My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

"The Kindness Doors" by Susan Pearl

 It is best not to take a person with a sincere kind heart for granted-

For people with a sincere kind heart are few and far between to find.

Sincere kind people forget themselves and go the distance to do their very best for the good of all

  and for the good of future generations.

They come through when needed and give whatever it takes-

   or whatever needs to be done to hold the line that has been won by bravery and courage-

   and for what is right for all to have dignity and respect.

Through the nights and through the days they make ways.

Ways that are better than before like opening a sincere kindness door. 

Sincere kindness can become the source of a great and mighty force. 

Bringing more opening doors to see and these are doors of opportunity. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

"The Locket in the Pocket" By Susan Pearl

 I put a seed of love into your pocket-

It is a locket.

Carry it in good health, my love. 

Maybe attach it to your watch chain,

Knowing my love for you will remain,

When you look at the time-

I hope you look at the picture of me in the locket-

And red rose lipstick kiss that is my seed of love to you.

May our love grow and we can hold each other again-

For the love we know is true and will know no end.

I put a seed of love into your pocket- it is a locket. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

"Keep Believing Good Will Come" by Susan Pearl

 An old fantasy legend said:

That the largest pearl, yet to be discovered, lays in a deep ocean bed.

The height and girth of the mammoth shellfish has only been documented once.

The following day after the documentation an underwater earthquake happened of immense proportion.

Since then the shellfish has not ever been seen again.

But a large boat has be been coming and having divers investigate a certain area 

   for over three years.

People are suspecting this consistent activity may be over the the finding of the giant pearl 

   inside the mammoth shellfish- but no formal announcement has been made.

Some discoveries are easy and sudden just like we happened to come across it.

Other discoveries take time and lots of waiting and insightful learning as if we are led -

  to the discovery through years of finding other discoveries that build our understanding to be able to  

 see the next new discovery waiting to be found.

 Like they say in both situations "it is not about the destination, it is about the journey".

A journey of seeing the positive hopes during negative times and believing good will come.

Monday, November 4, 2024

"Taking Time Gives Back" by Susan Pearl

 I have watched some exercise training classes on TV.

They talk a lot about core strength.

I have ,also, heard a lot about core values.

Having core values give strength.

Both take time, both take consistent commitment efforts,

   and both give back what we put into it.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

"Thank You Readers" by Susan Pearl

 I have completed writing 1200 blogs-

   and I would like to thank my readers for their support by reading-

   "Pearls Take Time".

My purpose in writing this blog is to bring encouragement:

through  humor,

through inspiration,

through experience

and through sharing something new that has shown me a discovery about life and love.

I hope to continue doing this and encourage others to read past blogs, also.

Thank You Very Much-

With Best Wishes,

Susan Pearl

Saturday, November 2, 2024

"Blessed Childhood" by Susan Pearl

Of all the thoughts of my childhood I have one thought that stands out from all of the rest and for which I am most thankful. My mother prayed with me every night as a child before I went to sleep.

I would be in bed and waiting for her and she came and sat on the edge of the bed and held my hand.

We recited a list asking blessings on family members and said memorized prayers together. 

She would kiss my forehead and pull the bedding up to be under my chin,

Once a week the sheets had been washed and dried on the clothesline all day.

I snuggled in for a good nights' sleep and felt so loved and safe.

Children should feel loved and safe.

It is like a positive launch pad to rise above the negatives in life. 

Friday, November 1, 2024

"My Dream Helper" by Susan Pearl

 If I was in an interview and someone asked me if I had a favorite teacher.

I would say to them, "Not all teachers are in front of blackboards".

Maybe they are called mentors but they definitely are teachers.

I think my best teacher and mentor in life has been my husband.

He is his own person with strong moral guidelines-

With great love, courage, hope and faith in his heart-

He guides a way to a better day-

With wisdom as his shining star we live a good life where ever we are.

He is a worker like I have not ever seen,

And willingly helps others like me achieve a dream.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

"More Time With Routine" by Susan Pearl

 I remember my brother asking our mother an important question.

He asked, "How did you raise us five children and make it look easy?"

Immediately, our mother answered his question without any hesitation,

She answered, "Routine, we had routine. I washed on Monday. I ironed on Wednesday.

I baked on Friday and we all cleaned the house on Saturday morning. 

Also, we had our meals on time".

She told that it was all routine.

She had a wringer conventional washer and hung the clothes on the line in the back yard.

That even had a routine. Sheets went on the clothesline closest to the street so -

People couldn't see the under ware hung on the second line when they drove by.  

Colored clothes went on the clothesline under the the shade of the tree so they wouldn't fade.

Come to think of it was routine upon routine.

I think routine gives more time in the long run.

Maybe when I think I need more time I really need more routine.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

"Embarrassing Fundraiser" by Susan Pearl

 I have a memory from when I was a little girl and Mother and I went to a fundraiser.

The fundraiser was buying a piece of pie.

My mother bought us two pieces of cherry pie. Yum. Yum.

Then my mother said to the lady randomly sitting across the table,

"This cherry pie would be good if it had some cherries in it".

The lady across the table stiffened her back and said indignantly,

"Well, I put two cans of cherries in it".

