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Monday, September 9, 2024

" Wonderful Dog " by Susan Pearl

 We had a wonderful dog, a true one in a million.

The dog was especially like a shadow to my husband.

Just like salt and pepper, when you saw one you saw the other.

Our dog liked to have my husband in view or bark, bark, bark!

One day a tree was between them  and our dog became impatient.

Every time the dog lost view, as the tree had become over grown, bark, bark, bark.

My husband stopped what he was doing and trimmed the tree.

That way he could be in full view of the dog no matter what projects he was working on.

I couldn't help but remind my husband that we had a couple of unruly bushes blocking the view of our house.

I asked, "If I sat by the bushes and barked would you trim the bushes for me"?

Needless to say the bushes were trimmed the next day and I didn't have to bark once.

Sometimes the right words at the right time can work wonders.

Just like a one in a million opportunity brought by a one in a million dog.

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