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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

#240 " Hovering Moment " By Susan Pearl

People can say "Give me my space",
"Stop breathing down my back",
"It feels like you are hovering over me",
But helicopters hover,
Birds hover and, also, angels hover,
And if it is not a  helicopter or a bird hovering over,
It may be a moment shared with a person who can be compared to a hovering angel,
Some people are there when we need them,
And their love for us is steady and long lasting,
Like a special guardian angel,
They are there whenever we need help or need a word of  encouragement,
They are not far away because they want to be there for us,
And, also, they love us and want things to go well for us,
These people in our lives are special and should be appreciated,
For the time, attention and any hovering moment they kindly give to us.

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