My mother lifted the top crust of the pie with her fork and said,

"Oh, yes, there they are".

I didn't know what we going on, but I did know we wouldn't be visiting for very long.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

"Baking Aroma with Empty Cupboards" by Susan Pearl

I have learned some lessons in a round about way.

I read a helpful hint for making a wonderful aroma in the house. 

The hint read to sprinkle cinnamon in a warm skillet.

That seemed easy enough and it worked like a charm-

Making a luscious fragrance in the house that was mouthwatering.

I left the house to run a couple of errands.

Meanwhile, my husband came home. 

When I returned home every cupboard door in the kitchen was open.

My husband said that he had been looking for what I had baked-

   because something smelled so delicious. 

I explained it was a helpful hint but I could tell he was disappointed.

Needless to say, 

   before the evening was over we had a tasty cinnamon cake for a late dessert.

I didn't ever do that helpful hint again-unless-

   I could back it up with something freshly baked on the kitchen counter.


Monday, October 28, 2024

"A Mother's Premonition and A Bat" by Susan Pearl

 Many, many years ago my mother asked me to vacuum the florescent lights in her living room.

The lights were at the top of the walls next to the ceiling at various places around the room.

The lights fronts and sides were enclosed with a beautiful wood which hid the lights yet put out a lovely and bright glow from the top..

I grew up in that house and not once had I ever seen the florescent lights "vacuumed" by anyone. Only the wood covers for the lights were occasionally dusted.

But there I was standing on a kitchen utility chair vacuuming away.

 Then suddenly there was a "thud" sound at the end of the sweeper hose.

I looked at the end of the sweeper hose and screamed as I saw a struggling bat looking back at me.

My mother ran over to hold me and she started screaming. 

My husband franticly ran to the outlet to unplug the vacuum because he thought we were being electrocuted.

I yelled, "No, it's a bat! It's a bat"!

My husband quickly took the vacuum, unplugged it and took it outside.

I was shook up and had to sit down.

My mother fanned me and said that she had a premonition that I would find the bat.

I asked,  "What bat"?

She answered, "The bat that has been hitting the ceilings at night and waking me up.  

I had a premonition you would find it".

I said, "Next time please tell me about any premonitions you have about me".

My husband came in and set down the empty sweeper.

It was time for mother's favorite TV show so it was time to leave.

What an evening!!!...a premonition and a bat.....who would have thought?


Sunday, October 27, 2024

"Night Growls Scare Me" by Susan Pearl

 I enjoyed living in the country five miles from town for 22 years.

But at first I had a few apprehensions-

Like the night I heard strange sounds during the night. 

It seemed like these growls were coming from outsight our open bedroom window.

The growls would stop for awhile and then even come back with more intensity.

My husband was sound asleep by I woke him and whispered in his ear the situation.

We were very quiet and waited. 

Sure enough we heard the growls seeming louder than before.

To my surprise my husband said,

"Thank you for waking me up so I could I could hear my stomach growl".

I don't remember what my husband had for dinner that evening-

  but I don't think I fixed it very often after that night.

From all those growling sounds-

  it must have been very hard to digest even if it was a family favorite recipe.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

"Loud Organist" by Susan Pearl

It isn't a laughing matter when a person starts to lose their hearing.

But for me it is best to keep my humor because losing hearing runs in my family.

My Aunt Pearl, who I was named after, said that she couldn't hear thunder 

   after  being 76 years old. Now, I am 76 years old.

She was the organist and put the pedal to the metal while playing the organ

   and not being able to hear one note.

I've heard it said that the organ was so ear piercingly loud

   that some of people didn't sing the line-

"Oh, hear this song", "Oh, hear this song" in one of the hymns.

They say the local Health Store sold out of ear plugs-

   on three different occasions in three weeks-

   and no one knows why......but I have my suspicions.....don't you?


Friday, October 25, 2024

"Drill and Drill Misunderstanding" by Susan Pearl

 I have to laugh about when I first met my husband.

I asked him what he had been doing during the week.

He would say he had been drilling. 

Where we live, in our area of the state, oil wells are being drilled.

I guess I wasn't familiar that when wheat is being planted that is called drilling wheat.

I imagined him drilling oil wells and I thought that he had to be very rich. 

I even told people I was dating a very rich oil man.

He invited me to meet his parents and we would drive to the farmstead and spend the day.

As we got closer to the homeplace I noticed there were no oil wells.

I asked him. "Where are all of the oil wells?

He told that they had no oil wells. 

I commented that he said he had been drilling.

He said that they drill wheat.

I said that is was nice to drill wheat and tried to change the subject.

"Do you have chickens"? I asked.

"Yes", he answered with a smile.

I said, "Maybe later I can help you pick the eggs".

He laughed and said, "You don't pick eggs---you gather them".

I answered, "Why yes, of course". 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

" Pearls Take Time " by Susan Pearl

 Our thirtieth wedding anniversary is today.

And thirty years is the pearl anniversary they say.

It seems so good to think how far we have come

   from those early days when we started out so young.

Like a pearl our love has grown more beautiful with time,

And, like a pearl, a love like ours is hard to find.

Do you know that pearls take time?

Do you know the love for you in this heart of mine?

