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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

" Avalanche 0f Pain " by Susan Pearl

Many years ago my good friends' husband committed suicide, 

It was an ultimate time of difficulty, courage and remembering the good times.

I wrote a song for my friend and sang it to her often. 

Today I know there are others going through this terrible time of sadness. 

I am writing this blog today with my sincere hope it will help someone somewhere.

Here is part of the song I wrote so many years ago.

"Avalanche of Pain" 

The heartache you gave hit me like an avalanche of pain, 

   taking out the view we knew.

But I'm feeling better and starting today, 

I'm not going to let the pain take the good times away.

I won't ever understand why you did what has been done,

Guess I'm not meant to know,

But I'm not thinking of that sad time, leaving it behind,

I'm thinking of the good times we had, they were many and fun,

And I believe brighter days will come.

I will always, always, always hold you dear in my heart,

I will cherish your thought and memory,

And even though it ended and we had to part,

Nothing can take the good times from me.

Nothing can take the good times from me.

I believe brighter days will be.

I believe this with all my heart, even though we had to part.

The years we had were filled with happiness and a job well done. 

I know with time a smile will come.

I will always, always always hold you dear in my heart,

I will cherish your thought and memory, even though we had to part.

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