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Friday, February 15, 2013

Feb.15- "Grief" By Susan Pearl

I have read that bitterness and self pity are misguided forms of grief, 
But for self pity and bitterness there can be relief,
There are things in life that are not fair and things we can not understand,
But our tears and sharing of feelings with others can become likened to that of a guiding hand,
A guiding hand that helps us find an entrance to acceptance,
Acceptance of  a sorrow that won't leave,
Learning how to live with what we grieve,
We don't ever get used to it but we do learn to live with it,
Sometimes minute by minutes, bit by bit,
Until our minutes turn into an hour,
And hour upon hour will build a way to become one whole day,
We can not change the way some things are, no one can,
But acceptance can find an entrance when led by a guiding hand.

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