It's so good to think how these things are so true

And take time to say how much I love you.

Sometimes pearls are set aside and kept in a jewelry chest,

Only to be worn on special occasions when we dress in our very best.

Well, it's always a special occasion for me to be with you,

And I treasure our time together-I really do. 

Do you know that pearls take time?

Do you know the love for you in this heart of mine?

It's so good to think how these things are so true

And take time to say how much I love you.

What the future holds in store for us I don't know what will be,

But I hope that it holds more of your love in it for me,

Because I have lived long enough to know-

" That like a pearl deep in the ocean below,

Under calm or stormy times-



Take time to tell you " I love you " each day.

Take time to listen to what you have to say.

Take time to be be there for you. 

Take time for our love to lead us through..

Take time to hold hands when we go for a walk.

Take time to look into each others eyes when we talk. 

Take time to say " Thank You " as much as we can.

And if one of us forgets we know the other will understand.

Pearls take time every hour of every day. 

Right now, dear love, they are waiting for us to find -- let love show the way.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

" Vice-Vise Dilemma " by Susan Pearl

A worker at a hardware store saw a customer looking to find something. 

He approached her and asked, "May I help you"?

She answered, "I want to see your vises".

The worker blushed and said, "We really don't know each other."

"What does that have to do with anything"? she asked.

"My vices are private to only me and a few select people", he quickly responded.

Then he asked, "Is there anything else I can do for you"?

She abruptly said, "Yes, I want to speak to your manager".

The worker summoned the manager and the customer explained the vise dilemma.

The manager asked the worker, "What is your problem with showing vises"?

"It's embarrassing", said the worker. 

"What"! exclaimed the manager and customer.

Then asking, "Why are you taking us to the gum ball machine"? 

"To show you my vice. I know how to get two gum balls out of the machine

   instead of one." the worker confessed.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

"Sea Question" by Susan Pearl

How mystifying is the sea,

Gazing at the rhythmical waves coming towards me, 

Gazing at the rhythmical waves going away from me.

Gentle or strong,

The wind will tell how long-

Fascinating waves flowing hours of marking time to be new 

Like a steady clock making another full day through,

For a day the sea is fighting against me as to where I want to be.

Or a day of a calm and peaceful sea assisting me.

The moving sea teaches the one question to ask, 

How long will these conditions last?

Monday, October 21, 2024

"Captivation Mountain" by Susan Pearl

Wondrous nature!  With mountain peaks reaching to the sky,

You are beckoning me and I think I know why.

More of you to explore,

More of you to know,

More of you to show,

This is where I love to go....

   and see the secret beauties you reveal.

Your call I feel making it ever again so real,

Pleasurable adventures unfolding-

The vastness of deep emotion I am beholding.

Like a lover luring me in-

To know a pleasure only you can give,

You are seductively drawing me closer...inviting our ongoing relationship to live.

A relationship that few can understand-

But I will return to you as soon as I can.


Friday, October 18, 2024

"Capable Love" by Susan Pearl

 I've been on this road of life and learned a thing or two-

The miles I have traveled are much more than a few.

And I've seen love and know what it is capable of-

Yes, I know what love is capable of-

This capable love brought me through the darkest night-

Brought me into the broad day light-

Love has carried my load down "forgiveness" road-

Giving more and more happiness to behold-

There is not anything on this earth-

That has the value or the worth- 

Of a capable love-

A love that can lead us on a mountain trail-

Find a path through a deep vale-

I've seen love and I know what it is capable of-

A capable love is stronger and willingly does its' part-

Love makes it through a winter storm-

To keep others warm.

It gives the gift of a wild flower every Spring-

From a heart so filled with good things to bring-

A capable love won't give up- or give in-

It is ready do what needs to be done again and again.

This beautiful capable love and what it is capable of.

This beautiful capable love and what it is capable of.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

" Egg Preference " by Susan Pearl

 I had a fun thought and would like to share it.

We were on a road trip many years ago to see my brother and family. 

At a cafe we were ordering breakfast.

Following our breakfast orders our 11 year old son said to the waitress that he would take the same 

as the last order.

The waitress asked, "And how do you want your eggs"?

Our son answered, "With the yolks poked".

We all smiled and the waitress enjoyed taking our son's order for "poked yolks".

Friday, September 20, 2024

"Find the Right Battery" by Susan Pearl

 Today has been "find the right battery" day, for sure.

My husband even went down town to buy a battery and came home with a brand new product because it cost half as much as a new battery.

It took him over a half hour to explain it to me.

We had to search the house for another battery.

We had to search the house again because the battery we found didn't test right on the voltage meter.

I am totally exhausted from battery hunting.

Wish I could find a battery for me right now that would give me a boost from checking so many batteries.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

" Avalanche 0f Pain " by Susan Pearl

Many years ago my good friends' husband committed suicide, 

It was an ultimate time of difficulty, courage and remembering the good times.

I wrote a song for my friend and sang it to her often. 

Today I know there are others going through this terrible time of sadness. 

I am writing this blog today with my sincere hope it will help someone somewhere.

Here is part of the song I wrote so many years ago.

"Avalanche of Pain" 

The heartache you gave hit me like an avalanche of pain, 

   taking out the view we knew.

