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Monday, October 18, 2010

Commentary on the Word "Comfort" by Susan Pearl

The word "comfort" is a fascinatinting word in the English language.  If I were to hope for someone to have comfort I woud be hoping that person would have solace during sorrow.  This solace can come in the form of good memories,  the love of others and the thought that all was done that could possibly be done.  These thoughts would bring comfort.  It is like peace of mind in the midst of a very stressful time, especially in a time of great change.

Sometimes when a person is very ill the treatment is described as "comfort measures".  This would mean to assist the patient to stay within a tolerable range of being without pain.  Comfort is a managed range of tolerance and this range is maintained by monitoring adjustments to stay within that comfort range throughout the duration of the painful process.

So "comfort" is a range of tolerance.  Some people say that something is out of his or her "comfort zone". This would means that something is out of the limits of having continued peace of mind or out of the range of continuing a level of tolerance in an individual setting or circumstance.

The expression "comfort food" is interesting. This expression gives the impression that besides having peaceful thoughts, or monitored surrourndings of tolerance range, "comfort" can be felt through the five senses.  The sense of taste is for the full flavor of favorite foods and the sense of smell for enjoying the aromas of such favorites  can even bring a pleasant memory to mind.  The sense of hearing would be like that of listening to an inspirational song or the quietness of an early morning cup of coffee (taste, smell, hearing).

The sight of a beautiful scene of nature is comforting and peaceful  The lovliness of flowers and the fragrance can bring our thoughts to a gentle place.  The majesty of the mountains and the vast sight of the redwoods can bring humbling thoughts of recognizing the greatness of it all.  This can be a moment of peace and "comfort".

Sometimes, just out of the blue, a person can experience an unexpected new peace and "comfort".  This may be due to the expansion of tolerance levels or a greater range of ability to remain at peace within a certain situation. 

We can bring comfort to others by our experience of what we have been through, too. This can be of assistance for others as an individual process of "comfort" begins.

"Comfort" is a personal, spiritual and, or, emotional connection beyond our self.   There are various ways that can bring "comfort"  and continue to maintain a tolerable range by having peaceful thoughts.

I hope you have "comfort". 

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