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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

#255 "Statis Quo Boat Passengers" By Susan Pearl

In my opinion:
There are two types of people who do not want to rock the boat of statis quo,
There are those people who can not swim and are afraid of the water. They doubt they could learn how to make it and feel safer in the boat of statis quo, even though in the statis quo they are low it is all they know,
Then there are those people of a high statis quo who can swim very well but they do not want  to get wet because it would be inconvenient and they want things to stay exactly the same way,
And so goes the boat of the statis quo,
Riding the waves of the times with passengers having dreams and passengers living dreams there are certainties and uncertainties in the statis quo boat,
With all hoping it will just stay afloat.

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