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Monday, July 8, 2024

" A Brighter Day on the Way " by Susan Pearl

 Two lovers on a journey---a journey in time.

Two lovers on a journey-- they're going to make it just fine.

Each of them learning more together than they ever could learn apart,

Two lovers on a journey with one great love of heart.

She looked into his eyes one starry night and said,

"Whatever comes my way I know I have the strength within me to make it through. 

He said, "Yes, you do. my dear, Yes, you do."

She whispered lovingly in his ear, "I know I learned this from you."

It was a rough day when he went to work at 7:00AM and was home by 8:00AM.

His voice broke as he said, "The factory is closed. They gave everyone a notice." 

He held her close and gave her a tender kiss then said, "I know, without a doubt,

  I will find work again. I believe it will all work out. 

I've got a hope filled thought and I know hope will see us through. 

I learned a this kinder, calmer way of thinking from you. 

They embraced each other saying, "We will live to see a brighter day.

 A brighter day is already on the way."

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