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Monday, November 15, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl (Monday, mystery blog 14)

Miles: You've got it. We have the evidence from his own mouth. I heard his threat to your sister. I'm immediately ordering police protection around the clock for your sister wherever she is.

Garrett: (hurriedly writes down Gini's address and hands it to Miles) I'll call her immediately. I need to tell her what's going on and ask her to stay home for a few days.

Miles: Go ahead and make your call from the landline in my office. I'll be in there as soon as I implement into action this around the clock police protection for your sister.

Garrett: How long will that take?

Miles: Not long.  There will be an officer at her apartment door within fifteen minutes.

(Garrett goes into Officer Miles office and shuts the door.  He calls Gini on the landline phone.  She doesn't recognize the number and lets it go to voicemail.) 

Garrett: This is Garrett, pick up, pick up, pick up! Please pick up! (Gini answers by saying "what's wrong? Garrett excitedly says) Listen to me and I will explain more later. There may be a threat in motion to hurt you. (Gini shouts Who?!!)   It is that organization that paid Hanna's bill before you even knew the amount so you know this is serious because it is like dealing with a hidden web of connections. Lana's chauffeur, Nate, is one of their members he has been arrested because of my investigation of him. He told me if ever I went ahead with the information I had against him that the organization could hurt you as retaliation. They think that it would hurt me more if they hurt you. That's the threat and you are now under 24 hour police protection. They are on their way. There will be an officer on duty at your door in a matter of minutes. I'm asking you to stay home for a couple of days while we can sort things out.

Gini: (on phone) I can do that. (Miles comes into the office saying that two officers are on the way in an unmarked car.  Gini continues on the phone)  This is the second time I have had police protection.  I was threatened while I was prosecuting a big case. I know what to do.

Garrett: I love you ,Sis.

Gini: I know you do. Things will be alright. I'm glad you got the evidence you needed to make an arrest.

Garret: Was it really worth risking you?

Gini: Yes, for sure. I have dedicated my life for the justice system to work in behalf of all. I'll be alright. Don't worry about me. I should do a couple of things before they get here. I do have my own firearm and it should be ready.

Garrett: I want you on this line until they are there.  Just have your phone on speaker as you do what you have to do. I feel like I'm with you this way and I'm the one who has put you into this situation. (Gini lays down her phone which she has put on speaker and goes to her closet. Several minutes pass. Gini says)

Gini: I'm ready and they are knocking on my door.

Garrett: Let them in. (Gini carries her phone with her and answers the door. There is some brief conversation then Gini says)

Gini: Hand the phone to officer Miles.  (Garett does just that and Officer Miles identifies himself over the phone.  Gini says to Miles) I have Officer Jay Nelson and Officer Emily Miller with me right now.

Miles: They are exactly who are supposed to be with you right now.  You have our best.  Have a safe night. (Miles hands the phone to Garrett) 

Garrett: I'm feeling better now and I am more determined than ever to get to the bottom of all of this.

Gini: You go for it, Garrett.  I believe you can do this and I want you to.

Garrett:  I will. Thanks.

Gini: I'm excited to see what you come up with.  See ya. (They both hang up)

Garrett: I'm pulling out all stops. I'm working day and night until I get some major leads and definite answers.

Miles: Today you got the evidence to arrest Nate. Who knows what tomorrow can bring?

to be continued: tomorrow

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