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Friday, November 5, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl Friday mystery blog #13

Garrett: Can you imagine how Lana must have felt when she realized she had been tricked by you and Hanna and that her night of love and fun on the town with Maze was all an hoax.  She saw Hanna and knew right away something was wrong.  Maybe Hanna told Lana that the reason she was there was to take Lana to a secret place where Maze was waiting for her. I think it had to be something like that for Hanna to get Lana to go willingly and get into Hanna's car.  How sad,  how terribly sad. What a betrayal! Lana had trusted you. Maze had trusted you. Do you think for one minute I am going to trust you? Answer me this, Nate.  Did you accept her three hundred dollar tip when you had taken her to meet Hanna?  Did you actually accept her generosity when you knew she was going to be murdered by Hanna? You played a big part in deceiving her.  What did you think when she handed you such a big tip and said "this is for you, thank you"? Did you feel anything?

Nate: What would it hurt? She wasn't going to be spending it anyway.

Garrett: There are no words to tell you what I am feeling right now for you.  If you don't tell me what I want I am going to get the word out in a big way how you lied and made up the story that Maze wanted to meet Lana when you knew you were setting her up for Hanna to murder her.

Nate: Do what you want to do. Believe it or not there are a certain few people who know how it really went down for Lana and they are alright with what I did.

Garrett: I'm asking again, I want to know who the head person is for the organization in this area. Tell me the name or do you even know?

Nate: I refuse to confirm or deny if I know the name. I don't think you and I are having a showdown.  I think we are having a standoff. I'm not going to tell you the name of the head of the organization and you are not going to tell anyone that I did tell Lana she was meeting Maze at the coffee shop because you don't want to jeopardize your sister. So there you have it, we are at a standoff. We are tied for now and the way I see it since we are even it would be to both of our best interests to not make waves and to tread very lightly. Maze doesn't like you and he's on board for threatening you by harming your sister. 

Garrett:  Maze doesn't like you. You even said you know that he would like you to be taken out of the picture and is making plans to do just that..

Nate: There you have it, another showdown. Nate wants you out of things and he feels the same way towards me.  We're even again.  You don't have any kind of advantage.  That's the way I see it.

Garrett: Well, all right then.  We're through.  You can't say you didn't have a chance. Now, get out of my car. 

Nate: Gladly. Watch your back. (Nate gets out of the car and slams the door. As he is going towards the wooden steps to go to his office Garret peels out of the parking lot. Nate watches him drive away. Nate hadn't even touched the doorknob when three police cars drive into the parking lot. The police get out of their cars and one officer orders Nate to stop and turn around slowly with his arms out. Two police women climb the wooden stairs. One officer quickly stands behind Nate and brings his arms behind him to handcuff while the other office tells him he was under arrest and reads him his Miranda rights.

Nate: (confusingly asks) What am I under arrest for?

Officer in front of Nate: For conspiracy in the execution of the murder of Lana Daltine. (The officers walk Nate down the stairs and escort him to the back seat of their police vehicle.) 

(Meanwhile, Garrett has arrived at the police station and quickly goes into Miles's office closing the door.  Garrett starts to play the tape recorder. Miles listens attentively to every word.)

To be continued: in one week on, Monday, November 15, 2021, mystery blog #14

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