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Monday, September 20, 2010

#3 "Love for One's Self Brings New Strengths and Beauty"

A couple of months ago I was having therapy for some weak muscles.  The therapist kept telling me during the therapy session to be sure to tell her if I was experiencing any type of pain.  After awhile and into the therapy session, surprisingly, there came a sharp pain.  I told the therapist I was having pain on the right side.  She said that pain will always go to the weakest side.  So the therapy session showed us the right side was the weak side.  I didn't know my right side of the muscles was weaker than the left side.  I don't even know if my therapist knew it for sure but the pain showed the weakness.  Believe it or not a creative writing came out of the theraphy experience so here goes.

I thought that if pain always goes to the weak side maybe there are certain pains in my life that show me something weak about myself.  I thought about what causes me pain.  One thought was when I feel unappreciated.  Another thought was when people say something uncomplimentary about me.  These two things hurt me and make me feel a pain from the actions and words of others.  Then I thought about what weakness in me could cause me to feel this kind of pain.  I thought that if I look to others for my worth or value or self esteem I am dependent on others to feel good about myself and that would be a weakness.  If I am confident of my own worth and have good self esteem then I wouldn't be dependent on what others think of me to know I have true value.

So I decided to think this through a little further and this is what I discovered. It is out of the awareness of what is causing the pain in my life that brings to me an opportunity to do something about it in certain situations.  Out of the pain that shows to me an area of recognized weakness can come a strength of character that removes the pain of the irritation by this delvelopment of the new strength.  If the weakness is no longer there then the irritation will no longer be able to cause the same pain as before.  The hurt from others won't cause the same pain when a solid and good self esteem is in place.

I think a lot of lessons in life teach us how to love ourselves.  To love ourselves and to love others as we love ourselves.  There will be irritations throughout our life.  That is just the way life is.  But some of these irritations do not have to cause us tremendous pain if we recognize that the pain can be remedied by a development of a strength.  This strength can become a strength of character and to learn how to love ourselves will give us a rare beauty from within ourselves.

As this process of change continues our desires may change also and we truly may enjoy new surroundings.  To be around people who enjoy attacking others self esteem will not be painful but rather it will become annoying and new people who also have love for themselves will be more attracive associations.  So from the original pain can come a new internal beauty and a new external beauty to our environment and surroundings.

People who do not know their true worth, value or have good self esteem will have a weak side to them and pain always goes to the weakest side.  Maybe to have more peace of mind we should have more love for ourselves.  There is more to gain by having less pain in some circumstances.  Only an awareness of the true cause of pain can direct us to discovering a new beauty about ouselves that has been waiting for us to find.

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