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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

"Chasing the Evidence Race" by Susan Pearl ( Wednesday, Mystery blog #16)

(The next morning Garrett goes to Automotive Restorations to follow up on his investigation.  He walks into the business and steps up to the front counter. The ringing of  a doorbell alerts those in the back garage that someone is waiting in the front part of the business. A young mechanic comes to the counter from the back garage area.)

Young Mechanic: Can I help you?

Garrett: I would like to talk to Cliff Bayne.

Young Mechanic: He's unavailable today.

Garrett: Will he be available tomorrow?

Young Mechanic: I couldn't say.

Garrett:  Do you work here full time or part time?

Young Mechanic: I work here full time.  Cliff has so many telephone interruptions and has to make so many calls to make I even get overtime most weeks.

Garrett: Is your name Roger Gains?  The Roger Gains who gave a statement to the police that you could verify that Max Wellbrock's 1955 Ford Fairlane had not left this place of business on the last day that Sylvia Quade worked here?  That Max's car was returned the following morning before hearing the news of Sylvia's death.

Young Mechanic: Yes, I'm Roger Gains. That's correct. I was here all day and with Cliff the last day that Sylvia worked here.  Max's '55 Ford Fairlane was here all day and even overnight. Cliff returned the Fairlane after putting on a fan belt early the next morning before we opened the business. I followed him so I could give him a lift back to the auto garage. We had worked together all that day the last day. That is, except when he had his dinner break.

Garrett: What time is Cliff's dinner break.  

Young Mechanic:  It varies.  He doesn't often take a dinner break.  That day he took a whole hour from 5:30PM to 6:30PM. Sylvia had already left for the day. I got a sandwich at the deli and when I came back with it that is when Cliff left. We try to always have someone here on the premises anytime we are open.

Garrett: Do you know Nate Striker?

Young Mechanic: Sure I know Nate.  He is a regular customer because he waxes his cars so much. He buys a lot of car wax.  We keep products like that up front and the receptionist handles the transaction with store front stock items for sale. Nate, also, uses Cliff's private commuter because his own computer needs an update. 

Garrett: Did Nate come in that day?

Young Mechanic: I couldn't tell you for sure. If he was in it was probably to buy some wax and Sylvia would have handled the transaction. As for using the computer, he comes and goes without even being noticed.  He uses an outside walk-in door to Cliff's office. I didn't see him that day.

Garrett: Could you look up the transactions for that day and so I can check if Nate made a purchase? (Just then a man steps out from behind a partition to the garage and tells the young mechanic that his help is needed to work on a car in the back of the garage. The young mechanic leaves the counter and the man steps up to the counter and looks at Garrett saying)

Cliff: My name is Cliff Bayne. I am the owner and we have given more than enough of our time to answering questions. We have work to do. We can't get anything done working on cars and make any money if we are standing around the counter visiting.  We've got to keep busy. That's just the way it is.

Garrett: I thought you were unavailable today.

Cliff: I am.

Garrett: Could have fooled me. You suddenly don't look unavailable to me. 

Cliff: I'm not going to stand back and watch you ask or try to find out answers to questions that simply are not any of your business. So this conversation is over. Max and I have been through hours of questioning.  Max's car was here. That's it. There's not anything else to say. (Cliff turns his back and walks away towards the garage)

Garrett:(calls out) I understand and I'll be leaving. You have work to do and I don't want to take up more of your time.

Cliff: (Stops and turns saying) I actually think you've get it.

Garrett: I do. (Garrett leaves and Cliff continues walking to the garage. Garrett is thinking as he is walking to his car of how his request for information about Nate had hit a nerve with Cliff.  It seemed very important to Cliff that he quickly step in and stop any transactions from being shown that were made on the last day that Sylvia worked there. Garrett knows he did hit a nerve with Cliff.  Garrett writes down some notes about this in his notepad. He knows a definite knee jerk reaction when he sees one. There was something that caused Cliff to have a reaction and want to break up the conversation between the mechanic and Garrett. Also, Garrett knows he has caught Nate in another lie as Nate told him he didn't know Sylvia Quade. Now Garrett has two details starting to show there is more to Nate and Cliff.  It is like they are trying to protect each other. Nate denies knowing Sylvia and Cliff stops possible information about Nate to be revealed. In addition for Nate to have special access to Cliff's computer is very concerning. Garrett breaths a temporary sigh of relief knowing Nate is in jail but soon that will change.)

to be continued: Tomorrow


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