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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

#110 "I'm A Doughnut" By Susan Pearl

In my blog I write a lot about self esteem.
The reason I do this is because there are a lot of hurting people who are looking for their answer outside of themself.
This can become a constant cycle of disappointment and looking more and more for answers to their life's changes and problems outside of themself.
I believe that once a person has found his or her own value and self worth inside that they have a peace and no longer have the need of trying to fill a void in life.
Knowing our true idenity gives a peace within ourself.
Sometimes it can be accepting the void and the realization that is can never be filled.
On the pastry table of life I am a doughnut.
I have a void by growing up without a dad.
This is the way it was for me and I have to accept it because this is accepting reality of who I am and respecting who I am, too.  Nothing can change it or fill the void of not having an opprtunity of knowing my dad.
I have had to learn how to accept who I am without bargaining that I can change it and become a cream puff when I really am a doughnut.
It is O-Kay to be a doughnut.
I am at peace with my life and myself and this is having good self esteem and gives a direction in life that comes from within me instead of being directed by what is outside of me and is trying to sell me a gimick to feel better about myself.
I can be a doughnut and be just fine and feel good about myself without following any gimicks.
Gimicks that promise they have the answer for me to feel good about myself when all the time I have it within myself to do just that.
Gimmicks that promise they can make me into a jelly roll, a cream puff a cinnamon roll when I really am a doughnut.
Self esteem is knowing who we are, accepting it and being at peace with it.
Otherwise we live a life in a ongoing state of bargaining thinking that if we 'do this or do that' it will make up what for some sort of lack. This lack is not being at peace with ourself or our life and that peace can only be found 'inside' of one's self.
I'm at peace with being a doughnut and I don't want to be anyone or anything other then who I have been designed to be.

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