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Friday, November 19, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl ( Friday, mystery blog #18)

 (Garrett's heart sinks as he finds out Nate has been bailed out and he is no longer in jail.)

Garrett: I thought his bond was set for $350,000 dollars.

Miles: It was. We got notice of a wire transfer in that amount to pay Nate's bond.  The wire transfer was under a "Guaranteed Confidentiality Rule" and the bank said everything was in order and the transfer was good.  So we had no choice but to let Nate go.

Garrett: How long ago was that?

Miles: Almost an hour.

Garrett: Who picked him up?

Miles: I don't know. I saw him get on the back of a motorcycle and they road off.

Garrett: Was the motorcycle driver a real muscular man?

Miles: No, he looked average build.  With the helmet and large sunglasses I didn't get to see his face.  He had his leathers on and boots.

Garrett: I will find Gary Hansen and I will take his statement and have him sign it. I'll bring the signed statement to you as soon as I can. 

Miles: With this new evidence I have just issued a BOL- "Be On The Lookout" for the motorcycle and stop it and bring Nate in to be questioned for possible involvement and transportation in the murder of Sylvia Quade. If they are still traveling it should work out.  But if they have already stopped and parked the motorcycle somewhere it won't happen as fast. But I think the window of time is still open and in our favor. They shouldn't be that far away. With an all points bulletin for the BOL scanning the area that they should still be in; that area will be very well covered and keep expanding and corresponding accordingly to the time frame.

Garrett:  They won't be on guard.  They don't know we want Nate for questioning about the Sylvia Quade's case.

Miles: Wait a minute,,, it's being reported they have been seen. They pulled up by a police car while waiting at a stop light.  The police person is following them and requesting back up. Word has it now that they are leaving the roadway and have entered a gas station plaza to gas up. I don't think it should be too long and we will have Nate back here for questioning.

Garrett: I am with Gary Hansen right now. I'll be right there with Hansen's signed statement. I want to be there for Nate's interview. I know this is a major break in the Sylvia Quade case. 

Miles: I agree. I want you to lead the interview.

Garrett: I will and with you there I know we will make a strong team to get to the truth of  the Sylvia Quade murder.

Miles: It can happen. We have the element of surprise on our side.

(Shortly, Garrett pulls into the police station parking lot. He goes into the police station and gives Hansen's signed statement to Miles.)

to be continued:  Monday, November 22, 2021 (mystery blog #19)

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