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Friday, May 25, 2012

May 25-"The Legend Of The Pine" By Susan Pearl

Many years ago when I was in High School I was told about a legend of a pine,
And I have remembered the legend for all of this time,
And now I would like to share the legend in the form of a rhyme.

The Legend of the Pine:  By Susan Pearl
#430 Blog

A magnificient pine stands under sunset skies,
And there under a mystery lies in the pine's shadowy disquise,
I was there when the pine was a frail seedling,
And I met the short and humped gardener in charge of the ground's keeping,
Over and over again the ground's keeper gave the pine some tender attention,
Wanting the pine to grow and become what it could be was the caretaker's intention,
I heard the ground's keeper say one day,
"When I die, I am going to reach down from Heaven and pull that pine up to the sky,"
And now people wonder how such a stupendous pine is so straight and tall,
Can cast a shadow so humped and small,
The secret of the pine's mystery shawdow I will tell,
My question is: "Did I become all I could be as well?"

I will be taking a two week break from writing my blog.
Please read some of the past 430 posts I have written. Enjoy.
I hope to be back with my blog on June 11, 2012.

Thank You,
Susan Pearl

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