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Friday, October 29, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl ( Friday, mystery blog #8)

 (After leaving the Automotive Restorations business place Garrett decides to stop at a local diner for lunch.  The diner is only one block from Automotive Restorations.  Garrett's original thought when he had gone into the restoration business was to talk with the owner.  Garrett knows there is no problem for him to find out the owner's name but chances are he may be able to pick up some information at the local diner. He parks his car and goes into the diner. Garrett decides to sit in a booth instead of sitting at the counter for lunch.  He wants to look around the entire place and see all the activity and interactions. The decision for a booth was made easy for him because there was only one empty booth.  Garrett takes a seat in the booth and a waitress nods and says)

Waitress: I'll be right with you.

Garrett: No hurry. (The waitress finishes with checking out a costumer. She gets a glass of ice water and some silverware wrapped in a cloth napkin. She grabs a menu and gives Garrett a big smile as she comes to his booth.  

Waitress;  Hey there, I'm Tam. (She hands Garrett a menu and places the silverware and water on the table in front of Garrett.)

Garrett:  Your name is Tam?

Waitress: Yes, by the time I got to second grade I thought "Tammy" was too long to write. So, I would leave off the ---m--and--y---and changed my name to Tam. (Garrett smiles and looks at the menu as the waitress asks) Do you need some time to look at the menu?

Garrett: No, I'm ready to order now.  I'll take a corn beef on rye with a touch of mayo and coffee. I take my coffee plain. 

Waitress: I'll bring your coffee.  I just made a fresh pot and you'll get the first cup.

Garrett: That makes me feel special.  (They both laugh.  Garrett can't help but think how good it feels to laugh.  It seemed like such a long time since he's laughed.  The waitress brings his cup and then gets the fresh brewed pot of coffee.  She brings the coffee to his table and pours him a cup.)

Waitress: You can have as many refills as you want. (Garrett nods and smiles then sips some of the fresh brewed coffee.)  Looks like your order is already in the window. (She gets his order and places it in front of him saying,) Enjoy.

Garrett: Thank you. I will. (He takes a bite of his sandwich and holds his napkin over his mouth before saying) This is delicious.

Waitress:  Good. I'll freshen your coffee.  Looks like you get the first and second cup of the fresh brew.

Garrett:  This coffee is as good as it gets.  Thank you, Tam.  (The waitress smiles and pauses as they look into each others eyes for a quick moment, then Garrett says) Stay safe.

Waitress: Oh, I do with all that's been happening lately. Sylvia, the one who was murdered, was a regular here.  She would come during her lunchbreak and then run some nearby errands. I was shocked. She and her guy, a real "muscle man", came in at least a couple of times a week together.  I haven't seen him since her death.

Garrett:  Is his name Max?

Waitress:  Why, yes it is.  Do you know him?

Garrett:  No, but I am getting acquainted with restored classic cars and I've heard of him.

Waitress:  I think they met at where she worked at the Automotive Restorations place a little ways from here. So sad. I better keep moving. Thanks for coming in. Come back and visit us again.( the waitress smiles and then she leaves to help other customers as the noon rush is on. Garrett finishes his lunch and he leaves a generous tip. Another person checks him out. After leaving the diner he notices he is right next door to a bank. Garrett decides to go into the bank and ask a few questions about the Guaranteed Transfer Rule.  Little did Garrett know that a major lead was awaiting him at the bank.)

to be continued: Monday, November 1,2021, 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl (Thursday, mystery blog #7)

(After Nate leaves Maze goes into the back bedroom and reaches into a box holding thirty to forty disposable phones. He takes out two phones. Maze puts on his motorcycle leather attire, helmet and large sunglasses. He's convinced no one would recognize him. He went to a storage unit, opened it and walks out his heavy motorcycle.  He then pulled down the storage unit door and gets on his motorcycle, revs it up and rides away.  He wants to get to a private place before making his crucial call. But yet, he thinks that if he made his call from a busy place it wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb on any ping towers.  He chooses to go to a busy city park to make his call. After arriving at the park he finds a quieter area and makes his call.  He gets a quick answer. Immediately, an answering machine states to a caller "please leave a message".

Maze: Wrong number.

Called phone:(Clicks and there is only a dial tone. Maze knew he would have to wait awhile for the other person to respond to his signal. That person would have to get ready and have a disposable phone, change locations and look up the number of Maze's phone.  "Wrong Number" was a code for phone number 18.  After about fifty minutes his phone rings.

Maze: Are we chilled?

Caller: The weather is fine for all systems to go.

Maze: I want to say there are some more complications with Nate.  He lied to an investigator about not knowing me even though he has a tattoo that I not only gave him, but, I also signed it.  It's right on his arm and he is saying he doesn't know me. I know he was put on the spot and had to think of something on the spur of the moment but what he came up with is now digging us into a hole.  Before long they will know me and the whole organization.

Caller:  That wouldn't be good.

Maze:  He lied about not knowing me but when it came to him telling about finding Gus he described Max to a "T".  I know Nate hasn't met Max but Max is a key player and now his description of being a "muscular, body builder type" is out there.  Plus, not only is his description out there but, also, the description of his '55 Ford Fairlane.  Can you believe it? How long do you think that would take to put together and find?  I think it wouldn't take very long. Do you know what I mean when I tell you how complicated he is making things? 

Caller:  Yes, I do.

Maze: I better go and throw away this phone.  I'll call again.

Caller: Wait. We shouldn't have to cleanup his messes. That's part of our code. He is not following what is the best thing to do. He should know better.

Maze;  That's just what he did with Lana. He didn't follow a loyalty code to our friendship. He didn't follow the best thing to do. He didn't do the right thing for our friendship and she lost her life for it.

Caller: Maybe it is time for Nate to really formally meet Max, if you know what I mean.

Maze. For Lana's memory I'd like to be there and see him get what he deserves.

Caller: It's going to happen.

Maze: The sooner the better.

Caller: It's going to happen.  Call me in one week for the plan and details.

Maze: You've got it. (Maze disposes the phone in a nearby trash can. He drives his motorcycle back to the modular home and parks, turns off his motorcycle in front of the storage unit. He opens the garage door, walks his motorcycle into the storage unit and starts to close the garage door.  When he is  reaching up to pull down the door he notices a piece of tape.  He immediately knows Nate has put the tape there to see if he has used his motorcycle.  Maze carefully pulls down the overhead door and lines up the tape to reapply it to the door. Maze is thinking, "Nate can't even do this right". Maze shakes his head in disgust and then redirects his thoughts to being so glad Nate's days are definitely numbered and he can be there to watch it all happen.)

to be continued; Tomorrow

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

"Chasing The Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl (Wednesday, mystery blog #6)

(After Maze comes out of the hidden closet Nate says,)

Nate: I hope you had time to calm down after our disagreement this morning.  I don't want Lana's death to be a subject that keeps coming up with you being so angry at me.

Maze: I will always be angry that you didn't call me to tell me she had another ride to her apartment that night.  Or, that she wanted to meet someone else and that person would take back to her apartment after they had some time together.  What kind of friend are you anyway.  Wouldn't you want me to know if she was wanting to see someone else?  Don't you think a loyal friend would inform a true friend of something like this when it is going on.  If you had called me she wouldn't have been killed by Hanna.  She was no match for Hanna.  You played into Hanna hand by not being a true and loyal friend to me and I will always hold it against you.  I don't really ever want you to be on my team.  I can't trust you to do the right thing.

Nate:  But, we are supposed to work together on this north region that The Dover brothers had been assigned. That should be our focus now.  We don't have to be friends even if we have to work together. 

Maze: We are definitely not friends. I'm not so sure we ever were. Friends have each others back.  You didn't have my back when you didn't tell me Lana was meeting someone else.  Who was that jerk that was just here? What a real nuisance?  I could near at a distance he was asking you a lot of questions.  What do you think of all his questions?

Nate: That's Garrett. He's a private investigator who came out of nowhere. I think he is a loose cannon that could blow things up.  He knows I am lying about not knowing you. (Nate and Maze visit about every question and every answer Nate gave to Garrett.  In addition Nate tells Maze how Garrett's sister had been Hanna's attorney and she and Garrett had worked hard in Hanna's behalf.                Meanwhile, on a whim, Garrett pulls into the Automotive Restorations parking lot.  Garrett goes into the business to talk to the owner.  Garrett is interested in finding out something about a muscular built man who drives a 1955 blue and white Ford Fairlane. Garrett steps up to a counter and is quickly approached by young man in a work uniform.)

Man in work uniform: Can I help you?

Garrett: I would like to speak to the owner.

Man in work uniform:  He's taken the day off.

Garrett: What is the owners name?

Man in work uniform:  I've been given strict orders not to answer any questions that could help investigate the murder of our receptionist..  The owner was interrogated for three days and he says that is more than enough.  He has done all he can do.

Garrett:  I can understand that. Thank you.  (Garrett starts to turn around but immediately turns back towards the young man. Let's change the subject. I am interest in a 1955 Ford Fairlane.  I heard the restored car was a real show stopper at a car show.  The owner of the '55 Ford Fairlane is a very muscular man. He looks like a body builder. 

Man in work uniform: Oh, that sounds like Max Wellbrock.

Garrett: Do you know anything about him?

Man in work uniform: Not really.

Garrett:  Can you look up his address on a customer file list?

Man in uniform: I can try. (He pulls up a data base customer file of names and addresses on the computer) Here it is. (Garrett gets his notepad out of his shirt pocket and has a pen in hand and nods that he is really)  Max Wellbrock, PO Box 482 (Then he reads Garrett the zip code) I guess that's it. That's all we have. 

Garrett: That helps me. Thanks again.

Man in work uniform. You're welcome. (Garrett leaves.  Now, things are starting to feel like he is making some progress.                                                                                                                Meanwhile, at the modular house, that serves as an office for renting the storage units, tensions between Maze and Nate are on the rise.) 

