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Monday, August 17, 2020

Old Sayings Illustrate Different Settings for Good Times Together" by Susan Pearl

"Two's company, three's a crowd".

"I felt like a fifth wheel".

"The more the merrier".

These various "Old Sayings" describe different settings for a festive or enjoyable time with someone else.

There are times when a couple just want to be together.  A third person would feel like a "crowd" rather than a one to one evening with the only attention going to that one special person.   Some couples have a "date night" to be together. Even another couple joining them doesn't seem like a crowd.  But if a fifth person joins the two couples that person is referred to as a "fifth wheel".   There are times when a couple just want to have their evening to just be together.  So much to do and so busy during the week it is a special time to be together away from it all.

"The more the merrier" refers to those festive occasions that are more enjoyable with a lot of people there,  It is fun to see so many other people laughing and having a good time.  They bring an energy and enthusiasm that adds to the festive atmosphere.  At a dance it is enjoyable to watch good dancers on the floor and seeing the different styles of dancing while all keeping the same beat.  "The more the merrier" is what makes some occasions so much fun...there is just excitement in the air.

Now with COVID-19 there is more in the air than excitement there are flu droplets in the air that spreads the pandemic.  We have to be cautious and relearn how to follow guidelines when with others.
Smaller groups, social distancing, wearing masks, being outside---can be an enjoyable time, too.  The fact of seeing each other is the real celebration no matter what else is not the same.  It doesn't have to be a lot of people to be a celebration and we should remember this and concentrate on a small group following guidelines and learn to appreciate what we have and who we have while we can.   That will give the best of memories in the years to come. 

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