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Monday, January 24, 2011

#36 "Our Palate" By Susan Pearl

When I think of a palate I think of a taste palate.  I also think of a similar word, an artist's palette of colors for a painting.
I have heard the expression "it's an acquired taste" meaning that if at first we don't like something if we give it a chance we may get used to it and eventually have it become part of our palate.
Choices are there but our palate will determine if these choices become a part of our life or not.  So it is good to aware of our palate.
My taste palate likes certain foods and if I were to change my palate it would take an effort but those efforts may be well worth it to incorporate healthier foods and have them become part of my taste palate.
Maybe children should be taught to enjoy vegetables before being introduced to sweets.  Maybe vegetables would be part of the child's palate and be a preferred tasty delectable.
An artist can work with few paint colors on the paint palette because the artist is able to mix the different colors together and new colors can emerge.  It is really up to the artist to do this and it may be a matter of personal preference that will give direction and outcome to the painting.
I think we should think about our palate in life.  By that I mean can a person develope a palate for bitterness in life the same as perferring a bitter taste on a regular basis? Can we tell when something is way too rich for our taste?   Is it obvious to our palate when someone seems too syrupy sweet?  Can a person come across as just too hot and spicy for our palate?
We should consider our palate from time to time and consider how it can direct our lives, desires and actions.
Sometimes in the course of time the taste palate changes and what was once desired no longer carries the same wants.  Sometimes a person learns that even though the desire is still there the discomfort and risky outcome is not worth it.
Such changes may happen to our palate in life and can direct us to a new experience and new interesting aspects we hadn't known or attempted to try before.  It may be all a matter of taste and vision for us to decide how we paint our picture in life and to what extent we venture out from what is familiar and favored.

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