Maze: I can't think straight right now. 

Nate: Let's try real hard to have a regular conversation without mentioning Lana and then we will build on that.  I know we have an opportunity that could have astronomical rewards. Maze, tell me what you think we should do right now.  Take a deep breath and tell me.

Maze: I know we have to remember we have this whole north region to cover and account for since the Dover brothers were killed.  We've got quotas to meet. We've got to prove ourselves. When we reach the top tier status we'll have rank in the organization. Our goal is to continue the Dover brothers development of a customer base and add people to sign up for Guaranteed Confidentially Rule wired deposits to bank accounts in our region.  If we can meet our quotas the organization would reward us big time.. For now, we'll lay low and work as hard as we can for the organization for getting the clients who will sign the contract for money wire deposits into their accounts. Dover's were getting more clients all of the time and was getting more orders from the organization to find more places for deposits.  The organization is expanding into several countries. They need more and more places all of the time to put their money and will pay for having a place for their money to be held for them. 

Nate:  Let's do this. I'm going today with some contacts for prospective customers to sign. I'll be seeing them each month with their "cash" payments for honoring the contract. No surveillance equipment to record any of my comings and goings. That's a must.  That's the first thing they have to do before I talk to them.  I'll get the updated print out at the usual place.  I'm going to put in a full day.  After I put the Chevy away I'll get out my old sedan and begin to make the rounds. 

Maze: I'll stay here for now until things cool down for me.  You can tell by Garrett's questions that things have not calmed down. If he keeps making a nuisance of himself he may not like what's going to happen.

Nate .What do you mean?

Maze:  Everybody has an Achille's heel.

Nate: What do you think his Achille's heel is?

Maze:  I think his Achille's heel is his sister. I'm already beginning to think about it. She was Hanna's attorney and trying to help her, and knowing what really happened to Lana, that is not setting well with me right now. So I would have absolutely no problem dealing with Garrett's sister. In fact, I would welcome it.(Nate gets thirty contacts out of a hidden compartment in the hallway and says,)

Nate; This is my goal for today.  Thirty signed contracts. (Nate leaves.)

Maze: (says to himself) Yes, he is gone, finally. 

to be continued: Tomorrow

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl (Tuesday, mystery blog #5)

 (Nate hurries to unlock the front door.  Garrett is waiting on the small wooden porch.)

Garrett: When I grabbed up my file I forgot the picture I had handed you to look at.

Nate:  I'll get it. (Nate goes to the desk and retrieves the picture and takes it to Garrett saying,) There you go.

Garett: That should do it.  I don't want to wear out my welcome.

Nate: (Looking at Garrett with an arched eyebrow he firmly says,) No, you don't.

Garrett. I see you rolled up your shirt sleeves.  You must have gotten busy doing something.  Still I'm surprised you had locked the door so soon after I left especially with that sign in your office telling people to just wait. 

Nate:  I have another sign I was in the process of getting to put on the door. (Nate leaves momentarily and comes back and hangs a sign reading, "All our storage units are full - there are no storage units currently available for rent." (Nate nods at Garrett and then shuts the door and relocks it.  Garrett starts to leave but suddenly stops before entering the main road, shuts off his car gets out and walks back to the small porch and knocks on the door again.  Nate watches from the window and returns to unlock the door. He answers the door saying)

Nate: Are you kidding me!  What else could there possibly be? Don't you have anything else to do but to keep interrupting me?

Garrett:  I want to ask you if you know Maze Arman?

Nate: No, I don't. Never heard of him. 

Garrett: Did you know Sylvia Quade?

Nate;  Isn't that the name of the murdered victim from last week?

Garrett:  Yes, she was a receptionist at Automotive Restorations near here.  I thought that, maybe, you knew her from your restoring cars. 

Nate:  I've been at Automotive Restorations a few times but I can't remember seeing a receptionist. 

Garrett: Of course not.  I noticed with your sleeves rolled up that you have a cobra snake tattoo signed by Maze on your right forearm.  It puzzles me that you have a tattoo from Maze and yet you say you don't know him. 

Nate: So? Big deal.

Garrett: It is a big deal. So, just to enlighten you about Maze. He is a good artist and a very good tattoo artist.  I've heard that for his very good friends he will give a free tattoo with his name under the tattoo.  Those free tattoos are the only tattoos he will sign. When I noticed you have rolled up your shirt sleeves and you have a cobra tattoo signed by Maze on your right forearm it suddenly made me realize you have to know Maze so I stopped my car and came back. Since you say you don't know Maze I now want to tell you about how special of tattoo you have since it is signed by Maze. (Nate crosses his arms in front of him looks very stern at Garrett but remains totally silent. Garrett continues.)  I just wanted you to know if you have no recollection of Maze you must have been unconscious when he gave you the tattoo.  Of course, that would also explain why you don't know Maze even though you have one of his special signed tattoos.  Can you think of any other reason why you would have a tattoo he gave you but yet you don't know him. You must have been unconscious while he was giving the cobra tattoo right here on your arm. (Garrett points to the word "Maze" under Nate's cobra tattoo.)

Nate:{Impatiently)  Is there anything else? (Garrett nods his head in the affirmative. Nate rolls his eyes sighs and asks) What is it?

Garrett: I can't help but think what a conversation piece your restored car must be.  I bet people approach you and ask questions about the car, or share memories and stories like I did.  I think it would even be easy to give someone a ride in a restored car. People would let down their guard and want to ride in a restored car.  They would consider it a special opportunity and not even think twice about accepting a ride in a restored nostalgic car from a past era even though they would be riding with a total stranger.

Nate:  I wouldn't know anything about that. What is this all about?  What is your problem with me?  I can assure you I don't even let people touch my car yet alone let them get into my car. As for Maze giving me a tattoo, sure, I can play along with your "unconscious theory". Because of my anxious condition some friends of mine got the idea to have my dream tattoo done while I was passed out from drinking too much. They had Maze give me a tattoo so when I woke up I would have the tattoo I had been wanting for a long time but too anxious to get.  They would have gotten the best tattoo artist for such a wonderful surprise gift to me. The fact that he took time to sign it makes it even more special to me. I really don't know him but he does have a great reputation for being one of the best. My friends would have hired him because they wanted me to have the best.  Now, that should answer your "unconscious" theory.

Garrett:  You are good at lying through your teeth, but, did your friends hire him to put his initial "M" on your painted sign on the wall by your desk...but that couldn't be. No, because you said a good friend had painted that sign for you.  The "M" is for Maze.  Even I can tell that is one of his paintings.  

Nate: I think you better go. You are way, way, way over staying your welcome.  Don't come back again. I mean it! (Nate slams the door in Garrett's face.  Garrett leaves and, once again, Nate watches from a window.  When Garrett is out of view Nate goes to the back bedroom and knocks three times on the closed door. The paneling on one wall of the bedroom slides to reveal a large hidden closet. The closet has an air mattress on the floor, a fan, bottled water and one folding chair. Out from the hidden closet walks Maze.

To be continued: Tomorrow

Monday, October 25, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl (Monday, mystery blog #4)

"Chasing the Evidence Race" is a fictional writing by Susan Pearl.  Any similarity to any actual event is coincidental)

(Garrett glanced around at the cleanliness of the house and commented)  This is really a nice place.  Someone should live here.

Nate:  I do live here.  You know how most people go out for their morning jog.  I go out each morning for a drive in my vintage car.  It really is enjoyable.  I get a lot of looks.  I have to laugh when I take the limousine out for a morning drive and with the tinted windows and people do a double take because they are wondering who could be the important person in the backseat of the limousine.  So, when you came I was out for my morning drive. When I came back I saw you waiting and thought you were probably here for a storage unit rental.  Tomorrow I'll be driving my 1963 Studebaker Lark sedan.  It's a real head turner.

Garrett: You sure keep this place spotless.

Nate:  I'm a slight to mild germophobic.  I don't like to be close to people because of microorganisms.  I'm a lot better than I used to be.  I keep working on it.

Garrett: I heard you found Gus.

Nate: Another guy was ahead of me. In fact, he held the door open for me when I was going in. He went up to the bar before me and then hurriedly looked behind the bar.  He told me Gus was on the floor and looked dead. He tried to take a pulse but he couldn't find one.  He said he was going to call the police and we should wait outside to not contaminate the area.  Well, that word "contaminate" was enough to give me a full blown panic attack.  I hadn't had one in awhile. I was having trouble breathing so he told me to just go on and that he would take care of things with the police.  After all, he had been the first to find Gus and he had tried to take a pulse.  So I left and came home to calm down and take a shower.  I limit myself to one shower for each panic attack.

Garrett:  Did you know the man?

Nate: No, but I have seen him at some car shows and swap meets.  He is very muscular and looks like he works out a lot.  At the car shows he drives a restored blue and white 1955 Ford Fairlane.  At first I thought that his car and my '55 Chevy looked a little similar but then I noticed more differences because of the chrome work, the grill and the tail lights. They are both great and nostalgic cars to me.

Garrett: Do they have any car shows or swap meets coming up.

Nate: I haven't checked. It seems to wind down this time of year.  People kind of go to their favorite shows and swap meets during the year and once they are over they wait for the same ones the next year. Of course, there are people who probably go to every one they can.

Garrett:  Tell me about the memorial service for Gus.  How about it?

Nate:  How about it?  I went for awhile and left.  That's all.

Garrett:  Did you set things up for the service?

Nate: No.  I just went to pay my respects at a distance.

Garrett: This morning I noticed when I drove off the main road onto your gravel parking lot that you do not have any visible surveillance cameras.

Nate: No, not any more.  I am beginning to think that it has become too problematic to keep replacing surveillance cameras.  That they are more trouble than they are worth because they get broke as fast as I can have them installed.

