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Monday, September 13, 2021

"Accidental Date With Fate" by Susan Pearl (Monday #6 mystery blog)

Outside of vault officer:  I am Officer Warren Miles.  It is to my understanding that Garrett Oaklon is in this vault along with our escapee.

Vault Man:  I am Garrett Oaklon.

Officer Miles:  What is the current situation with the escapee?

Garrett Oaklon:  The escapee has posed no treat to me in any way. 

Officer Miles: I have information that you know the code to open the vault door.

Garrett: That is correct.

Officer Miles:  Could you write the code on a piece of paper and pass it through the opening?

Garrett: Certainly.  Give me a couple of moments. (Garrett has a small writing pad and pen in his shirt pocket and proceeds to write the combination code on the small notepad.  He then passes a piece ofwith the code through the opening)

Hanna: (Trembling)  This is it for me. I just know it.

Garrett: I have a sister who is an attorney.  I know she would help you if I asked her to.

Hanna:  That's something I can't afford.

Garrett: This has nothing to do with money but everything to do with that you can't afford not to.

(vault door opens.  Several police rush in and two policemen escort Hanna out.)

Garrett: (speaking to Officer Miles)  My company will be providing 24 hour security guard service until the vault door is 100% operational for total protection of the contents of this vault.  I will be staying here on watch until the schedule can be put into place.  This is part of my contract obligation to this corporation and I will fulfill every part of my obligation including a new combination code for the vault door lock security.  It may take several days, but I can assure every one in this corporation that all contents of this vault will remain safe.  I have a lot to do.

Officer Miles:  I would like to interview you.

Garrett: May I come to the station tomorrow and give a statement once I get all of this in order.

Officer Miles: I do want to ask you right now a couple of questions----are you aware of the shootings and did she say anything about them.

Garrett: She told me that both shootings were in self defense.  Now, please excuse me. I have a lot to do and I need to call my sister as soon as I can. She would be knowledgeable about any legalities and  I have some other questions for her.

Officer Miles:  See you tomorrow for your full statement.

Garrett: If something comes up, which could be a possibility, I'll give you a call, Officer Miles.  But for now I want to call my sister and get things set up for the vault security. (Officer Miles nods and leaves.) A forensic team enters the vault and are taking pictures. Garrett steps into the hallway and calls his sister. He asks if she can go to the police precinct immediately then he says) I really don't know her name but just tell her you are my sister. (The sister responds that she will clear her calendar go to the precinct as fast as she can.) 

To be continued tomorrow (Two more bonus mystery blogs this week on Tuesday and Wednesday


Is Hanna telling the truth or is she a part of a very sophisticated embezzlement scheme that has been  altering weekly logs?  Did the brothers find out about the logs being tampered with and want to talk to Hanna to give her a chance to confess and tell who was involved for a less charge to be filed by them? b

Is the Garrett Oaklon Cummins an unknown part of the scheme and he and his sister want to leave Hanna holding the bag?

With Hana's account of the jewelry is there any evidence at all to prove that account if there is no jewelry in the vault?

Were the deceased twin brothers involved in the nine serial killings?

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