My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Vacation Time

 Hi Readers, 

I will be taking a vacation from my blog and I encourage everyone to read some of the past 1059 blogs and enjoy them.  I appreciate all of you reading my blog and hope to be back in a few weeks.

Wishing all of you the very best,

With sincere thanks,

Susan Pearl

Monday, July 12, 2021

"We Just Don't Know" by Susan Pearl

 There is something mystifying about the sea to me----

Its waves come in and go--

High tide and then low==

Some things about the sea are so steady--

You can set a clock---

But there are unpredictable conditions that, also, come and go,

Things that only the winds will show-

How strong will the winds blow--

We just don't know.

Something so steady and unpredictable--a mixture of time and chance--

Giving favorable and unfavorable circumstance-

There is something mystifying about the sea so vast to me--

Conditions change-they do not last---what will be will be- with no guarantee-

The beauty of life together with uncertainty...

The lasting sea showing the passing of what is temporary.

How strong will the winds blow---

We just don't know...

When it comes to how goes the  passage of time..

Your guess is as good as mine.

Friday, July 9, 2021

"Time To Choose the Delicate Cycle " by Susan Pearl

 I think I should learn a lesson from the settings of my washer dial to now choose a "delicate" setting in life,

The "delicate setting" is a setting on the washer for less time of agitation and less force from the agitator because of a slower and gentler motion while washing. When I set the dial to be on the delicate setting I am choosing to dial back the amount of time and the amount of force from the agitator. 

Sometimes we need to be gentle with ourselves.  All of us have parts of our life and times in life that we are sensitive to and about in certain ways.  These times may have been painful and hurtful and we can now make a choice not to be subjected to more hurt or pain from them.  Maybe we have to limit our amount of time with certain others who add to the pain (now and then) when we see them. There is some sort of proven repeating track record that we are uncomfortable with because we don't know if more pain will be conveyed or not.

If I feel "put down" and my efforts "unappreciated"  after being with someone, maybe it is time I change my setting in life to a "delicate and gentle" setting and try a different way and new environment that is consistently uplifting and upbuilding.  I do not have to subject myself to what is not in my best interests.  I choose to turn back the dial to a "delicate setting" and make it an "often" used "option" in my life.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

"That was That" by Susan Pearl

 When I was in my twenties and thirties I wasn't smart,

When I was in my forties and fifties things were coming together,

When was in my sixties and seventies I had it down pat-

and then ---that was that....

Things started to fall apart...

    too numerous to mention. 

And here I am ---knowing what I should have known back then..  

but it's all OK----

  because I think life is supposed to be that way.

Monday, July 5, 2021

"Compassionate People" by Susan Pearl

Compassionate people seem to me to not get swept away with opposing situations.

There seems to be a balance that allows for the feelings of both sides of the situation.

They see life through compassionate eyes and work towards the good of all.

They want what is best but recognize that often times the best that can be done is to make things a little better.

 So if we can only make things a little bit better in settings of opposing sides we have worked hard with compassion to further things in a forward motion that will show up in the long run to be for the best....every little bit helps...and don't think it doesn't.

Compassionate people rise up above a situation and don't get caught in it because they represent what compassion can bring to the setting----and it's a lot.

Friday, July 2, 2021

"A Wonderful Fulfilling Life" by Susan Pearl

 Sometimes I wonder what life is telling me without words,

What answers is life trying to show me without any pantomimes?

Life doesn't necessarily have to be showing me about myself,

Life can be showing me something about itself.

It can be one or the other or a combination of both.

Life is about change and about changes in perceptions and how we see things,

True new viewpoints and understanding build upon each other.

There have been people who have shown me something about life and about myself,.. there have been books, movies, art and interactions that called on me to grow and be mature and responsible.

Nature is a big part of life to learn, learn, learn from.  Too much to even mention- for the many other ways life advances our growth and appreciation.

So many lessons to learn from so many aspects of life.  That is what makes them personalized to fit each of us just right.

Yes, living is being in a personalized learning center with truths and answers galore.

Just when we thought we knew it all life will show us more...and more...and then even more.

Life is exciting and there is enough good for everyone.  It is like an ongoing educational learning tour.

Some lessons will be hard, some will be fun and others will be enlightening for a deeper and more meaningful experience of living a wonderful fulfilling life.