Garrett: Thanks for your time.  If I have any more questions can I give you a call?

Nate:  I'd rather you stop by.  That would work best for me.

Garrett:  I like your beautifully painted sign on wall the that reads, "Have a seat and I'll be with you as soon as I can" and so I will do just that if ever I want to talk to you again.  That sign is beautiful and looks like a professional artist painted it.

Nate:  It is. An artist friend painted it for me.  He has a way with contrast of colors.  I get a lot of compliments on it.  

Garrett: I am learning that some artists do have a recognizable style, especially if they leave an initial or something identifiable.  Like this painted sign has a "M" in the right hand corner.

(Garrett picks up his file and leaves.  Nate watches from a window as Garrett drives out of view and then Nate locks the front door.  Nate walks down the hallway and notices a small cobweb in the corner of the hallway ceiling. He rolls up his long sleeves, gets a broom and knocks down the cobweb. He then cleans the broom and returns it to the laundry room closet. As he comes out of the laundry room he hears someone knocking on the front door again. Garrett has come back.

to be continued: Tomorrow

Friday, October 22, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl ( Friday, mystery blog #3)

 (Garrett couldn't believe his eyes as Nate Stricker pulled up in front of the office in a restored 1955 Chevy Bel Aire.  The car was a beautiful blue and white with whitewall tires. That nostalgic blue color only found in that era of cars carried Garrett thoughts to have some quick memories of his childhood. Nate got out of his car, climbed the three wooden steps to the small wooden landing of a modular home that serves as the unit space rental office. Nate started to unlock the door when Garrett called to him.)

Garrett: '55 Chevy, my grandmother's neighbor had one and I thought that was the neatest car whenever we would visit her.  That blue is incredible.

Nate: It's one of my favorites, too. (pauses, then says)  We don't have any storage unit rentals available to rent right now.  We are full. 

Garrett: I'm not interested in renting a storage unit. I am really here to talk to you.

Nate: What for?

Garrett: Two things. One is being Lana Daltine's chauffeur and the other is about the death of Gus.

Nate:  You don't pull any punches do you?

Garrett:  It's not my style.  I'll tell you what I know and maybe you can fill in some of the blanks.

Nate: Come on in. (Nate unlocks the door.  Garrett is carrying a file and climbs the three wooden steps  following Nate into the office part of the modular home. Nate sits at his desk and Garrett sits across from him.  Everything is absolutely meticulous.)

Garrett: My name is Garrett Cummins.  I am a private investigator.  Garrett opens his file and hands a picture to Nate saying) I have this copy of a picture taken by Lana Daltine at J.J.'s Jewelry and it clearly shows you to be the chauffeur waiting for her by the store's front door.

Nate: And what if I deny this being me what would you do next?.  What is your leverage?  

Garrett: My leverage is to ask for have a search warrant to be issued for the storage unit where the limousine is being stored right now. I would then insist to impound the limousine for DNA evidence. Such evidence would prove that Lana had been in the backseat of the limousine.  I'm just one call away from calling the police and I have been instructed by a top officer at the police station to keep in touch.  They could be here in two or three minutes to guard the storage unit, not enough time for you to remove the limousine. But even if you would drive the limousine to evade a search I would follow you.  This isn't going away. I know which storage unit the limousine is in.  It's your call.  What do you have to say?

Nate: I do have a limousine in one of the storage units and I was hired to be Lana's chauffeur once a month for the last seven months.  It doesn't mean anything because I do have a limousine service for a few regular customers.

Garrett:  Who hired you?

Nate:  I don't know. I got a call and the person did everything by wired transfers and it paid very, very well.  In fact, it paid so well I didn't ask any questions.  I did try to find out where the money wire came from and I was told by the bank that the transfer falls under the title of a Guaranteed Confidentiality Rule which makes it automatically an allowed transfer.  Besides the wired transfer being deposited into my account at the bank, Lana would, in appreciation, give me a three hundred dollar tip in cash for being such a good and attentive chauffeur each month.

Garrett:  I never heard of such a thing.

Nate; Me either...but that doesn't mean something like that doesn't exist....does it?

Garrett:  Why didn't you return Lana to her apartment complex that night?

Nate:  She told me to leave her off at a high brow coffeeshop in the Dover Brothers Properties District. She said she was going to meet a friend there and the friend would bring her back to her apartment.  Of course, that didn't happen. She ended up murdered.  I know nothing about that.

Garrett:  Had she ever asked for you not to return her to her apartment complex before?

Nate: No, that was the first and unfortunately, the only time.

Garrett:  Do you have any idea how she would pay cash for her jewelry?

Nate; Well, that was part of my job..  I was instructed to first go to the cash currency exchange and pick up a box addressed to me.  I did and I had to sign for it.  I was instructed to give the box to Lana and not to open it.  Well, she opened it in front of me and it was full of one hundred dollar bills. She would count out twenty thousand dollars worth of one hundred dollar bills.

Garrett:  Do you know who sent that cash wire exchange.

Nate.  No, I didn't ask and they didn't tell me.  They kept the receipt I signed.

Garrett:  Did it seem strange to you?

Nate: It seemed more than strange.  It reeked, like I was putting my hand in the till for a minute or two and that was more than enough for me.  I knew something wasn't on the up and up but I felt I was outside the realm with any involvement of anything illegal.

Garrett: Did that night seem different?

Nate: Yes, it did, in more ways than one. 

to be continued:  Monday, October 25th, 2021---mystery blog #4

Thursday, October 21, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl ( Thursday, mystery blog #2)

(Garrett waits at the police station for when Miles would have time to talk with him.  In less than one hour Miles motions Garrett into his office))

Miles:  What's on your mind?

Garrett:  You know that chauffeur, Nate, that was in the picture taken by Lana? (Miles nods) I went to the bar to talk to the bartender.  The bartender is supposedly dead.  Nate supposedly found his body behind the bar.  I say "supposedly"  because I can't find any evidence of a death, no death certificate, no mortuary, no coroner, no nothing. Can I file a missing person alert for someone who has had a memorial service?

Miles: Come again? I don't think I heard you right.

Garrett:  Oh, you heard me right.

Miles:  I only give my opinion when it is asked for.  So if you want my opinion on this, you've got to ask me for it.

Garrett:  Alright.  I'm asking. What is your opinion?

Miles:  In my honest opinion, let this doubt about the death of Gus go for now and concentrate all your efforts on finding Nate, the chauffeur.  I think he's the one in the drivers seat, so to speak, for getting some answers. Who contacted him to be the chauffeur and which limousine service provided the limousine?  Why was it important to Lana to show him in the picture she took while buying the necklace? Your initial thought was that Lana purposely showed the chauffeur in the picture was because she may be trying to give a clue to follow.  My opinion is that you should continue pursuing your initial thought and find Nate for some questions to answers.  He may ,also, be able to explain about finding Gus dead and how the arrangements were handled. 

Garrett:  I think you are right.  I will pursue finding the limousine company or figure out where the limousine came from and that should lead me to Nate Striker.

Miles:  I hope it happens.  And I'll ask around if anyone knows anything about Nate Striker.

Garrett.  I think I'll get started at the newspaper office. If they have any of the magnification pictures I would like to see them  Since it has city traffic and the limousine is in front of the store I might be able to pick up some license tag numbers from that night.  Even people driving by the store there could be a person who remembers the limousine and remembers something about it.  I'll check surveillance cameras on the stores and streets and see if I can possibly get not only get the license tag number of the limousine but, also, any other vehicles in the picture.

Miles:  Sounds like a tall order. (Another officer comes to the doorway and tells Officer Miles there is an emergency situation that needs him.  Officer Miles gets up immediately and follows the officer into the next room and closes the door. In a few moments  Miles hurriedly exits the room and briefly stops into his office to tell Garrett) Bad news. It's breaking news and will be on TV shortly.  There's been another murder.  They discovered the body 30 miles from here but the identification and preliminary work already proves the person lives and works in the city.  I've got to go. 

Garrett:  Copycat killing?

Miles:  We'll see. This murder has been committed farther from the city as to what we usually see. Another element of investigation is finding where and when the victim got or was forced into the vehicle.  When the breaking news is released momentarily on TV and radio we will start having tips and information calling in from witnesses. (Miles leaves)             

(Garrett is stunned at the news as he leaves.  He drives directly to the newspaper office.   He explains to the front desk help about wanting to see the magnified pictures if any were available. The help leaves momentarily and returns with stack of twelve pictures.  Each picture focuses more and more of the necklace and less and less of the surroundings.  Garrett hadn't thought of that and realized that he should have had that kind of forethought. He basically had one large magnified picture to work with showing Nate. Garrett asks for a copy of that picture and the front desk helps to accommodates by making a copy and giving it to Garrett.  Garret spends the rest of the day checking surveillance cameras in the area of J.J. Jewelry store.  He then is struck with a new thought of expanding his area of reviewing surveillance cameras and trying to follow the limousine as far as he can.  Garrett wonders if any more information about the case will be put into the active file. Since Hanna's confession the case file will be closing and any information that is currently being worked on would be turned in as part of closing the case file. Garrett embarks on a grueling five days of tracking the limousine by surveillance cameras.  It's been a very frustrating search and a learning experience for Garrett.  The frustrating part was that there was a ten miles stretch without any surveillance cameras.  Also, a twenty minutes driving stretch of an area owned by the Dover brothers property holdings. So, the learning experience was that he was finding out that many businesses were without surveillance equipment. He found out that some businesses owners were actually taking out their own surveillance systems.  As a security expert he could see a definite change and it was puzzling to him why businesses would remove their own surveillance cameras.  The main reason that he had received was that the the equipment was constantly being broken by vandals and it wasn't worth the upkeep.  Some surveillance cameras were in place less than 24 hours before being broken and destroyed.  But several businesses owners told they took their surveillance equipment down before it would get broken and destroyed.  Garrett kept going with following what he could that contained a sightings here and there of the limousine. Then on the evening of the fifth day Garrett finds the limousine to track again by viewing video surveillance. At last, it was a moment of discovery and he knew he had hit pay dirt.  In the video the limousine pulls into a storage rental parking lot and the limousine is parked inside one of the storage units.  It's not going to take long for the following day to prove if all of his efforts has been worth it. Early the next morning Garrett was waiting in his car for the storage rental office to open.) 

to be continued: Tomorrow

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl ( Wednesday, mystery blog #1)

(Garrett returns to the tattoo parlor to talk with Patrick.  Every effort at the local police station,  contacting mortuaries, cremation services and coroner reports had turned up empty.  There isn't even a death certificate for Gus on file in the state's vital statistics.  How could there have been a memorial service without any death certificate records anywhere? Garrett wants to talk to Patrick about the memorial service.  Maybe a bar patron who liked Gus provided the cremation service out of state.  Garrett goes into the tattoo parlor and asks Patrick if they can talk in the back office,)

Patrick:  Sounds serious. What's on your mind?