But I'm feeling better and starting today, 

I'm not going to let the pain take the good times away.

I won't ever understand why you did what has been done,

Guess I'm not meant to know,

But I'm not thinking of that sad time, leaving it behind,

I'm thinking of the good times we had, they were many and fun,

And I believe brighter days will come.

I will always, always, always hold you dear in my heart,

I will cherish your thought and memory,

And even though it ended and we had to part,

Nothing can take the good times from me.

Nothing can take the good times from me.

I believe brighter days will be.

I believe this with all my heart, even though we had to part.

The years we had were filled with happiness and a job well done. 

I know with time a smile will come.

I will always, always always hold you dear in my heart,

I will cherish your thought and memory, even though we had to part.

Monday, September 9, 2024

" Wonderful Dog " by Susan Pearl

 We had a wonderful dog, a true one in a million.

The dog was especially like a shadow to my husband.

Just like salt and pepper, when you saw one you saw the other.

Our dog liked to have my husband in view or bark, bark, bark!

One day a tree was between them  and our dog became impatient.

Every time the dog lost view, as the tree had become over grown, bark, bark, bark.

My husband stopped what he was doing and trimmed the tree.

That way he could be in full view of the dog no matter what projects he was working on.

I couldn't help but remind my husband that we had a couple of unruly bushes blocking the view of our house.

I asked, "If I sat by the bushes and barked would you trim the bushes for me"?

Needless to say the bushes were trimmed the next day and I didn't have to bark once.

Sometimes the right words at the right time can work wonders.

Just like a one in a million opportunity brought by a one in a million dog.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

" Remember There is Hope " by Susan Pearl

When people become stuck in a rut and keep spinning their wheels, 

Remember there is hope.

Or when each load seems like it is being pulled up a steep hill

And the hill keeps getting higher and higher and steeper and steeper 

While the load keeps getting heavier and heavier.

Remember there is hope.

Hope is in motion for better days to find, 

Hope is keeping step with time.

Time and hope are in constant motion going forward to get across a line,

Leaving the past, that has gone by, behind.

Hope is in motion with better days to find,

Hope is in motion keeping step with time. 

Whenever a person is caught or hooked and needs a ways out

Hope is the opposite of doubt,

And know it is just a matter of time that the motion of hope will come

For the new forward times and better days will have begun.

Hope is the opposite of doubt,

How great it is to have the hope that pulls us towards a forward motion.

A hope that keeps moving us for the better days and the better ways to find.

Remember there is hope. 

No matter what troubles we are in

We can find hope for a new and better time to begin.

Monday, September 2, 2024

" Kristello, the Boxing Kangaroo " by Susan Pearl

Hi Readers,

Once in awhile I would like to write a short reading to be read to a child. Let's read to our young.

Best Wishes,

Susan Pearl 

Kristello is waking up to a very special day.

This is the day Kristello is going to show his idea for a new design of kangaroo boxing shoes.

Kristello has an appointment at the Kangaroo Shoe Company and Kristello does not want to be late.

"Oh! Oh! Where are the kangaroo boxing shoes", Kristello asked and then continues, "the shoes were on the table beside the front door and now they are gone".

Kristello thinks, "I will have to look for some clues".

"Wait", Ktistello says, "here's a note".

The note reads- Dear Kristello, I have borrowed your special design kangaroo boxing shoes. I want to win the power point kick punch contest today. I'll bring the shoes back as soon as I can. Thank you.            Your friend, J. K.

Kristello waited and watched the clock. It was time to leave for the appointment without the special design kangaroo boxing shoes to show the design committee.

Now, Kristello was in the waiting room for the appointment and he was wondering what to do.

Kristello thought, "No matter what, I am going to tell the truth".

Kristello was called into the meeting room.

"Where are the shoes?" asked committee member 5.

Kristello answered, "The shoes are being worn by my friend, Jay K., in the contest".

Committee member 3 exclaimed, "This is a brilliant presentation!!! I know this is a worldwide contest and it is being televised. Let's turn on the TV and see how your friend is doing in the competition wearing the boxing shoes with your new design".

Committee member 2 shouted, "Results! That is what we want to see. You must be very confident in the new special design of your boxing shoes".

Kristello swallowed hard and said, "I am very confident in my new design of my boxing shoes".

The announcer on the TV says, "Our next contestant is Jay K. Our top score right now to beat is 645, and that is an incredible score currently held by Rolland Drake".

Committee member 1 says, "Our last appointment for today is with Rolland Drake".

"Yes, it is"! confirms Committee member 6.

Committee member 3 screams, "This is all so very exciting. Let's see if Jay K can top Drake's 645 points. The timing of this presentation is so precise. It is incredible"!!!

Kostello states, "It is all on the line".

Committee member 2 says, "And right on time".

Committee member 6 says, "Looks like there is a bullseye on the boxing bag. Each contestant can kick the bullseye once with the right leg and then with the left leg. The boxing bag measures the pressure of the strike. The total of pressure points will then be seen on the big screen. Here goes Jay K. Wow!!! This single strike is off the charts. Jay K is the automatic winner"!!!

