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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May9- "Basket Full Of Blessings" By Susan Pearl

These are the last words I heard her say-
"I hope you have a basket full of blessings today,
Now, let us pray",
Then she prayed for a basket full of blessings be given to everyone there,
And she smiled at each of us as she finished her prayer,
She left quickly, had lots to do, more people in need of having encouragement,
Then within the hour the sad news came that she had died in an auto accident,
Later we learned it had happened within ten minutes after her visit with us was made,
The memory of her and of her final wishing us a basket full of blessings will never fade,
Her request for a basket full of blessings she hoped and prayed for us back then,
Has been granted many times over---- time and time again, Amen.

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