Garrett:  A lot.  I have a lot on my mind.  I want you to tell me about the memorial service for Gus. Did anything seem unusual or has made you wonder about since the service?

Patrick:  No, I thought it was a very nice memorial for Gus.  We I drove up to the field and there was a white table with a white bib apron laying on the table like Gus wore and a white bar towel like the one Gus always had on his shoulder.  There were ashes holders on the table that were 100% biodegradable and eco friendly to the environment.  The holders for the ashes were made out of leaves and had a leaf on the top.  There was a note on the table instructing that those in attendance should take an ashes holder and go to any area in the field and spread the ashes.  Also, the ashes holders should be left on the ground.  There wasn't any music or a minister.  It was unique and seemed just right for Gus. It was easy, simple and no fuss.

Garrett:  Was there anyone there representing a funeral home.

Patrick:  No.  We came at 10:00 AM.  The time was known just by people calling and telling each other.  Kind of like a family gathering would be organized for everyone to know about.  After spreading the ashes we all left and drove away.  The table was left in the field.  There were a few ashes holders left.  I thought that other people may be coming later or throughout the day and it was thoughtful to have ashes for them to spread, each in their own personal way.  At the memorial service some people went by a big shade tree to spread ashes. Others went to the center of the field to spread the ashes.  I did half of his ashes by the tree and the other half of his ashes in the full sunlight. It was quiet and peaceful. I thought it was very respectful and meant a lot to have that moment remembering Gus.

Garrett: Do you know who set up the table and then removed it.

Patrick:  I heard Nate did it.  Someone had asked him to be in charge of setting things up.  Then he came and went during the time the group was there.  He must have been checking if things were going alright.

Garrett:  I would like to speak with Nate.  Any ideas where I might find him?

Patrick: No, I don't know anything about him and really I don't know of anyone who does know Nate.

Garrett:  Thanks for your time, Patrick.  Appreciate it.

Patrick: Sure, any time.

(Garrett left and sat in his car for awhile. He was wondering if he should let things rest like letting Gus rest in peace or should he try to find proof of death  Had Gus been murdered and then buried and this whole memorial service was just a roux?  Without a death certificate could he be alive?  Garrett decides to talk to Officer Miles about his suspicions.)

to be continued: Tomorrow

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

"Accidental Date With Fate" by Susan Pearl ( Tuesday, mystery blog #22)

(Miles and Garrett spend several hours discussing several issues that seem suspicious. They leave the police station late.  The next morning Garrett checks out the area banks and that turns up nothing.  Too many regulations, privacy rights in place that he would need a lot more paperwork to find out anything. He decides he wants to talk to Gus about who Nate is and where Nate lives.  When he parks in front of the bar and grill it is closed with a big black bow on the entrance door.  Garrett notices that the A-Maze-Ing Tattoos is open.  He goes in and sees Patrick is in back reading a book.  Garrett goes to Patrick. Patrick looks up and sees Garrett coming and says)

Patrick: I don't know a thing about Maze.  Haven't heard a word.  I decided to clean things up and so far business has been good again.  I think I am making a good manager and I am starting to be in demand for giving some great tattoos again.

Garrett:  That sounds good.  I wanted to talk to Gus. What's going on? What's with the black bow on the door?

Patrick:  You haven't heard?

Garrett:  Heard what?

Patrick: Gus was found dead and they think it was a heart attack.  No one was with him when he died.  He was found dead laying on the floor behind the bar.  What a thing to walk in on.  I felt sorry for Nate.

Garrett: For who?

Patrick: For Nate Striker. He's the one who found Gus dead.

Garrett: Who is this Nate Stricker?

Patrick: I don't know.  I would see him once in a while at the bar but we never spoke.  He always sat alone at the bar.  And usually if someone else came and sat at the bar while he was there he would just get up and leave right away.

Garrett: Did Gus have family? 

Patrick: The bar was his life and family.  When he died it actually felt like a family member had died. He wanted his ashes to be spread in a open field in the country and there were about thirty five people there. 

Garrett: Was Nate there?

Patrick: Yes, he came late and left early and stayed off by himself while he was there.

Garrett: Were any EMS, police or a coroner called to the bar when Nate found Gus?

Patrick:  I didn't see any activity. Must have just been the coroner.

Garrett: An unattended death should be investigated.

Patrick: I don't know anything about that.  I just heard it probably was a heart attack and to meet at the field for the spreading of ashes.

(Garrett expresses condolences and leaves.  While driving away he is thinking that Maze must be in hiding.  Garrett reasons that Maze figured out that Hanna had killed Lana and tried to make it look like one of the Dover brother's had committed the murder.  Maze, also, knew that Hanna had killed the Dover brothers. That fact, is what made him panic, grab the envelope and run for his life. Maze knows the brutality she is capable of and he knows the revenge she holds for him because he did not come forward with the letter from Lana that would have vindicated her. Garrett decides to put the word out on the street that if Maze hears it Garrett would like Maze to know there is help available and to call him.  Meanwhile, Garrett is going to stay focused on Nate. He drives to the closest police station in the bar's location thinking that surely there must be some information about Nate since he was the one who found Gus dead behind the bar.  Garrett wants to find Nate and ask what Nate knows and more importantly who Nate's knows. The chauffeur was important enough for Lana to want him in a picture. WHY? This detail could lead to finding out important information. Garrett is now chasing the evidence race, a fast paced and intense chase because he wants to catch up to any evidence as fast as he can.)

This (mystery blog #22) is "THE END" of "Accidental Date With Fate" (mystery blogs, series 1---        written by Susan Pearl)

The mystery will be continued as "Chasing the Evidence Race"  (mystery blogs, series 2-----                  written by Susan Pearl)

To be continued--tomorrow-- as "Chasing the Evidence Race" ( Wednesday, mystery blog #1) 

Thank you,

Susan Pearl

Monday, October 18, 2021

"Accidental Date with Fate" by Susan Pearl ( Monday, mystery blog # 21)

 (Garrett concentrates to not show any emotion as Hanna gives him a piercing stare.  The tape recorder was still taping and a video camera mounted on a nearby wall continued to tape everything happening. Hanna had no problem signing a release for her requested visit to be recorded.  Her confession to killing Lana was officially taped and court admissible.) 

Garrett:( referring to the text from Gini he had just read)  I'm glad to read that things are finishing up well in a very interesting way. (He puts his phone away.)

Hanna: I'm done here.  I want to go. Just know I am the only one who can take credit for stopping the nightmare that has paralyzed this city for two years. You should thank me for explaining everything to you, spoonful by spoonful, like feeding a baby.  I knew I didn't have time for you to figure it out on your own--- just as if you really could--which I doubt very much. I'm expecting some good plea deals and you better believe me when I tell you I know exactly what I am doing.  That wasn't a text about things finishing up well.  We are just beginning. Do you hear me?  We are just beginning.  Like I said you don't have a clue what you are up against. In fact, I think it would be beyond your comprehension.  You can't even put together and figure out that the company's missing $800,000 was filtered into the Dover brothers personal checking accounts to cover extra expense.  Lana was that extra expense and she had been for eight month. They were giving her $100,000 a month plus so much more.  She took them for all she could.  This is all going to come out.  I confronted her that the murders and her blackmailing had to stop and she attacked me.  It was self defense.  I had to kill her.  I was the one who stopped the murders and I know people are going to identify that I put my life on the line to help free this city from these corrupted people.  (On the way out she stops and turns towards Garrett and says) Tell your sister that to pay off my bill was very important to me. 

Garrett:  Don't be so sure of yourself.  That's all I have to say.  Hanna, you have now admitted you have some inside information about a bank wire that happened just this morning. Would you tell me this? Since the Dover brothers were big players in this untraceable money wire organization and you have told us there is a chain of command inside this organization: Did someone above the Dover brothers in the organization have you execute them.  That would give you an instant ranking and good standing for doing that. Did the organization ask you or tell you to kill the Dover brothers and you took advantage of a big opportunity to get in with the organization?  

Hanna:  I take the fifth. (She smirks as she continues to be escorted out of the room.  Officer Miles and Garrett decide to go to the police station and sort out some of their thoughts. Each of them, on the way to the police station stops for takeout meals for two.  Each one didn't know the other was getting the other a meal.  When they got back to the police station and met in the office of Officer Miles they laughed that both of them had bought a surprise meal for the other.)

Miles:  I think we have enough food here that we could work way past midnight and not be hungry.

