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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

#111 "Final Understanding" By Susan Pearl

It took me many, many years to understand the real meaning of some words that were told to me.
I felt so hurt, so let down, so betrayed and I was really crying hard when a person said,
"You aren't there emotionally.  This should not destroy you."
Those words at the time were another disappointment to me as I thought the person would become irrate as to know how I had been verbally mistreated.
I thought the person would console me for enduring such a verbal outburst directed towards me.
So the response at the time was interpetted by me to not be in the relationship that was destroying my happiness.
But this could not be because I had almost daily contact and responsibilities that involved being with this explosive and vindictive personality.
So I didn't consider the advice appliable to my setting.
After years and years of dealing with all sorts of people I now know the meaning of these wise words.
These explosive and vindictive people will be in our lives and it takes high emotional maturity on our part to not let their words or actions destroy us.
I now know and realize that the actions of others should not destroy me in any way shape or form and that I should walk away exactly the same as I was before experiencing the rude encounter.
The encounter should not destroy me.  My emotional maturity has to match the immaturity that is coming my way and even directed towards me.
Such an immature encounter should not destroy me.
I finally understand what was told to me so many years ago.
Or maybe I have finally developed the emotional matuity to not be destroyed by the immaturity of others.

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