I was one year old.

It was painful and an irritation growing up with out a dad.

I had to learn to live with what I could not change....time and time again.

I knew he loved me very much and knowing that was stronger

   than any pain or irritation over the years.

So, somehow, I feel our own self survival mechanism we all have is "love". 

And in accepting changes in life love will help us go forward to a better day that is waiting for us 

to discover ---like a hidden pearl---a hard to find, one of a kind, rare pearl.

Each June I try to share something about the formation of the pearl because I think it is very important.

Nothing is stronger than love.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"Removing a Rose Bush Dilemma" by Susan Pearl

We have an unusual situation with our rose bush.

It is very unruly.  I have estimated it may be close to fifty years.

The long tangled twenty feet vines are covered with one inch spike thorns.

These thorns are capable of shredding garden clothes, snagging and piercing garden gloves.

The fact that the rose bush blooms for 2 days once a year- 

   makes a person wonder "Is this really worth it?"

Awe, but there is something special about the beauty of a rose.

Even if it blooms for only 2 days a year.

But our patience is running thin,

Maybe because we now have thin skin.

I don't think we should have to take a box of band-aids to trim a rose bush.

As long as we take time to enjoy the beauty of the rose bush I think it will stay in the garden.

There is something special about the beauty of a rose.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"Poem for Bullied Children" by Susan Pearl

Dear Children,

Don't wear the words of others,

To your own self be true.

Believe that you can do it,

Then try and then follow through.

 If others say you can't

And that there's no way, 

Let them be the ones who wear the words that they say. 

Don't wear the words of others, 

Believe that you can do it,

Then try and then follow through.

To your own self be true.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

"Contrasts Implement Hidden Beauty Discoveries" By Susan Pearl

I have been told:

Contrasts are a very important part of decorating-

Often times I apply this to enjoy the beauty of nature in a special way.

Like a fluffy white clouds crossing the sky above a permanent large rock-

The fluffiness of the cloud and the hardness of the rock contrasts.

Also, the wind blows the clouds and the permanent placement of the large rock are contrasts.

Moving cars, stationary trees.

Not all contrasts have to be about color.

But it is a interweaving of various contrasts, of textures and colors_

like the old weathered table of worn uneven blistered wood_

With a lone fuzzy soft fresh picked peach sitting on the table.

Many an artist has painted this comparison to the delight of others. 

Take the view for comparisons and contrasts in looking at artwork. 

And everyday beauty-

There's a whole new world to discover of texture contrast.. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

" Twice Agreeing Opposites" by Susan Pearl

 Those in a small rural area enjoy a trip to the city.

So much to do, so much excitement, so much to see. 

Those in the city enjoy a change of pace by visiting a smaller quieter area.

Less noise, less interruptions, less hectic, calm and peaceful surroundings.

But as opposite as these may seem, 

Both the rural person and the city person agree-

It is so good to get back home. 

Home truly is the best place to be.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

"Duck Surprise" by Susan Pearl

 I remember hearing a lady tell of the biggest surprise and scare of her life.

It was a busy day at the house when her son walked in and was carrying a limp duck.

He told her he had just shot the duck. 

She explained she was so busy that he should just lay the duck in the freezer and she would get to it as soon as she could.

It wasn't too long and she went to the freezer to get the duck.

Evidently the duck was not shot.  Rather it has been stunned and had woken up in the freezer.

When she opened the freezer door the duck flew out. She screamed.

A busy day had just gotten busier try to capture a duck flying around in the house.

What a duck surprise it had been! Quack! Quack!