Garrett: I'll say.  That's probably the way it will go.  We have a lot to go through for getting answers to so many questions. I knew there was something very important about the envelope. I kept going back to my note that Patrick had heard Lana say to Maze that she considered the envelop her "insurance policy".  I knew it was important and I knew Lana had written something down that she could use. It was like having an ace up her sleeve only she wanted the brothers to know she had that ace to play and she didn't have to be there to play it.  When Maze took the envelope with him that solidified the envelope importance to me.  Also, that she had signed across the seal of the manila envelope the letter had been put into.  That seemed like an extra effort to make the envelope to hold up legally for authenticity.  Also, Maze had commented about having his DNA on the envelope by licking it to seal it.  I knew that meant Maze was part of the legal authenticity of the contents of the envelope.  That would show he was entrusted with the letter and would have legal evidence to prove it.. Lana had put a lot of thought into the letter she wrote and the way it could hold up legally if she wasn't there.   But I still have some questions about Lana.

Miles:  What do you have in mind?

Garrett: Why did Lana Daltine want to take a photo of the necklace while buying it.  That was the picture of the necklace that was used in the newspaper.

Miles:  I'd say that cropped picture was of a lot more than the necklace. It showed the storefront door and the front windows with traffic driving by. I know if I was taking a picture of a necklace I would take a close up. But in this picture you can barely see the necklace. The newspaper had to use a lot of magnification to get the necklace enlarged enough and clear enough for it to be printed in the newspaper.

Garrett: When I was going through all the files I only saw the newspaper clipping. So, I haven't seen  the original picture. I just assumed that was the picture exactly as she had taken it.

Miles: That picture of the necklace was cropped and the necklace was only a small part of the original picture.

Garrett:  My, I'd like to see the original picture.  Where is it now?

Miles:  It has to be with the evidence.  Do you think you overlooked it?

Garrett: It's a possibility, I suppose.

Miles:  Maybe it was put into a different file, an active file that is currently being worked on.  I'll check  that file.  (Miles leaves the room and then returns with the active file.  He opens the the file and goes through some things.  Then says,) Yes, here it is. It was put in the active file because we were trying to identify the chauffeur. (Miles hands the photo to Garrett. Garrett looks intensely at the chauffeur who is standing by the front door of the store in the photo.)

Garrett:  Wait a minute.  I know this person. Well, I don't know him but I know his name.  His name is Nate.  That's all I know.  I saw him briefly in the bar and grill located beside A-Maze-Ing Tattoos. Gus, the bartender, called him "Nate".  That's all I know.

Miles: That's more than we knew. This is being a productive session.  Let's keep going.  What else do you think should be checked out.

Garrett: Now that I know about this picture of the chauffeur I think it is a real possibility that Lana was trying to give us a clue.  She may have sensed things were going wrong.  I'm going to concentrate on finding the chauffeur.  By looking at this picture it is apparent she stepped back far enough from the necklace that the picture would include the chauffeur.  He is on the top edge. Also, I'm wondering how did she have access to such a large amount of cash each month.  I'm going to check banks in the area.  

Miles: It seems like you are shifting your focus to be still on Lana.  We know she was killed the night she bought the necklace. Her body was found in a freezer in a cabin in the woods.  Vandals said they noticed the padlocked door had been kicked in. They decided to go in and see if there was anything they could take. They had a big surprise when they opened the freezer to see the contents, Trying to use only their flashlights in the middle of the night, it was a fright for them. We got a frantic call from them and they waited to tell us that they had not done the forced entry. They were so shook up we let them go right away after taking their statements. The crime scene investigators reported Lana was wearing the same dress as that night in the jewelry store. The body, of course, was well preserved. The autopsy report estimated it had been close to two weeks since her time of death. Her purse had been placed under her. It was obvious to us whoever did it wanted to keep the body well preserved and wanted us to know her identity. Lana was such a recluse at her apartment. All services available only came when she called for them to come.  So there was no missing person report ever filed.  The inhouse kitchen said that she did have her times of just eating fruit. She would have big bowls of fresh fruit delivered to her room and then she would go days without calling for a meal to be delivered.   At the crime scene her phone was found under the freezer.  It must have dropped out of her purse and was accidently kicked under the freezer. The pictures were on her phone.  We have two pictures that were taken that night. One picture is the distant view of the necklace and the other is a selfie of her wearing the necklace that same night.  So, I think that, with Hanna's confession, we can finish up Lana's case. 

Garrett: I read all about those findings in the case files but I think there are more answers to find. There is something so wrong going on.  Have you ever seen so many untraceable money wires?  Could the Dover brothers have been involved in a world wide underground invisible cash wiring syndicate?

Miles:  One thing we now know is why Richard told Hanna that "it didn't have to be like this".  Richard and Henry, somehow, realized that Hanna had killed Lana.  Maybe they knew from Lana about Maze and at the same time knew Hanna was seeing Maze.  Richard found out about Lana's murder from Henry and it was purposely done to look like the serial killer.  I think that enraged him.  He and Henry knew there was a letter Lana had written and upon her death the letter would tell how she was the one who got away and would name the serial killers as the Dover brothers.  They had gone out of their way to keep her quiet and I don't think they had any intention of killing Lana. It was a total surprise to Richard and Henry that Lana had been murdered.  They were very angry because they were going down because of Lana's letter.  They had no idea that Maze would not come forward with the letter because he must have loved Lana too much and didn't want to help Hanna in any way.

Garrett;  Lana must have told the Dover brothers about the letter and that was her leverage.  I think they decided to leave her alone because the letter would take them down.  Hanna was enraged with jealousy and knew Maze was going to leave the country with Lana in two days.  I think Hanna's intention was to stop at any measure or in any way Lana and Maze from being together and that is exactly what she did.  I don't think Hanna murdering Lana had anything to do with trying to stop the blackmail and had everything to do with having Maze all to herself.  But then there is some sort of chain of command that opens the possibility a person of higher rank than the Dover brothers ordered their execution and asked Hanna to do it.  That person would offer all sorts of fringe benefits and favors for following through on the brothers assassinations.  Maybe, the Dover brothers had become too big of liability to the organization especially if Hanna had leaked some information she knew about the serial murders.  


to be continued: Tomorrow

Friday, October 15, 2021

"Accidental Date with Fate" by Susan Pearl (Friday #20 mystery blog)

(Hanna's formal request to speak to Garrett and Officer Miles is granted  Miles and Garrett are called to meet with Hanna at 9:00 AM the next morning.  Garrett stayed up until 4:00 AM going over and over his every note of the investigation.  He sets the alarm for 7:30AM, goes to bed but doesn't sleep. He gets up to go through his notes again and is sitting at his desk when the alarm goes off.  Garrett and Miles each arrive at the waiting room outside of the visiting area at the prison. Hanna is escorted into the visiting area and she is secured in place behind a table.  Garrett and Officer Miles enter the visiting area and sit, side by side, across the table facing Hanna.)

Hanna:  You are probably wondering what this is all about.  Let's just say I want to know how soon I can get out.  With finding the jewelry at Richard's man cave it is obvious he and Henry together did the serial killings.  It is, also, obvious that the one necklace that wasn't at Richard's place had to have been planted at my apartment.  That proves they had an agenda with me to have me set up for the murders.  I am expecting all charges to be dropped against me.  I have been in this jail far too long already.  It was self defense because they were setting me up to take some sort of fall for them.  I want there to be some kind of ruling that the Dover brothers are the serial killers and that they did it together or took turns and that alone should be the total center of attention.  I shouldn't even be in here with the evidence found now at Richard's place.  It doesn't make sense.  A trial totally against them should come first and declare them guilty dropping all charges against me.

Miles: Hanna, it can't be like that. Garrett has discovered some evidence and there may be additional charges against you.

Hanna:  More charges against me?!!!!against me?!!!!!How could that ever be!!!! Against me?!!!!! More charges!!!! I can't imagine!!!!What could they be?!!!! I'm shocked!!!!!!

Garrett: I have some things I want to talk to you about.  Hanna, there are details that don't line up. The other day I stopped by Dover Enterprises to randomly talk to the employees.  I interviewed seven employees asking them if they could remember anything out of the ordinary that had happened no matter how small.  One part time employee said he remembered a meeting he attended that was a little unusual. He said that during the meeting the alarm sounded several time on Richard's wristwatch.  Richard was embarrassed and got very frustrated. In fact, this employee assisted Richard in turning off the alarm system on the wristwatch so it wouldn't keep sounding.  It interrupted the meeting.  The next day Richard thanked him for his help and assured him it wouldn't happen again because Richard had gone to the jewelry shop where he had bought the watch and had the mechanism for the alarm system completely disconnected.  I went to that jewelry shop and, sure enough, they have a receipt about that transaction.  That receipt is dated before the morning you said you heard the watch alarm in the vault.  So I have been thinking that your story can't be right and why would you lie?

Hanna (no response)

Garrett:  Now, the Dover brothers did not like any type of surveillance cameras.  But the apartment where you live has lots and lots of surveillance cameras. There is no surveillance of Henry or Richard ever being at your building,-- none, nothing.  So I ask myself, how could either one of them plant the necklace when both were not ever at your apartment building? The phone records did show a conversation from Henry to Richard during that time frame of Henry being late for work. But the morning that Henry was a half hour late for work had nothing to do with him planting the necklace at your apartment.  It has everything to do with finding out the serial killer had struck again. There are witnesses saying that Henry had to sit down for awhile after reading the morning newspaper's headlines at a local coffee shop.  Henry bought a daily newspaper and a specialty coffee at a coffee shop on his way to work each day.  He got his newspaper, his specialty coffee and he would leave immediately. That was his routine.  Witnesses at the coffee shop that morning say that his reaction to the newspaper was obvious as he stumbled to a table and sat down.  He called someone on his phone. Some people say they don't think that Henry was capable of walking to his car after reading the headlines.  So, we know that Henry and Richard did talk that morning as we have phone records verifying the call was made from the coffee shop to  Richard's phone and it was a six minute conversation. We know and can prove that the Dover brothers did not plant the necklace in your apartment.  We, also. know that only when the news had been released to the general public that the Dover brothers learned of Lana's death.  The news was a surprise to Henry and that was why he called Richard from the coffee shop. There are witnesses ready to testify they heard Henry tell the person on the phone that Lana Daltine had been murdered and it looked like the characteristics left at the murder scene was like those of the serial killer making her the ninth victim. People will also testify the person on the other end of the phone was screaming after hearing that news but it wasn't audible.(Hanna glares at Garrett) 

Hanna So??? It was probably all an act. Their plan of framing me had already been set in motion and how very convenient to be in front of an audience at the coffee shop. (Garrett gets out the printout of Maze from a folder and places it on the table in front of Hanna.)

