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Sunday, March 8, 2020

"Mister Drifter So True" Part 4 by Susan Pearl

Oh, Mister Drifter, yesterday we were outrunning the law
   by riding our horses as hard as we could going towards Arkansas,
And now I am on my way to Arkansas with just my brother, Jack, while you are ridin' back-
You and the three,---Oh, how lonesome for you can my heart already be,
You had whispered in my ear that livin' a life of fear isn't livin' at all to you-
That a man had to be held accountable and that's what you wanted to do--and do it for us-
Then you and the three rode off as Jack and I stood there in your trail dust.
How many months will it be to see you again or will that day ever come?
You cleaned your gun before you left - it needed to be done- the journey has begun.
Oh ,how you shined up your gun with rugged hands so familiar to the feel of it all.
Is it true you are a quick draw? These thoughts I wonder as Jack and I head out for Arkansas.
Mister, Drifter, you are so very true to what you know is the right thing to do.
And the way you handled your gun looked and seemed to be so very familiar to you.
My brother, Jack, said that he went with you behind the rocks and saw you draw.
He told it was quite a sight to see you draw your gun faster than a rattlesnake could strike.
Oh, Mister Drifter, the fact that you went behind the rocks shows that it was not for me to see.
I would have liked to see your draw, too.  Mister Drifter, is there something I don't know about you?

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