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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Feb.21- "Deny Or Ignore"

In my opinion, there has to be a very clear way to explain the difference between denying something and ignoring something.

So to me---
Denying is not recognizing that something is even there.  Denial is not accepting the presence of something.  It is like that "something" doesn't exist even though it does. Denial is avoidance of the recognition of the existence of something.

Ignoring is recognizing something is there but treating it like it is invisible.   Ignoring accepts that something is present but gives no attention to it. Yet, its presence is acknowledged and not denied.  Ignoring is recognizing the existence of something but avoidance of it.

I have at times denied the pain and the hurt caused by some people in my life.
I now recognize the pain and the hurt and I ignore the people who caused them.

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