Garrett: Do you know this man?  There is a lot of surveillance tapes showing him coming and going from your apartment and several times spending the night.  But there is no surveillance of him at all the entire week of Lana's death.  You know where this is going don't you?

Hanna: (Nods affirmative)

Garrett: Hanna, did you do this for him? Did you know that he and Lana were making plans of leaving the country together.  She had an alias name of Yvonne Langley.  Lana had purchased a property in Europe and that is where they were going to go and live.

Hanna: (stares at the floor--mumbling) Yvonne was my mother's name.  How dare she?

Garrett: Hanna, you killed Lana.  That is the additional charge.  You wanted to stop them and have Maze all to yourself.  You thought that Maze would think it was one of the Dover brothers who killed Lana.  After all, you made it look her murder had been done by the serial killer.  So, Hanna, tell me how did you feel when Maze didn't come forward with the envelope with the letter from Lana stating that if anything ever happened to her it would be one of the Dover brothers.  That both of them together made the serial killer.  How did you feel after you had killed the Dover brothers and Maze didn't come forward with the envelope. The contents of that envelope would have totally proven your statements and testimony to be true.

Hanna: Terrible. (mumbles)

Miles: What? Repeat that. How did it feel when Maze didn't come forward with the envelope that had contents that would have exonerated you.  Hanna, he had evidence that would exonerate you and he didn't come forward with that evidence.  How did that make you feel?  Rather, how does it make you feel right now? 

Hanna: (stamps her feet and screams) Terrible!!!!! It feels Terrible!!!!!

Miles:  Why didn't he come forward?

Hanna:  I don't know.  Maybe it was for the money.  Lana had blackmailed the Dover brothers for months.  They even wired her a title to a villa and property in Europe. That's where they were going, to the blackmail villa with blackmail money!!! That is so low.  She didn't care if there would be more killings by Richard and Henry. She had recognized Henry the night he was stalking her and she blackmailed them. She didn't care about anyone or anything but herself.  The ultimate epitome of selfishness and greed.  Lana sickened me.

Miles: Why did you kill Richard and Henry?

Hanna:  Well, dah!  I killed them to STOP them.  The people of this city will thank me. I eavesdropped enough to know that Henry used a knife.  He liked blood.  And he did one strike directly through the heart.  Richard used a rope and suffocation. I knew Henry killed first. I knew that they took turns.  One was right handed. The other was left handed.  They would come to work and one would have lots of scratches. One time Henry even had a black eye and told people he had eye surgery.  I didn't fall for it.  I called his eye doctor and there had been no surgery or knowledge of any surgery or a need for any. So I knew when it came to the ninth victim it had to be done with a knife.  You know, Officer Miles, my information is first hand for accuracy and now the public can know it all, thanks to me. This is a huge case and I can play a key role for evidence.  I want plea deals and I want lesser charges especially any murder charge for killing Lana.  When the public hears that she knew who the serial killers were and withheld that information to blackmail them.  She did that just so she could live the exquisite life she had dreamt of.  Now the public can know her lifestyle meant more to her than taking those monsters off the streets.  The public will be repulsed about Lana. They will thank me, especially, when they find out I confronted her to reveal the truth or I was going to reveal her blackmailing scheme.  When Henry was close to attacking Lana she called 911 but she recognized him and she made a deal with the devil.  People will think I am a hero as I stopped the serial killers and I stopped the one blackmailing them. A blackmailer ready to leave the country not even caring if they would kill again.

Miles: Explain more.

Hanna: I was forced to kill her because she told me she was going to take me out and kill me rather than give up her gravy train.  I try to do things with some sort of a conscience, after all, these people had to be stopped.. But I was glad to get rid of her so Maze and I could be together. Now, Maze has let me down in a worst way. (sobs)  I know I am on my own through all of this and I've got to do what I've got to do. He may not even be alive. or someone in the chain of command is telling him what to do.

Miles: Chain of command?

Hanna:  I'm not talking military.  But you have no idea.  You haven't even scratched the surface of this world wide invisible untraceable wiring sophisticated crime organization. They say, money talks; well, guess who really is speaking right now over a worldwide microphone.  You don't even have a clue.  You know my demands and I want to hear back in a week.  My new attorney will be contacting you, I told you all this so you know what an important and intricate part I am to proving the Dover brothers guilty in the serial murders which has been paralyzing the city for over two years. I want my plea deal and my lesser charges in writing.  In fact, more than that, I even want all charges dropped against me. Until that happens I am going to take the fifth for every question. The city is waiting for this case to be solved and there has been tremendous pressure on the police and city officials to solve this case and name the serial killer, or killers in this case. I am the only one who can help you with that to give it finality, but you know what my demands are.  The ball is in your court.

(Garrett's looks at his phone and brings up a text message from Gini.  It reads;   "I just received notice from my Law Firm's bank that a wired money amount was put into our account this morning with a memo that Hanna's account is now paid in full.  I had not sent a bill. In fact, I was not going to send a bill. So I had my office bookkeeping add up what the amount of a bill would be.  The total is the exact amount of the wired money and that includes some restaurant receipts from our investigators and covers your full expenses to the penny for the entire cost of finding the jewelry..  I am baffled.  How could they know this amount before we do?) 

to be continued: on Monday, October 18th, 2021

Thursday, October 14, 2021

"Accidental Date With Fate" by Susan Pearl ( Thursday #19 mystery blog)

 (Garrett spent the evening calling every x-ray technician he knew.  Finally he got the third technician to commit to the endeavor.  He had gotten information on where to rent the equipment needed and reserved three portable radiography minimum density x-ray machines.  He ordered some extra supplies because didn't want to be short on anything.. He made arrangements for everything and told the rental company he would pick everything up at 1:00PM. The rental company expressed appreciation to have all morning to get everything ready because it was an adequate amount of time to have everything in order and operational.  Garrett rested well that night knowing that this was one detail that needed to be followed up on and it would soon be done. The next morning Officer Miles called.)

Garrett: Hi, how are things going Officer Miles.  I have caller ID.

Miles:  These are the rules we have to follow.  The attorney has to, also, be present and nothing can be touched or moved. 

Garrett:  I think we can live with that.  Tell the attorney that is exactly how it will be done.

Miles: I will.  I'll see you and the crew at 2:00PM.  The wife does want to have her husband completely  vindicated in every way but says she is sure this is a wild goose chase.

Garrett: Well, it wouldn't be my first one but it has to be done to know for sure.  Thank you for your call.

( Later Miles and Garrett pull up in front of the house and after getting out of their cars they decide to wait inside the house)

Miles;  What ever made you think of such an idea to x-ray the statures?

Garrett: Radiography is becoming more popular because there have been some old statues that x-rays have shown a hidden message or another figurine inside the statue.  Now some artists are putting a hidden statue inside the statue and then when selling the statue the artist displays the statue along with an x-ray picture of the hidden feature.  It really can be fascinating. But the down side for this project is instead of doing one statue at a time the technicians will have to be more at a distance and take large group pictures of the statues.  There is absolutely no risk of radiation up to a certain point and they will remain way below that recommendation.  The technicians will wear special x-ray lab clothing.  They think that with three technicians they should be done within one hour.

Miles:  I guess I didn't realize what all was going to be involved.  Hope the attorney agrees to it.  He will probably need to sign off on a form of some sort to show they have permission to x-ray the statues. 

Garrett: Well, we'll find out soon.  The attorney is pulling up in the driveway and beside him is another car. Looks like all three technicians came together.

Miles:  Before they come in I want to talk to all of them together in the driveway and make sure the attorney is agreeable to proceed.  He knows we were going to x-ray the statues.  He told the wife we were going to x-ray the statues.  This shouldn't come as any surprise to see that some safety precautions need to be taken. 

Garrett:  I'll go with you. (Garrett and Miles meet everyone in the driveway. They all are in agreement to get started.  Everyone came in the house and looked around and examined the equipment that Garrett had rented.)

Technician: Looks like you got everything we need..  (The technicians are led through the house by the attorney.  The technicians divide up the rooms and specify which technician will take pictures in which room.)

Technician 2:  Sounds good. Let's get started. This should take ten minutes a room.  We each have five rooms including the basement. (The technicians put on their protective lab clothes) We ask that the others wait for us on the front porch.

Miles: Did you bring an extra set of lab clothing. I gave my word I would be present and I intend to keep my word. ( A lab technician hands Miles the protective clothing and Miles puts it on. Garrett and the attorney go to the front porch.  Garrett is felling nervous.  The next hour passes slowly.  He and the attorney were silent like waiting for a verdict while the jury is out.   After one hour all three technicians and Miles come out onto the front porch.)

Technician 3:  Here are all the x-ray photos and everything checks out fine.  There are not any masses or densities in any of these statues.  They were easy to do because this is very fine artwork.  Any type of thickness or mass of any kind would have easily shown up.  We are confident that there is not anything hidden in any of the statues.

Garrett:  Thank you for coming.

Technician 1:  Can we help you load the equipment?

