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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Friday, August 21, 2020

"Passing on Heart to Heart Conversations" by Susan Pearl

Hi Readers,

Recently, I have posted 125 "Old Sayings" and how these "Old Sayings" were explained to me as a child growing up in the 50's.  I have heard that "Old Sayings" develop the higher thinking skills by bringing a visual image to mind to match the situation.  "Old Sayings"are very useful to use in communication of a complex setting in an understandable way to many at the same time.

During these COVID-19 changes for children and more virtual learning I would encourage parents to discuss  "Old Sayings" with their children as a discussion for sharing thoughts and ideas. 

I am sharing how the "Old Sayings" were explained to me.  Maybe, that same "Old Saying" was explained in a different way to someone else.  Or, maybe, a new explanation can be applied to today's settings and circumstances.

The "Old Sayings" have been used by several generations and are still an applicable part of conversations and expressions for different topics in a sincere heart to heart way.

I know I am very glad that 'Old Sayings" were are part of what I was taught as a child and that people took the time to explain them to me.   I truly am appreciative of the time they gave me to understand the application and meaning.  It has been a special part of my way of listening to others and conveying my own thoughts of making a point in a concise way.  I have posted blog dates for the "Old Sayings" that I posted these past few months.

Ask questions about what the "Old Sayings" mean , draw a picture of the "Old Saying" and explain the picture to others, talk about choices, support systems and ways for the best possible outcomes to happen with what we can to do help better times come to be for the good and benefit of all people.

Thank You.

Best Wishes, 
Susan Pearl


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Dates of Blogs for "Old Sayings" by Susan Pearl

Dates of blogs for an addition 10 "Old Sayings"  (125 in total)

Previous blog dates for "Old Sayings"----  4-19-2020,    4-26-2020,   5-3-2020,   5-9-2020

                                                                     5-30-2020,   6-26-2020,   7-9-2020,   8-7-2020                                                                                           
                                                                     and today's date:  8-20-2020

August 20, 2020

1.  It's as easy as falling off a log".

2.  "Go with the flow".

3.  It's as hard as pulling horse's teeth".


4.  "Water,water everywhere and not a drop to drink".

August 17,2020

5.  "Two's company.  Three's .  crowd".

6.  "I felt like a fifth wheel".

7.  "The more the merrier".

August 15, 2020

8.  "Like a chip off the old block".

August 14,2020

9.  "Your goose is cooked".

10.  "He (she) cooked his (her) own goose when he (she).....".

"Old Sayings Picture Easy and Hard Tasks Coming Together" by Susan Pearl

"It was as easy as falling off a log".

 "Go with the flow".

"It was like pulling horse's teeth".

It is easy to picture these old sayings and instantly understand how very easy one "Old Saying" is and how very hard the task of the other "Old Saying" would be.

If someone had a project and everything fell into place very easily that person could say, "It was as easy as falling off a log."  In fact, it would have been harder for it to have gone any other way.  To "Go with the flow" is recognizing current opportunities and open windows in time to have a  chance for things to connect to and become a real and viable active part of the scene.  Sometimes things can go our way.

But there are times, too, of real struggle and persistence to accomplish a hard and needed effort to attain the exact results that are being hoped to achieve.  Sometimes those hard efforts are precisely what is needed at the moment of opportunity to fall into place.  

So we must remember that life is a combination and blend of hard and easy times coming together for having progress and an ever ongoing forward motion.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

"Old Saying Appreciates an Important Staple of Life" by Susan Pearl

"Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink".

Safe water to drink is a wonderful blessing.  When I think of this "Old Saying" I think of being in a life raft on the ocean hoping to be found and hoping for rain. I. also, think of too much rain on the land causing a deluge of flooding.  "Water-water everywhere but not a drop to drink".

But you don't have to be in a life raft on the ocean or in a flood to say this "Old Saying".  Even living by a river doesn't mean there is fresh water to drink because of animals using the same river.  Now we are getting green algae on lakes that make it not safe for people or pets to go for recreation.  "Water-water everywhere but not a drop to drink and in some cases water recreation areas not to swim in.

It is wonderful to see water wells being dug in countries who need drinkable water.  Conservation of water is important and we should appreciate every drink of safe water we take.  Otherwise, if we don't have a fresh, flowing spring well of water to use and we would have to do it for ourselves we would realize that if is it is not safe drinkable water everything else is, "Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink".  We would have to boil it and do what needs to be done to filter and make the water safe to drink.  It would be a life of appreciation for safe water and a realization of that without safe drinking water all else is is "Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink".      

Monday, August 17, 2020

Old Sayings Illustrate Different Settings for Good Times Together" by Susan Pearl

"Two's company, three's a crowd".

"I felt like a fifth wheel".