The announcer yells, "This is the very first time the strike has been too strong for the computer to register. The boxing bag is still swinging round and round. Amazing"!!!

The entire crowd yells and claps when Jay K is presented the trophy for winning.

The committee turned and formed a huddle for a brief discussion. 

Committee member 6 says, "Please, bring the special design boxing shoes here tomorrow morning.  We will have a contract drawn up by then and we would like to begin production as soon as possible. We really want to do business with you Kostello. We appreciate you making a new and better boxing shoe design and we think our customers will really like it. 

Kostello said, "You're welcome".

They all wished each other a good evening and left the room to go home.

Once home, Kostello found the the box of boxing shoes returned to the table by the front door. Along side the box was a returned key and a note.  The note read, "Thank you for letting me borrow your new design boxing shoes.  I won the contest.  The contest team want to hire me to be part of the contest team. I will travel with them to be a judge for regular ten round competition. I'm excited. So I have to catch a plane and start my new job. I know the shoes helped me win the contest. Thank you! I'll send you postcards from around the world. Also, I am returning your key. I didn't want to wake you up this morning to ask about borrowing the shoes. Hope you had a good day.

Kostello smiled and thought, "Both of us had a great day."

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

" The Race is on " by Susan Pearl

The restaurant hostess said, "Help yourself, everything is ready".

I love those words.

I think the reason why is because I know I can have all I want of the things I like and pass on the things I dislike.

The stampede is on!

Where is the meatloaf?

I just like the topping off of the macaroni and cheese.

Likewise, I like the frosting on both sides of a piece of cake.

And I love thousand island dressing on top of shredded cheddar cheese. 

That's it. Now back to my low fat diet.

But, first I need to lay down as I'm really not feeling that well.

Monday, August 26, 2024

"Speaking Up" by Susan Pearl

 The new student in school wasn't happy with her being transferred to such a mean school, but her family's work had frequent moves. Everyday she saw the same boy being bullied. It just didn't seem fair.

There was a class meeting after lunch today in the auditorium. She saw the class president, the class vice president , the treasurer and secretary on stage. The bell rang.  The class president went to the microphone  and called the meeting to order and for the secretary to read the minutes of the previous meeting. With no corrections from the audience the minutes stood to be correct as read.  There was no old business and so the meeting moved on to open the floor for any new business. The new transfer student stood and gave her name and asked if she could address the class with some troubling new business. She explained that she was a recent transfer and she had gone to several schools in high school and this was the meanest school she had ever attended. She wanted the class president to ask for ideas as to how the cut back on the bullying.  

The president was at a loss for words but said that no one had been hurt and no school officials had been concerned. She didn't think it was overly problematic. Then asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

The girl in the the audience said that she would like for the minutes to read that she disagreed and she wanted the school counselor notified that following today's class meeting she was personally escorting a very bullied classmate. She, also, wanted to know if any volunteers would join her and if anyone would like to help to please stand up.  The auditorium was tense. Someone yelled, "I vote for the meeting to be adjourned". The class president pounded the gavel saying, "Meeting stands adjourned".

"But we didn't vote", someone shouted.  Students started to leave. The girl made her may to walk beside the student who she thought was overly bullied. She held her head high and asked the other student, "Do you mind if I walk with you"? "Thank you". answered the student.

Then approximately fifteen students came and accompanied her and the student. One student said, "I've been thinking the same thing for a long time. We can do this!!!!!!!! Let's clap for our great classmate".

Things changed at the school. The change had been in the making for several students for quite awhile because they believed things were crossing a line and after awhile a few bullies actually apologized.  The girl was a "write-in" for the next class election and she became a very beloved and respected class president.    

Sunday, August 25, 2024

" Home Sweet Home " by Susan Pearl

 I am definitely an indoor TV person,

I am definitely an outdoor scenery person,

That is why I watch outdoor scenery movies on my indoor TV.

I don't have to go anywhere to see the best of both worlds.

I like sports.

And this, also, holds true for having the best seat in the house.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

" Happy Thought " by Susan Pearl

There have been two garden signs that I have enjoyed very much.

One sign read "No bugs allowed". The sign was on a porch amidst several beautiful overflowing flower baskets. 

Then on a fence entering a flower garden a sign read, "Only happy thoughts allowed".  That sign carried a special meaning because the gardener had recently lost some family members. 

So I challenge myself to think happy thoughts and sometimes life becomes a garden of discovering the beauty of a happy thought in different ways. Like a couple of days ago I was watching a show. The last thing I was thinking was to think of a happy thought. But then on the show it showed a flock of geese flying south. The sight of flying geese brings me a happy thought.  Change is on the way, the beautiful formation, the stirs me. Nature is wonderful and I'm really glad I found that one of my favorite happy thoughts is honking geese.  

Who would have thought? Honk-Honk!!!!

I'm glad someone took time to put up those signs because happy thoughts do unexpectantly come like a new bloom in the garden of life.  Isn't it great! 

Friday, August 23, 2024

" Compass Writing " By Susan Pearl

 The older retired couple enjoyed their daily routine of reading the daily paper each morning in bed with fresh brewed cups of coffee on the end tables by their bed. 