Garrett:  I would appreciate that. ( The technicians remove their outer protectives clothes.  As they are coming out of the house with the equipment to load into Garrett's car Garrett notices a van pulling into the neighbor's driveway.  On the side of the van is an advertisement reading that the services provided were for "Plumbing and Heating".  Garret stops and the others are unsure why he isn't loading the equipment he had carried to his car.)

Garrett: Wait a minute.  I am thinking we may have overlooked something.  The statues aren't the only things made of porcelain in this house.  I want all of you to go back in and take an x-ray view of every sink and stool tank. 

Attorney:  What?  This is absurd.  Stool tanks and sinks?  Are you kidding?  No way.

{Garrett remembered Marla's words that the tokens and souvenirs would be kept close and the closer the better.) I can understand your frustration and I'm grateful we were allowed to x-ray the statues.  Would you agree to have one more picture taken of one sink.

Attorney:  You want one more x-ray picture and you want it of a sink? 

Garrett: That is what I am asking and that will satisfy me.

Attorney: If one more x-ray picture will satisfy you I'm not going to say "No".  I'll allow it.  Which sink?

Garrett:  I want an x-ray picture of the bar sink that is in Richard's man cave in the basement.

(Miles and one technician return to the house with the one piece of equipment and put on their protective clothing again.  Garrett, the attorney and the two other technicians go to the porch to wait. After a half hour Miles comes to the door and asks the other two technicians to come in.  The two technicians go into the house and join the other technician and Miles. Tension gets thicker and thicker on the porch as more time passes.)

Garrett:  You would think they would know what an x-ray of one sink shows by now. This is taking entirely too long.

Attorney;  I think so, too. (At that very moment the technicians and Miles come out of the house and stand in front of Garrett and the attorney.)

Technician 1:  Here is the one allowed x-ray picture of the bar sink in the man cave.  We all have visited and we all have concurred that there is definitely some sort of fake porcelain base in the basement bar sink.  That is the bar sink in the man cave.  We are, also, certain that there are several items inside that fake base. The fake base is attached flawlessly to the true base of the sink but this photo does show and entry area right here.(The technician shows a hairline crack on the back side of the fake base to Garrett and the attorney.)

Miles: I'm calling in the the crime investigation unit right now and ordering a search warrant..

Attorney:  We have to.

Garrett: We have to know what has been hidden inside the fake base of the basement bar sink. (The technicians leave and within a half hour the crime investigation crime team come with a search warrant and begin investigating the man cave bar sink. Garrett, Miles and the attorney look on)

Crime scene investigator 1:  I've got the opening to the fake base removed. I'm putting my hand in and I am feeling several items.  Each item seems to be wrapped and tied in velvet.  I'll bring them out one by one and lay them on the evidence tray. (The crime investigator removes eight neatly velvet wrapped items and places each one on the evidence tray.)

Garrett: I think that may be them, the eight souvenir tokens.

Miles:  The crime unit will take it from here on their own. We will call you when appropriate even if it is late tomorrow. (Garrett and the attorney leave. Miles stays with the crime unit,  Garrett drives to his apartment and emotions upon emotions are all racing and running through him and his thoughts. When he thinks of the families being called to identify the piece of jewelry of their loved one, and how hard it would be for them, he couldn't hold back his tears. Then when he thought of the arrogance of the Dover brothers to play their fantasy games with the lives of others he became angry and clinched his fist.  His phone rings. It is Gini calling)                                                                                                                      

Garrett: This is Garrett go ahead Gini.  I've got you on speaker phone and I'm the only one here.

Gini:  Is it true about finding the jewelry?

Garrett:  I'm putting everything on hold until we formally hear the crime investigation team findings.  If the jewelry requires accurate identification it could take a day or two.  There is a need for great sensitivity right now.

Gini:  Guess who sent me a certified letter with a return receipt that I had to sign twice for just about five minutes ago. 

Garrett:  I have no idea. Who?

Gini: Hanna.  She sent me a letter to inform me that I am fired! She does not want to see me again.  She says she has different legal council who will start immediately.

Garrett:  Why?  What more could you have done for her?

Gini:  I don't know and I'm not going to waste my time trying to find out.  It is over. We are all removed from the case as of five minutes ago. So, knowing that, you may not even get called about the findings of the crime investigation team.  That call will go to her new attorney.

Garrett:  This is stunning. I don't know what to say.

Gini: I have heard she has put in a formal request to speak to you and Miles tomorrow.

Garrett:  What in the world can that be about? 

to be continued: Tomorrow

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

"Accidental Date With Fate" by Susan Pearl (Wednesday, #18 mystery blog)

 (The next morning Garrett went to the police station.)

Miles: I'm surprised to see you.  We've already boxed up all of the files. I thought you said you were done.

Garrett: I am done going through all of the the paper work. Can we talk in private? 

Miles: Yes, The same room is available so let's go in there. (They both go in the nearby room and each take a seat on opposite sides of the table facing each other). So, what is on your mind?

Garrett:  I've got some ideas and possibilities. I want to talk to you about them. Since I can only put these ideas into actions with your approval I need to convince you these actions are needed to further this investigation.

Miles: Alright, what are we talking about.

Garrett:  We are talking about the possibility that Richard Dover and, possibly, his brother, Henry Dover, together formed a conspiracy to commit the serial murders.  These actions would help dispute or prove this possibility. I think this possibility will come up during the trial. I'm asking we check out a big part of this possibility now.

Miles: Come again?  You know that Hanna's statement of seeing Richard with a necklace in the vault is going to come under intense scrutiny at the trial.  Besides that, the necklace has been found in Hanna's apartment.

Garrett: Yes, I know that, but if, the jewelry tokens and souvenirs taken from the previous eight victims could be found in Richard's house we would have indisputable evidence that Richard and perhaps along with his brother, Henry, were involved in the killing of the previous eight victims.  We know where the the necklace of the ninth victim was found.  If the other taken jewelry items could be found at Richard's house that would insure the fact that the necklace of the ninth victim had been planted in Hanna's apartment by them. 

Miles: I don't think this meets the approval requirements for a search warrant to be issued. 

Garrett:  I agree, but we don't need a search warrant.  You already have permission from the wife that if something needs to be checked at the house that you have permission for that to be done as long as you are present to supervise.

Miles: I'm listening.

Garrett:  I have learned that Richard was very much involved in making porcelain statues.  I know this for a fact.  All I ask is that we go to the house. I'll have a professionally educated x-ray crew with portable equipment take x-ray pictures of the statues.  By doing that action we will know if any contents has been hidden in any of the statues.  Every statue is in the open area for everyone to see.  We won't even have to touch the statues. There is either going to be something hidden inside of the statues or not. We will know with confidence either way.  I think it needs to be done to advance the investigation. What do you say?

Miles:  My name is Miles and people tell me that I am willing to go the extra mile.  I think I will agree to this one and check out the possibility.  I think it would help in the investigation of this trial but I will need to talk to Richard's wife and the attorney first.  If we do find evidence we want to make sure it is admissible evidence.  We will have to have all our T's crossed and i's dotted.

Garrett: Let me make a few calls and see when I can get an x-ray crew there.  There may be over one thousand statues so I think we would need at least a three person team.

Miles: This is unchartered water but I think we are within all guidelines on her signed permission form.  I know it would be out of line to search through things. But, if what we want to investigate is out in the open areas without even opening a cupboard door I know we are alright.

Garrett:  Good.  Just let me see what I can come up with.  Would tomorrow afternoon about 2;00 PM work out for you to meet there?

Miles:  I think so but if I have to leave everyone has to leave.

Garrett: I understand.

Miles;  I will contact their attorney to make sure all open areas of the investigation are within the signed agreement.  If there is a problem I'll let you know. The wife should be consulted and verify her approval.

Garrett:  I think she will want all avenues of vindicating Richard pursued and this would be a great way to eliminate a suspected possibility.  It would be to Richard's favor to have this resolved before it would ever become an issue. 

Miles:  Leaving no stone unturned eliminates surprises.  Speaking of surprises.  I was surprised when I recognized Maze Aman from that printout I gave you to be the man in the surveillance tapes of Hanna's apartment.  It was one of those situations where I thought I knew who it might be but couldn't really remember for sure.  After seeing the printout I remembered for sure.  Maze was coming and going from Hanna's apartment for awhile.

Garrett:  I noticed that, too. I haven't confronted Hanna about it.  Lana Daltine was supposed to have given Maze a letter to save for her and no one knows where he or the letter is right now.

Miles:  Sounds like more unturned stones.

to be continued. Tomorrow

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

"Accidental Date with Fate" by Susan Pearl ( Tuesday, #17 mystery blog)

 (The next morning Garrett returned to the police station and continued his review of statements and records. He purposely didn't say anything to Officer Miles about the necklace being found in Hanna's apartment thinking that there would be time for that later.  For now, Garrett wanted to have total focus and concentration on the pages and words to be read so he wouldn't miss any details.  Once again, the day passed quickly.  Once again, he had a very quick peanut butter and jelly sandwiches late afternoon lunch.  Garrett leaves the room and motions Officer Miles to come.  Officer Miles walks the short distance to Garrett)

Garrett:  I surprised myself and finished up a little early.  I'm through.

Miles:  Very good then.  I'll lock the room and tomorrow we will box everything up again.

Garrett:  One thing that caught my eye is Richard's friend after being interviewed called the station and wanted it written into the record that he did not want to be called to be a character witness for Richard.  He said that they had a falling out about two years ago and hadn't been friends since.  At one time they had been very close friends but that had come to an end.  I wrote down his name and it is Lloyd Stall.

Miles:  Yes, I remember that.  I don't know what the falling out was all about.  But I remember it gave me pause and seemed strange.

Garrett: Me, too.  I think I will talk with him on my way home.  Thanks a lot for all your help.