"The more the merrier".

These various "Old Sayings" describe different settings for a festive or enjoyable time with someone else.

There are times when a couple just want to be together.  A third person would feel like a "crowd" rather than a one to one evening with the only attention going to that one special person.   Some couples have a "date night" to be together. Even another couple joining them doesn't seem like a crowd.  But if a fifth person joins the two couples that person is referred to as a "fifth wheel".   There are times when a couple just want to have their evening to just be together.  So much to do and so busy during the week it is a special time to be together away from it all.

"The more the merrier" refers to those festive occasions that are more enjoyable with a lot of people there,  It is fun to see so many other people laughing and having a good time.  They bring an energy and enthusiasm that adds to the festive atmosphere.  At a dance it is enjoyable to watch good dancers on the floor and seeing the different styles of dancing while all keeping the same beat.  "The more the merrier" is what makes some occasions so much fun...there is just excitement in the air.

Now with COVID-19 there is more in the air than excitement there are flu droplets in the air that spreads the pandemic.  We have to be cautious and relearn how to follow guidelines when with others.
Smaller groups, social distancing, wearing masks, being outside---can be an enjoyable time, too.  The fact of seeing each other is the real celebration no matter what else is not the same.  It doesn't have to be a lot of people to be a celebration and we should remember this and concentrate on a small group following guidelines and learn to appreciate what we have and who we have while we can.   That will give the best of memories in the years to come. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

"Old Saying Notes Passed on Characteristics" by Susan Pearl

"A chip off of the old block".

To describe how I was taught this "Old Saying" it does start out to literally think of a block of wood.  Then think of a chip of wood off of that block of wood.  The chip of wood would have the same characteristics as the block of wood.

Then to think of the "Old Saying " in a figurative way would be that I new an old timer man who lived on a very well kept farm.  He had the strongest work ethic I had ever seen.  He was good at repairing things and fixing anything that needed fixed.  His crops were planted and harvested on time.  The few cattle he had were well cared for and he enjoyed how the cows would run to the pickup when he brought them feed.  He was glad to do it and see them eating even though it had been work loading the feed each day.

The old timer man had a son and the son has a very well kept place.  He has a very strong work ethic and can be counted on to do the work right no matter how hard it is.  He can repair or fix just about anything but the metric system and technology ways are not his cup of tea.  He is timely and enjoys doing things right and wouldn't have it any other way.

I think it is fair to say that the son is  "A chip of the old block".

Friday, August 14, 2020

"Old Saying Describes Actions for Misbehavior" by Susan Pearl

"Your goose is cooked".
"He (she) cooked his own goose when he (she)…."

This old saying has nothing to do with a goose or with cooking.  It has everything to do with a person's reputation or actions that take away from others having a favorable opinion of that person.  When confronted with the evidence of the misdeed the person may be told- "Your goose is cooked".  When things are brought into the light and seen for what they are- the decision is made for dismissal, or for retribution of the offense or maybe an end to the friendship or relationship.  At any rate, it means that something is "over"...and no more will the person be allowed to repeat the offense.  For instance, an example would be that "so and so" will no longer be able to do the collection basket at Sunday service because he was caught taking some of the money.  He cooked his own goose when he took the money from the collection basket.  He has been dismissed from that duty.  His goose is cooked when it comes to handling the collection basket money from now on.  The trust in him for having that responsibility is over.

Monday, August 10, 2020

"With Each New Day" By Susan Pearl

With each new day may faith become stronger by believing there is more good than not,
With each new day may hope become fuller by knowing that betterment can be,
With each new day may love become deeper by striving towards beneficial avenues of respect, peace and   goodwill for all.

Faith, Hope and Love do remain--even when things don't seem the same.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

"Only Once and Why is That?" by Susan Pearl

When we lived in the country there was a springtime of year that I noticed so many tree seedlings coming up in the yard.  The seedlings looked like deciduous trees and I thought of transplanting them for making a windbreak.

So our son and I spent most the day transplanting over a hundred of the three inch seedlings to be a windbreak on the southeast side of the property.  We were excited to think of the trees growing up to make a beautiful windbreak.

After we finished our tree planting we went to town to buy groceries.  On our return trip home from town we started seeing some smoke in the distance.  As we approached our home and turned into the driveway it was obvious and concerning the smoke was in the southeast part of the property.  We ran to see what was going on.  

There stood my husband with the garden hose.  He explained that when he got home from work he decided to burn off some grass because it was such a still day.

The property next to us was a plowed field and he wanted to burn off the grass from the fence line.  I asked. "Did you see the seedlings?" He answered, "What seedlings?"

To this day I have planted over one hundred seedlings only once.
To this day my husband has burned off grass only once.
Why did it have to be on the same day?   Only Once and Why is that?