The older couple knew it was past time to size down. Both of them could barely walk, but they were not ready to go through their son's things even though it had been thirty two years since he had been presumed dead following the two week forest search. It had been a terrible, devastating time and all they could do is close and lock his bedroom door.

Immediately, after hearing the news of their son being lost in the  forest they had rented a plane and literally dropped fifty compasses over the forest where their son's last location could be verified. Their son had ran into the forest calling after the family dog. Both their son and the dog had never been seen again.

Their son was a fast runner. The track medals in his bedroom could testify to that fact. He was a new driver and had stopped the car by the forest to give the dog a break. A motorist driving by reported that the dog had bolted into the forest with their son quickly running after him. Neither the dog or their son had ever been seen again. Local people from the area said that fifteen feet inside the forest was enough to become lost and it was a very dark forest to navigate in.

The word "navigate" had given the thought of a compass to the couple. Maybe it wasn't too late for their son, so they dropped the fifty compasses.  But after two weeks of searching it was declared to no longer be a search and rescue situation.

As the older man sipped his coffee he reached for the paper. the wife had already pulled out the puzzle page and was beginning to ask a puzzle question when the ring of the phone interrupted.

The couple screened their calls so they listened intently for the message which said, "Hi, this is Al. Just making sure you read today's headlines. Thinking of you. I called the newspaper and told them about you doing the compass drop.  Don't be surprised if they call. Talk to you later".

The man shakingly set his coffee on the end table and fanned open the front page of the paper. He paused, adjusted his glasses, then read out loud, "Kansas family lost in the dark forest claim they were able to navigate to highway after finding an old compass". The couple wept.

The reason I wrote the "Compass Writing" is to encourage others that no matter where they are or what they are going through there are strong hopes from others for them to find the way to move past a trauma or difficulty. Generations like compasses have shown direction during hard times, showing the way we need to go. Let's look for these compasses and directions that lead ways for progress, ways to succeed and to find how the direction they show can apply to our own setting right now. There are people in our life who are like a compass of showing ways for good, ways of having things better and ways of being our best by moving in a forward direction for the benefit of all. These people have come across many compasses during their lifetime and made a decision to take a forward direction by being the best they can be not ever knowing how much good they have brought into someone's life.

We just don't know how much good a compass can do.

We just don't know how long it will take.

But for sure someone, somewhere will benefit from the encouragement that went before.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

"Some Anniversary Thoughts" by Susan Pearl

 I'm no Cinderella story,

An earthly prince I may not ever meet,

I haven't danced 'til the dawn of morning,

Still the promise of love I keep.

My knight in shining armor is the Kansas farmer who pledged his love to me.

We have had a good life together and we have been very happy.

Soon we will have our 58th Wedding Anniversary.

We knew our love was stronger than anything that would ever come against it.

We believed it when we began and believe it now, a love that stays lit, 

No matter how hard the going gets,

We still see each other as life's most wonderful gift.

Two ordinary people with an extraordinary love.

Hand in hand we'll go on knowing what will be, will be,

Me and the Kansas farmer who pledged his love to me.

Monday, July 22, 2024

"Stack 'em up" by Susan Pearl

 On lunchbreak at work a lady peeled an orange each day and stacked up each piece of the orange rind on top of each other. It made for a very easy clean up.

One day a man walked by and tapped her table saying "It's not how you lay them down. It's how you stack them up".....this led me to write this song:

Had a thought the other day,

When I heard a friend say,

"It's not how you lay 'em down, it's how you stack 'em up".

And the thought was new, like out of the blue,

That I could have a breakthrough-if only I knew how to stack 'em up.

Cause when life takes a toll- it will also show, what we need to know- to stack 'em up.

You've got to:

Stack 'em up and back 'em up those things you find and know to be true,

You've go to put them in line all the time in what you say and in what you do.

Reach high for an opportunity to find another new truth to see,

Stack 'em up for that "breakthrough".  Remember, it will be.

It's not how you lay 'em down, it's how you stack 'em up,

Cause when life takes a toll it will also show, what we need to know,

----to stack 'em up, and up and up and up and up!!!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

"Seeing Another Day" by Susan Pearl

 We had a thunderstorm pass over during the middle of the night this week.

It started out by sounding like distant rumbles.

Then little by little the thunder became louder and closer until-

Ear piercing thunder claps were directly over head.

Slowly but surly, the sound began to be less and less until, once again, it was a distant rumble.

A thunderstorm can carry a lesson about life,

That lesson is, "IT IS TEMPORARY". It will move on!

Our feelings will change---give it time.

It is not realistic to think a time of terrible upheaval will last and be that way forever.

IT IS TEMPORARY! It will not last and it will pass.

Our feelings will change and be based on current facts, 

    feelings of  hopelessness, helplessness and being overwhelmed will leave.

It just takes time, "IT IS TEMPORARY" , "IT WILL PASS" , "IT WILL NOT LAST!"

Live this truth and look forward to seeing another day.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

" Sixty-Seven Years of a Creative Impact" by Susan Pearl

I took time (pearls take time) to listen to a local news report about a workshop for teachers.

I noticed a container filled with new freshly sharpened colored pencils on a table and some blank papers laying beside it.

I thought, " Oh good, more pictures to be drawn by children."

