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Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29- "To Topple Or Not To Topple" By Susan Pearl

What can cause something to "topple"?
One cause could be a disproportional amount on the top as compared to the rest of the structure,
Another cause is if the structure becomes crooked and is out of a true alignment with the base,
Another cause could be if the bottom of the structure begins to develop stress fractures,
What can help something not to "topple"?
Great attention to maintaining the strength of the base is essential for a lasting structure to withstand the stress,
And having things in balance and in the right proportions by keeping a true and proper alignment at all times,
So the base, the balance, the alignment and proper proportions, all of these work together a lasting strength,
These principles can, also, be applied to other areas of life,
Because buildings are not the only things that can topple.

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