We are celebrating our 54th wedding anniversary now and this is still one of our most baffling memories.  Why is that?  I think it is because we still can't believe it happened that way- being only once and only once and on the same day.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

"Make-Up Laugh" by Susan Pearl

When I was young I enjoyed wearing false eyelashes.  In fact, I didn't want to leave the house without having them on.  They were like the finishing touch to my make up.  On one night I didn't realize one of my eyelashes had fallen onto the floor as I was removing my make up and getting ready for bed.  

My husband came into the bedroom and before I knew it he rushed across the room and stomped his foot on the floor, then said, " I thought that looked like some sort of centipede." 

I said, "No, that's one of my eyelashes." 

Friday, August 7, 2020

"Dates of Blogs for Old Sayings" by Susan Pearl

Blog dates for an additional 15 "Old Sayings".  (115 total)

Other previous blog dates for  "Old Sayings".    4-19-2020,    4-26-2020,    5-3-2020,   
 5-9-2020,   5-30-2020, 6-26-2020,  7-9-2020  and today's date- 8-7, 2020

July 23, 2020

"It's a hard pill to swallow".

"It was a bitter pill to swallow".

July 24, 2020

"Here it is in a nutshell".

July 26, 2020

"It takes two to tango".

July 28 ,2020

"It takes one to know one".

"The hand is quicker than the eye".

July 29, 2020

"Variety is the spice of life".

July 31, 2020

"Save for a rainy day".

Aug. 3, 2020

"He (she) has his (her) fingers in too many pies".

Aug. 5, 2020

"If it sounds too good to be true it probably is".

"You get what you pay for".

"Dangling the carrot".

"You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar".

"Money can't buy happiness".

"The best things in life are free".

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

"Old Sayings are Bundled Together by Practical Knowlege Application" by Susan Pearl

Here are six "Old Sayings" that all connect with the application of practical knowledge.

1.  "If it sounds too good to be true it probably is".
2.  "You get what you pay for".
3.  "Dangling the carrot
4.  "You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar".
5.  "Money can't buy happiness". 
6.  "The best things in life are free".

1.  It is easy to be brought into an advertisement that seems to be showing so much fun and laughter if only a person would buy the product being advertised.  Some advertisements seem to offer instant popularity or instant answers to longstanding problems.

We can feel drawn to the enticing and intriguingly interesting thought of such a good deal and the concept for such happy results.  All we have to do is buy it or follow it then what we want will be ours.  "If it sounds too good to be true it probably is".

2.  How about buying a no guarantee tool for one dollar and it breaks the first time it is used?  All that can be said is that "You get what you pay for".

3.  "Dangling the carrot" is another "Old Saying" for applying practical knowledge.  Horses like the treat of having a carrot to eat and if a person dangles a carrot in front of the horse then the horse will keep waking towards the carrot by following the carrot.  The horse may feel free but it really has been ensnared by the manipulation of another just by "dangling the carrot".

4.  Flies are drawn and attracted to sweet honey--- so--- honey can be used to entrap and catch flies. Vinegar would not attract a fly so it would not be used.  "You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar".

5.  There is nothing on the market that can buy us happiness.  There are very many rich unhappy people.
"Money can't buy happiness".

6.  Somethings in life are priceless.  A beautiful sunset, a starry night, a gorgeous view, feeling well and the joy of loving people, a child's artwork or handmade card, heartfelt moments and wonderful memories of them.  "The best things in life are free".

Monday, August 3, 2020

"Old Saying Says Too Much is Too Much" by Susan Pearl

"He (she) has his (her) fingers in too many pies".

This old saying was used a lot when I was growing up but it had nothing to do with pies and fingers in the pies.  It was used when describing someone who was not able to fulfill a promise or something that needed to be done.  It was then said, "He (she) has his (her ) fingers in too many pies".  It was a way of expressing that person was way too busy with way too many other things to do.

Maybe our "time management" needs to be reevaluated.

Being involved with too many things at one time with too much to do is overextending ourselves.
After awhile there is nothing left for us to put our hand to because our life is totally occupied with other things and we need to recognize that we have no free time and cannot promise or take on anything more to do..  We have to learn to know our limits and learn how to say "No" when we have reached that limit..  We can only do so much.  All of us are the same and only have 24 hours in any given day.  Things can be  repetitive and roll around way too fast and it is all we can do is to keep up--yet alone adding something else to do.  Even if some are favorite things to do--too much is too much.  Maybe we should consider the thought that even though we like what we are doing it just may be "We have our fingers in too many pies".   It may be time to back off and free up ourselves to not be so involved and so busy and have some time again for ourselves.  Keep a schedule that leaves some open time for more attention to priorities as needed.