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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jan.24- "Husband's Surprise Answer" By Susan Pearl

My husband looked so happy the other day that I asked him to explain,
"What are you thinking?' I inquired,
I was expecting for him to say that I am the most wonderful wife ever desired,
Instead, he said he checked the jelly in the fridge and that the expiration date hadn't yet expired,
I think my mouth dropped open, I laughed, and I told him,
"I thought you were happy about me, I didn't know it was because you didn't have to throw out the jelly."
He smiled his smile that I love to see so much,
And we had jelly sandwiches that day for lunch.

Personal note:   I say-----"Isn't life grand"------!

My husband and I have been married for 46 years.

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