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Monday, March 23, 2020

"Mister Drifter - Help is on the Way" Part 6 by Susan Pearl

I'm thinking of you and the events of the day: Oh, Mister Drifter, I am thinking of you so much today.  It has been over two weeks since I saw you ride away and I watched through my tears until you were out of sight,  You didn't look back once and I wanted you to so badly.  Just one more glimpse of your face but  I know it could not ever be enough for me.  I learned your name yesterday.  Two bounty hunters stopped to ask for a cool drink of water.  They said that some posters had been tacked up at the train station and that the railroad was leaving posters at each stop.  They told very large bounty had been put on a man named William Morrison who goes by the nickname "Bill".  It had become a known expression that there was a "Just get Bill and pay off your bills".  I begged and pleaded with the bounty hunters not to hunt for you - that you didn't do it - that it was a set up, you had been framed and a set up plot was set just for you.  They listened, then shook their heads saying that there was nothing they could do and thanked us for the water. As they stared to ride away I shouted that Bill had often said that all it takes is one person with a conscience for justice to prevail. Suddenly, one of the bounty hunters turned his horse around and called back to me that he knew a man once that had said that.  That the man had come to his hometown that had been taken over by outlaws and had become an outlaw hideout. That man was the fastest draw anyone had ever seen and he cleaned up the town.  The outlaws left and people were safe again. He said that the whole town was indebted to him. I called back ,"Go to that town and tell them he is in trouble.  He has been falsely accused and wants the truth to come out and clear his name.  Go tell that in the whole town up and down the streets, in and out of all the stores and saloons.   The bounty hunter called back saying, "I will".  So Mister Drifter, I have to say with all my heart that I think that help is on the way.

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