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Monday, June 6, 2016

" My Garage Sale " by Susan Pearl

Many years ago I went to a garage sale,
It was there a plaque with an inspirational reading caught my eye,
That inspirational reading spoke to my heart in a special way,
I got it and brought it home and still have it to this day.

I have often thought of how I was at the right place at the right time,
To be where I needed to be to make such a special find,
That plaque was exactly what I needed to read to make me realize,
There can be peace amidst the turmoil of the changes in our lives.

I put the plaque on a wall and read it often silently to myself,
And, as I read it, the inspirational reading would somehow help,
It gave me pause and I would reflect how thankful I am for the "serenity",
That comes with prayer and peace to accompany me daily.

Now I am older and the time has come for me to prepare for my own garage sale with many boxes to pack,
And as I do I found that, at first, I couldn't even think of parting with my inspirational plaque,
But as time went on I realized maybe the plague could help someone else as it had helped me,
And that is what I truly hope can be.
So the plaque is in the garage sale and like, so many years ago that now have past with time, it will there for someone else to find,
Just like it once had been given to me at a garage sale on a table where the items are marked "free".

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