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Friday, July 9, 2021

"Time To Choose the Delicate Cycle " by Susan Pearl

 I think I should learn a lesson from the settings of my washer dial to now choose a "delicate" setting in life,

The "delicate setting" is a setting on the washer for less time of agitation and less force from the agitator because of a slower and gentler motion while washing. When I set the dial to be on the delicate setting I am choosing to dial back the amount of time and the amount of force from the agitator. 

Sometimes we need to be gentle with ourselves.  All of us have parts of our life and times in life that we are sensitive to and about in certain ways.  These times may have been painful and hurtful and we can now make a choice not to be subjected to more hurt or pain from them.  Maybe we have to limit our amount of time with certain others who add to the pain (now and then) when we see them. There is some sort of proven repeating track record that we are uncomfortable with because we don't know if more pain will be conveyed or not.

If I feel "put down" and my efforts "unappreciated"  after being with someone, maybe it is time I change my setting in life to a "delicate and gentle" setting and try a different way and new environment that is consistently uplifting and upbuilding.  I do not have to subject myself to what is not in my best interests.  I choose to turn back the dial to a "delicate setting" and make it an "often" used "option" in my life.

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