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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Friday, May 25, 2012

May 25-"The Legend Of The Pine" By Susan Pearl

Many years ago when I was in High School I was told about a legend of a pine,
And I have remembered the legend for all of this time,
And now I would like to share the legend in the form of a rhyme.

The Legend of the Pine:  By Susan Pearl
#430 Blog

A magnificient pine stands under sunset skies,
And there under a mystery lies in the pine's shadowy disquise,
I was there when the pine was a frail seedling,
And I met the short and humped gardener in charge of the ground's keeping,
Over and over again the ground's keeper gave the pine some tender attention,
Wanting the pine to grow and become what it could be was the caretaker's intention,
I heard the ground's keeper say one day,
"When I die, I am going to reach down from Heaven and pull that pine up to the sky,"
And now people wonder how such a stupendous pine is so straight and tall,
Can cast a shadow so humped and small,
The secret of the pine's mystery shawdow I will tell,
My question is: "Did I become all I could be as well?"

I will be taking a two week break from writing my blog.
Please read some of the past 430 posts I have written. Enjoy.
I hope to be back with my blog on June 11, 2012.

Thank You,
Susan Pearl

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24- "Betterment For All" By Susan Pearl

Faith gives the belief and the courage to make it through,
Hope gives the assurance and the vision of betterment which will be worth what it will take to make it through,
Love gives the willingness to work towards good for the sake of all,
With faith, hope and love we have the courage we can make it,
The assurance that for betterment we can take it,
And the willingness to work towards good and achieving this betterment for the sake of all.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23-"Useful and Unique" By Susan Pearl

There is an expression that describes a person,
The expression is, "They're not the sharpest knife in the drawer",
Which means a person may not think as fast as another one would,
Or a person may not understand as quickly as another one could,
I don't think that everyone needs to be the sharpest knife in the drawer,
We need butter knives and table knives, too,
These knives are useful and serve a specialized need,
Not every knife should be a fillet knife,
Everyone has a useful ablility and should be seen with value and unique worth.  

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22- "Finding Encouragement" By Susan Pearl

Whenever people think that life has let them down,
Somehow they need to see beyond themselves and look around,
Because there are people to be found,
Who have weathered so much yet they still abound,
And for them to have made it through,
Should give needed encouragement to me and you,
Inspiring encouragement is what they give,
Inspiring encouragement is what they live,
And to find such encouragement can show,
An ability within us to abound more than we could ever know.

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21- "Complaining" By Susan Pearl

Complain, complain, complain,
To complain that it didn't rain,
Then to complain that there is too much rain,
Is the same song, different verse, with the same refrain,
And it doesn't change a thing,
Except maybe to complain does blame,
Or trys to explain,
Why things keep staying the same,
Complaining that the things needed for a change never came,
And so goes on a repeating of the complaining refrain,
That doesn't change a thing. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18--" Being Burned Out" By Susan Pearl

There is an old adage desribing a person as "burning the candle at both ends",
With that old adage in mind it is important to say that we need to stay in between the two extremes,
And not work round the clock -night and day,
Because if we overdo over and over again, without a doubt, we will get burned out,
And it is more than a candle that I am talking about.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17- "More Than Curiosity" By Susan Pearl

Being nosey or nosiness is more than curiosity ought to be,
It is not minding a person's own business and not respecting people's right to privacy,
I don't feel obligated to answer every question asked of me,
Because some people are just plain nosey,
And the questions they ask are more than curiosity ought to be.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16- "Intuition" By Susan Pearl

I don't really know how to describe what "intuition" is,
All I know is that my mother had it,
People have it but some people don't have it as much as others,
I think I have intuition,
Because I knew that she knew,
And she knew that I knew that, too,
So intuition is something you can't quite put your finger on,
But even though you can not touch it because it is elusive,
It touches you like a gentle breeze rushing by,
An internal knowing that gentle breezes shouldn't be rushing,
Is like a clue that there is something present that is contradictory,
And somehow we instinctively respond to it,
This has been my effort to describe what "intuition" is.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15- "Gossip" By Susan Pearl

The gossip was so hot I'm surprised it didn't blister the lips of those telling it,
Gossip that was only partially true and partially not true, too,
What harm could passing it on do,
Except to be spreading a lie, and that is why,
Gossip will hurt someone someplace who unjustly and unfairly will cry,
Because minds are made up against that person before that person even has a chance to try.

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14- "The Tooted Horn" By Susan Pearl

Some people like to toot their horn for everything they do,
But an over tooted horn,
Can become worn,
And the off pitched sound it can make,
Gets to be a little hard for others to take.

Friday, May 11, 2012

May 11- "The Chase" By Susan Pearl

Like chasing a roaring lion with a butterfly net,
Chasing some things in life can only end in regret.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10- "Passage Of Time" By Susan Pearl

Life can show us many things we need to know to grow,
But when we are not able to understand some of the things,
If we let trust come in our mind and move us on, then with the passage of time,
We will know a peace that only such trust brings,
And this peace far surpasses us not understanding some of the things.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May9- "Basket Full Of Blessings" By Susan Pearl

These are the last words I heard her say-
"I hope you have a basket full of blessings today,
Now, let us pray",
Then she prayed for a basket full of blessings be given to everyone there,
And she smiled at each of us as she finished her prayer,
She left quickly, had lots to do, more people in need of having encouragement,
Then within the hour the sad news came that she had died in an auto accident,
Later we learned it had happened within ten minutes after her visit with us was made,
The memory of her and of her final wishing us a basket full of blessings will never fade,
Her request for a basket full of blessings she hoped and prayed for us back then,
Has been granted many times over---- time and time again, Amen.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8- "Making Decisions" By Susan Pearl

In my opinion-
Decisions made out of fear are based on anxiety,
Decisions made out of trust are based on faith, hope and love,
Anxiety based decisions are made with fearing that the danger of doom looms with a sure uncertainty for a way of getting out,
Decisions made that are based on trust keep believing that betterment will come with faith, hope and love without any doubt,
One decision is based on unrealistic view as to how much anyone can really do---the other decision is based on what is known to be steadfast and true.

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7- "Catch The Thought" By Susan Pearl

Like lightning bolts through the sky,
Sometimes new ideas can flash by our mind's eye,
Then by putting a new idea to good use we somehow catch the thought,
That gives us the results of at least trying instead of an excuse for not.

Friday, May 4, 2012

May 4- "It Is What It Is" By Susan Pearl

There are some things that can be fixed,
And there are things that are not fixable,
It is what it is and that's the way it is,
It is what it is and we have to learn to live with what it is.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3- "A View" By Susan Pearl

To have a viewpoint with a broader perspective and a greater length,
Is to view all people the same yet knowing that diversity brings strength.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2- "The Great-Grand Babysitter" By Susan Pearl

The children I used to babysit for have grown up and have children of their own.
Now those children have grown up and they have children of their own, too.
What does that make me?
A great-grand babysitter?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1- "Prayer Is For Anywhere" By Susan Pearl

They said we didn't have a prayer,
And I knew that wasn't true,
Because a prayer is for anywhere,
No matter what we are going through.