"More pictures to be enjoyed and proudly displayed on the refrigerator held in place by decorative magnets."

Then I remembered a creative moment I had as a small child.

A volunteer lady helped me with it.

She supplied a magazine picture of a skier skiing down hill.

The picture showed the backside view of a skier skiing down the steep snowy slope. 

We glued the picture to be the background of an opened cigar box.

Then we filled the box with sugar.   The sugar was white and glistening which made it appear to be an  immediate extension of the snowy ski slope and the placement of a very small mirror-

     WOW! ---the mirror instantly looked like a beautiful finger lake.

She had cut some tiny sprigs off an evergreen tree and we stuck the sprigs into the sugar-

     transforming the sprigs into tall evergreens around the finger lake and dotting the landscape. 

We left an area with just snow (sugar) to line up and be an extension of the sky slope in the picture.

Then it was like magic ---I noticed the tracks in the snow made by the skies in the picture and I had a creative idea come to me.  It was exciting, it was new---it was something I had not seen before but I knew it should be and I knew I could do it.

   I took two fingers and made two ski tracks across the sugar to connect to the tracks in the picture and HOORAY! YA! It happened!! We had a 3D picture!!!! It had motion! We were on that snowy ski slope----it was a very inspiring moment in my childhood.

I don't know if the volunteer lady ever knew the what huge impact she made in my life                              that day, sixty-seven years ago. 


Monday, July 8, 2024

" A Brighter Day on the Way " by Susan Pearl

 Two lovers on a journey---a journey in time.

Two lovers on a journey-- they're going to make it just fine.

Each of them learning more together than they ever could learn apart,

Two lovers on a journey with one great love of heart.

She looked into his eyes one starry night and said,

"Whatever comes my way I know I have the strength within me to make it through. 

He said, "Yes, you do. my dear, Yes, you do."

She whispered lovingly in his ear, "I know I learned this from you."

It was a rough day when he went to work at 7:00AM and was home by 8:00AM.

His voice broke as he said, "The factory is closed. They gave everyone a notice." 

He held her close and gave her a tender kiss then said, "I know, without a doubt,

  I will find work again. I believe it will all work out. 

I've got a hope filled thought and I know hope will see us through. 

I learned a this kinder, calmer way of thinking from you. 

They embraced each other saying, "We will live to see a brighter day.

 A brighter day is already on the way."

Friday, July 5, 2024

" The Cycles of Love " by Susan Pearl

Love Shows--------Love Nurtures

Love Knows--------Love Sees Reality

Love Grows--------Love Gives For the Good of All

Love Sows---------Love Spreads Acts of Kindness

Love Goes---------Love is Forward and a Positive Motion

Love brings forth everything we need. 

Love Shows-------Love Nurtures 

Love is Bigger than Anything and Love Cannot be Contained.

Love Continuously Flows From One Generation to Future Generations.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

"The Puppy - Cane Showdown is on" by Susan Pearl

A very dear friend recently received a surprise gift from her husband---a puppy! 

This puppy has been very busy, fun and into everything. 

One evening the rambunctious little puppy was shaking and attacking a toy,

The vibrations in that area made a cane that was leaning against the wall change position.

The cane slid over several inches to rest in the corner of the wall. 

The motion of the moving cane startled the puppy.

The puppy growled and barked at the cane.

What makes this story so endearing and funny if that to this day-

The puppy, now several months old, still barks at the cane.

Sometimes something can bring new life into a home and life becomes fuller --

in a good heartwarming way. ....filled with unexpected laughs.

"WOOF" ----"WOOF" -----at that naughty cane------ that startled sweet little puppy.

The showdown is on.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

"The Pearl" by Susan Pearl

 I've read the "Pearl" is the birthstone for the month of June.

 It was a a life changing moment for me when I discovered the formation of a Pearl is caused by the pain and irritation of a grain of sand inside the shell fish.

 A self survival mechanism, called mother of pearl, keeps covering the grain of sand and in the course of time a  one of a kind, rare pearl is formed.

I have shared on my blog several times my Dad named me Susan Pearl.

My dad died when I was one year old.

It was painful and an irritation growing up with out a dad.

I had to learn to live with what I could not change....time and time again.

I knew he loved me very much and knowing that was stronger

   than any pain or irritation over the years.

So, somehow, I feel our own self survival mechanism we all have is "love". 

And in accepting changes in life love will help us go forward to a better day that is waiting for us 

to discover ---like a hidden pearl---a hard to find, one of a kind, rare pearl.

Each June I try to share something about the formation of the pearl because I think it is very important.

Nothing is stronger than love.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"Removing a Rose Bush Dilemma" by Susan Pearl

We have an unusual situation with our rose bush.

It is very unruly.  I have estimated it may be close to fifty years.

The long tangled twenty feet vines are covered with one inch spike thorns.

These thorns are capable of shredding garden clothes, snagging and piercing garden gloves.

The fact that the rose bush blooms for 2 days once a year- 

   makes a person wonder "Is this really worth it?"

Awe, but there is something special about the beauty of a rose.

Even if it blooms for only 2 days a year.

But our patience is running thin,

Maybe because we now have thin skin.

I don't think we should have to take a box of band-aids to trim a rose bush.

