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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

#103 "Being Humble" by Susan Pearl

Being humble to me is the opposite of being proud,
I was told once that a humble person knows his or her place in a relationship to other people and their lives,
So the bottom line of being humble is respect and having respect for the other person's life,
And respecting our place in the lives of others,
Being humble can be described as being a guest at a banquet and we automatically go to the exact placement of our place card because we know our place in our relationship to the host or hostess.
True humility would not want to be below the proper placement of the place card or to be above it, either,
True humility is knowing and respecting our place in the lives of others.
And to keep other people in their proper place in our life, too.
To put this into a practical way let's suppose each of us had a pole that is ten feet long, and we are to decorate this pole showing who and what is imprortant to us.
We are to put what is most improtant on the top and work our way down in order of importance.
Then we show the pole to others and they see our placement of them in our lives.
We see how they decorated their pole and we get to see our placement in other people's lives.
Now with two humble people, the poles will match in the placement of each other on the pole even though maybe nothing else on the poles matches.
That's the way being humble works,
Being humble is knowing our place in someone else's life,
And for the other person to know his or her proper placement in our life, too,
It happens respectfully with no one wanting it to be any other way or trying to make it any different,
We respect our place and by doing that we show respect for the other person.
No one should feel hurt-that is just the way time moves some lives on,
This works both ways and we should be aware of proud people who may not want to respect their proper place in our life.
If this ever becomes the case we must be aware that such people may think to much of themselves and are proud and not humble,
Therefore, they do not truly respect us or our life and the way we would like our relationships to be.
Those people need to redecorate their pole and move us down a few notches to be more in line to match our placement of them in our life or vice versa,- maybe we need to move someone to a lower placement on our pole because they have us at a lower placement in their lives and we should respect that.
Such actions would not only show respect for us and for them but it would also show being humble.
As we go through life and there is just so much of us and our time to go around we will again be changing our redeorated pole to correspond to our current settings and situations.
Humble people will respect that and understand it, too. and wouldn't want it any other way but to respect their place in the life of another.

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