Miles.   Sure.  Anything I can do just let me know.

(Once getting in his car Garrett checks his GPS for the Lloyd Stall residence.  Garrett shakes his head and thinks "wouldn't you know it.  This address is completely on the other side of the city."  Garrett was feeling tired and hungry but he decided to follow through and add three to four more hours onto his day.  Once parked in front of the house he notices a man on the front porch swing reading a newspaper.  Garrett goes to the front porch.  The gentleman was still reading the paper.  Garrett said loudly)

Garrett: Hello.  Are you Mr. Lloyd Stall?

Lloyd:  You startled me.  Guess I was deep in thought while reading.  Yes, I am Lloyd Stall.

Garrett:  I am a private investigator and I just finished reviewing all the records for a case concerning Richard Dover.  I couldn't help but notice you had been good friends with Richard and then had a falling out.  I was going to ask if you would talk to me about that falling out.

Lloyd:  Oh, this has been hard on me. Because I went to the funeral and then I thought was it really that big of deal?  Did I make too much of something to end a friendship?  It's been keeping me up at night.  I just don't know if the falling out was worth ending the friendship.  I am second guessing myself for becoming so upset.(pause) We can go inside and I'll tell you about it.  Maybe it will do me good to get this off my chest because I let such a silly thing  ruin my friendship with a good man. (Lloyd opens the door and he and Garrett enter the house)

Garrett:  Nice house.

Lloyd:  Thank you.   Have a seat at the dining room table. (They each have a seat then Lloyd asks) Can I get you an iced tea?

Garrett;  No thank you.  I'm fine.

Lloyd,  I better have something to drink. I have been having trouble getting dehydrated.  I'll get my water bottle. Excuse me for a second.(Lloyd goes to kitchen to get his bottle of water out of the refrigerator and returns.)

Garrett: I know what you mean.  I carry bottled water with me all of the time in my car.

Lloyd: A person has to with this heat.  The only way I remember is to have it with me and have it in sight. I'm really a coffee person and I like all these new blends.  It is like a coffee buffet each day.

Garrett:  That's kind of catchy.  Kind of like a blended coffees slogan.  (They both smile.  Lloyd takes a big drink of water. Clears his thoughts and says)

Lloyd:  I don't know where to begin.  It was serious to me, very serious.  I had found out earlier in the day when all this happened that I may had fathered a child in my younger years.  I called Richard.  I asked him to please come over that evening I had something important that I wanted to tell him that I just had found out. At 7:00 PM the doorbell ran. And I let Richard in and we went to my library where I told him the possibility of my life to soon be changing and why. I was excited about it and happy, too, but apprehensive.  To learn there may be a child or young adult by now and to think I am the father is stunning. Then the doorbell rang again.  I went to answer the door and there stood Richard.  They had played a trick on me.  Henry had dressed like Richard and wore a toupee and duplicate glasses and he was the one I had confided in.  They were laughing about it and I got so angry about it.  I wouldn't have told such a personal thing to Henry but yet I had.  They just kept laughing saying they always knew I had been a real romance man in my early days.  I came upset and asked them to leave.  I told Richard the next time we had something to say to each other would be when I had something to say first.  I just didn't have anything to do with him after that.  I just didn't ever speak to him again.  It was over. I felt betrayed. (wipes tears from eyes)

Garrett:  I can understand your feelings.

Lloyd:  Well, that's the way it went.  The friendship was completely over for me.  Within a week I found out the adult child wasn't mine.  He had been adopted and had found his birth mother.  He wanted to know who his father is and she told him she had been dating two men at that time.  I was one of them. But it was the other guy she was seeing who fathered him.  I thought, maybe, I had jumped the gun. That maybe I should have waited a week and not even said anything.  I've looked at it all, over and over again, and each time I keep thinking I made too big of deal of their trick.  Nothing was known for sure.  It's hard to explain but I do blame myself for the end of our friendship.  I just couldn't take their joke on that particular day about that particular subject.. But I do keep a picture of Richard and me during the good times and I see it several times a day..  Let's go in the next room and I'll show it to you.  It is hanging on the wall at the bottom of the open staircase. (They both get up and go into an adjoining room)

Garrett:  Sure, I see it.  My, you guys must have been at a fancy place with all these statues in the background.

Lloyd:  Oh, that picture was taken at Richard's house.  Richard made porcelain statues.  Beautiful, beautiful statues because he did incredible work.  He did the whole process in his basement.  Mixed up the stuff and poured it into the molds.  He had a special piece of equipment that fired the pieces and it could get to over 1400 degrees. I wouldn't want to have paid their electric bill.  He really got into it and kept a project going most of the time.  He didn't give any of the statues away or as gifts.  Each one was special to him.  He kept every one of the statues on display all of the time.  He told that they were to be enjoyed and they couldn't be enjoyed in a box somewhere in storage.  His wife asked if he would rotate the statues by having half of them out for display for half of the year and then have the other half out for display the next six months. But he told her "no". Everything was out on display all of the time. It did feel a little overdone but he was a very talented man and that's the way he wanted it.

Garrett:  These statues look like fine art.

Lloyd: Exactly.  His work had a very unique and specialized look, almost recognizable.  He even made his own molds for some of them. He signed and dated those statues he designed and only made one.

Garrett:  I better go.  Thank you for visiting.  If it means anything to you coming from me, don't be hard on yourself.  At the time it was the right thing to do. Their fun meant more to them then having empathy for a friend and that is what ended the friendship.

Lloyd:  Thank you.  I'm actually kind of glad you came by.

Garrett:  Me, too.  (They shake hands and Garrett leaves.  He has a long drive home but he felt his efforts to interview Lloyd were more than worthwhile.  In fact, he had some brand new thoughts coming to mind that could possibly provide the big answer in solving the case.)

to be continued: Tomorrow

Monday, October 11, 2021

"Accidental Date With Fate" by Susan Pearl (Monday #16 mystery blog)

 (The day went faster than Garett thought it would.  The statements and reports were easy and interesting reading. He was already on his second legal pad of taking notes.  He looked at the clock. It was 3:00 PM and Garrett understood why he was feeling hungry.  He had brought two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and several bottles of water in a small food tote. He decided it was time for a break. The break was short lived.  He had just finished his second sandwich when Officer Miles entered the room.)

Miles:  We have found some important evidence today.  Gini is on the phone and wants to talk to you about it. (Miles pressed a button on the phone for the incoming call that had been placed on hold then he left the room closing the door behind him)

Garrett: Hello, is it alright if I put you on speaker phone.  I'm the only one in the room. (Gini concurred)

Gini: (on speaker phone)  They found the necklace today.  They found it in Hanna's apartment.

Garrett: What?

Gini: I know it is a shock.  But remember Hanna did say that Henry was a half hour late for work that morning.  I'm thinking he may have planted the necklace in Hanna's apartment after she left for work.  This is all speculation but the time frame does work out for him planting the necklace and driving to work.  It would be right at a half hour to do all that.

Garrett;  What is Hanna saying?

Gini:  She says that's the only way the necklace could have possibly gotten there.  It had to be put there by someone else.

Garrett: What took them so long to find it?

Gini: It was hidden behind a brick in the fireplace.  The prosecution thinks that this cinches the deal.  I am simply snowed under with meetings until Saturday afternoon.  Can we touch base Saturday afternoon about 4:00 PM?

Garrett:  Yes, I can come to your place at that time.  Until then I am going to see what I can come up with.

Gini;  Got anything yet?

Garrett:  Let's just say I have lots and lots of loose ends.  Now, if some of them start coming together, something may be coming. I have several interviews lined up. I should know more by Saturday. See you then.

Gini:  What looked bleak for Hanna is now looking bleaker.  See you Saturday but if there's a change I'll let you know. (Garrett hangs up the phone and ponders things as he stares off into space.  Officer Miles knocks on the door and opens it)

Miles:  Better call it a day. Time for me to lock up.  It will all be here tomorrow exactly like you are leaving it.

Garrett: There really isn't much from Richard's or Henry's wives in the reports.  I hope I didn't overlook anything.

Miles:  There isn't much and there won't be.  After the funerals they went to the family mountain resort for some time to process and grieve in the peace and quiet and beauty of the mountains.  I have their phone number and if anyone has any questions they are more than willing to tele visit.  Both of them gave me the keys to their houses and said they trusted my discretion and if anything was needed to check out a lead for any reason that they gave me written permission the houses could be entered for finding the needed information.  The only thing they insisted on is that I have to be present during anyone looking for any information.

Garrett: That doesn't happen very often. I noticed Lana Daltine had a 911 call a little over eight months ago.

Miles: That turned out to be a false call and she apologized.  She said she was walking and a man was stalking her and she felt uncomfortable so she called 911 requesting help.  It just so happened we had a police car two blocks away and when the police got there Lana said the man had turned to go in a different direction and had even crossed the street.  She said it was a false alarm on her part and with the serial killer out there it may have played tricks on her mind and made her think it was more ominous than it was.

Garrett:  Interesting.  Her life really changed right after that, right at eight months ago, and it seemed like she came into a lot of money. The timing is interesting to me.  Also, do you know anything about a Maze Arman.

Miles: Sure;  He's got a record that is significant with petty thefts and a burglary.

Garrett:  Can you give me a printout of his picture?

Miles: No problem.  I'll help in any way I can.  (Miles leaves then comes back with a printout of Maze Arman. Garrett has gathered up his things. Miles hands Garrett the printout.  Garrett looks at it and then puts it with his other things in between a couple of legal pads.)

Garrett:  Thanks a lot.  See you tomorrow. (Garrett leaves.  On the way home he decides to stop by Dover Enterprises and randomly talk to employees. One of these impromptu interviews with a part-time employee will give Garrett the needed information to change the case.)

To be continued: Tomorrow