As long as we take time to enjoy the beauty of the rose bush I think it will stay in the garden.

There is something special about the beauty of a rose.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"Poem for Bullied Children" by Susan Pearl

Dear Children,

Don't wear the words of others,

To your own self be true.

Believe that you can do it,

Then try and then follow through.

 If others say you can't

And that there's no way, 

Let them be the ones who wear the words that they say. 

Don't wear the words of others, 

Believe that you can do it,

Then try and then follow through.

To your own self be true.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

"Contrasts Implement Hidden Beauty Discoveries" By Susan Pearl

I have been told:

Contrasts are a very important part of decorating-

Often times I apply this to enjoy the beauty of nature in a special way.

Like a fluffy white clouds crossing the sky above a permanent large rock-

The fluffiness of the cloud and the hardness of the rock contrasts.

Also, the wind blows the clouds and the permanent placement of the large rock are contrasts.

Moving cars, stationary trees.

Not all contrasts have to be about color.

But it is a interweaving of various contrasts, of textures and colors_

like the old weathered table of worn uneven blistered wood_

With a lone fuzzy soft fresh picked peach sitting on the table.

Many an artist has painted this comparison to the delight of others. 

Take the view for comparisons and contrasts in looking at artwork. 

And everyday beauty-

There's a whole new world to discover of texture contrast.. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

" Twice Agreeing Opposites" by Susan Pearl

 Those in a small rural area enjoy a trip to the city.

So much to do, so much excitement, so much to see. 

Those in the city enjoy a change of pace by visiting a smaller quieter area.

Less noise, less interruptions, less hectic, calm and peaceful surroundings.

But as opposite as these may seem, 

Both the rural person and the city person agree-

It is so good to get back home. 

Home truly is the best place to be.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

"Duck Surprise" by Susan Pearl

 I remember hearing a lady tell of the biggest surprise and scare of her life.

It was a busy day at the house when her son walked in and was carrying a limp duck.

He told her he had just shot the duck. 

She explained she was so busy that he should just lay the duck in the freezer and she would get to it as soon as she could.

It wasn't too long and she went to the freezer to get the duck.

Evidently the duck was not shot.  Rather it has been stunned and had woken up in the freezer.

When she opened the freezer door the duck flew out. She screamed.

A busy day had just gotten busier try to capture a duck flying around in the house.

What a duck surprise it had been! Quack! Quack!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

" Revealed Path " by Susan Pearl

 I was told of a road in life that I should go, 

Then as time went by, off of the road paths began to show. 

It took time for these paths in life for me to find. 

One by one they came and they went, no two the same, 

There were lessons to learn, beauty to discover, 

And learning from these paths revealed more and more

To understand and see things I hadn't I ever known before.

For when I felt I didn't belong,

It doesn't mean anything is wrong- 

It means a person knows their own true identity,

and they have chosen not to be what others want them to be.

To know that truth is a quality that will shine brighter and brighter with time,

And bring us to the mountain tops that only we can climb, 

Showing us heights and depths of satisfaction that few people know,

Because by staying true to who we are, we carve a path that only we can carve,

A path of our true identity that will shine through time,

And in some situations become a pathway that new generations to find. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

"Turning Point" by Susan Pearl

 In my humble opinion I think the expression "turning point" is expressing "change".

Life is change from birth onward. Life is filled with multiple turning points.

Right now there are several areas of turning points that people are going through or experiencing around them.

Turning points can be for the better---turning points can be for the worse.

We might not be able to stop a change.

      but as we work through it we can try to make it better. 

So every time a turning point changes things for the worse let's try to make it better.

And every time a turning point changes for the better let's be thankful and hold on to the 

     good work that is of benefit to all.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

"Where's the Button" by Susan Pearl

 Sewing on a white two-hole button onto the cuff of a man's white shirt shouldn't take too long,

I have allotted eight minutes because everything I need is right here,

and they say that half of a project is rounding everything up.

Now, where is that white button?- it was laying right here on the white shirt.

Should I shake out the shirt?

What is that ping sound on the glassware?

This room is full of glassware. It has been twenty minutes and I finally found the button.

Now I need to thread the needle.

I am safely putting the white button in an antique gold cup.

Now, to thread the needle. Yes, three tries isn't that bad.

I may have more mending so I am cutting the thread a yard long and tying a knot.

Here goes. Everything is lined up. Whoops! the thread is knotting up and I can't pull it through.

What to do> Slow down and get it done as fast as I can.

I cut the thread. Where's the button?

My husband walks in wearing a plaid shirt. 

He said, "They changed the dress code from formal to casual for tonight's club meeting.

"Neither of Us" by Susan Pearl

 My husband and I are into a more advanced time of aging. 

I was carrying some bedding today and one piece fell to the floor.

I asked, "Which one of us is more capable of picking that up off of the floor?"

My husband replied, "Neither.  Your not able and neither am I."

"Neither of us" was his reply.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

"New News" from Susan Pearl

 Hello Readers,

I would like to tell you that I have written nine children books. 

I call these books "The Friendship Series".

There will be more information about these books at a future date on this blog.

Wishing everyone the very best. 

Thank you.


Susan Pearl