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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

"Giving a Bird's Eye View"" by Susan Pearl

 I'm beginning to think the expression "a bird eye's view" may be taking on a new meaning to me.   It is heartwarming to me when a person tells of a special mentor in life that made a difference to recognize and achieve potential.  Many times it is a parent but many times it is a teacher or a coach who tells and shows with certainty the unique abilities and strengths that the young person has.  The mentor can see it and gives that perspective to the young person. The young person had not seen this view before for possible personal achievements.  The mentor can "rise above the situation" to see the whole picture that is in the realm of possibilities.  Such mentoring brings about hopes and dreams with realistic goals that with lots of hard work and practice it can happen and be attained. That special insight gives a lifetime view that leads to a life of an enriching creative and positive attitude. Now, "rising above a situation"---that "bird's eye view" lifts the spirit to "soar" and that is what makes the child see this perspective for themselves.  To see this view for their whole life through. Living a "rising above" -a- "bird's eye view" perspective as a way of life and giving that perspective to others by sharing how it was given to them. 

Yes, sharing a perspective (above the situation) is giving a "bird's eye view".

There is a lot of talk these days about we are made to be social and children need to be social and be in school for their learning experience.   Remembering that so many times the mentor that made a difference in a child's life is a teacher or a coach it is important to know that the child needs to be in the environment to be given "a bird's eye view" that could change their life and perspective for the better. 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

"That's Genius" by Susan Pearl

 Thomas Edison in 1902 said, "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration".

Here it is over one hundred years later and this expression has explained something to me today.

I had thought that so much of the ingenuity over the years had been done by imagination. I am rethinking that thought and realizing imagination is fantasy but inspiration is something totally different.  Being inspired is taking what is known and then being inspired to see what can be by building on that knowledge. The inspired vision is based on what is already known and understood.  By having this level of expertise a person can envision taking things to another level and thinking it should happen.   It will take lots of work and experimentation over and over while keeping accurate records.  I'M SURE THE FINDINGS OF THE SPACE PROGRAM OVER THE DECADES LED TO THE INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHT OF LANDING A ROVER ON MARS AND SENDING LIVE PICTURES BACK TO EARTH.....which we recently got to see.

If we go to a movie about fictional adventures and fictional stories -- it is imaginary.  

Landing on Mars recently was-

One percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration---That's Genius!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

"Dear, Dear Wisdom" by Susan Pearl

 Dear, Dear Wisdom, you are so welcomed-

So welcomed to come and to enlighten,

Showing what there is to be seen.

   in all that is happening,

 And by applying the knowledge we know to be true-

New and better thoughts will come into view.

 Believing good things will come

   by having you, Dear, Dear Wisdom.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

"500,000" by Susan Pearl

 In memory of the 500,000 who have passed away from COVID-19

 and with deepest sympathy to all their families and friends.

So sorry for each loss and please know many heartfelt thoughts are being sent  

to bring comfort and condolence to all.


Susan Pearl

Monday, February 22, 2021

"Cycles of Love" by Susan Pearl

Love knows,

Love sows,

Love grows,

Love shows,

Love flows,

Love shields,

Love yields,

Love heals,

Love knows,

Love sows,

Love goes,

Without end-

   again and again,

From generation to generation-

Love flows.


Sunday, February 21, 2021

"Living an Exciting Life" by Susan Pearl

 If the world is our oyster as they they say,

Then we should be excited to discover the pearl that is in each day.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

"A True Positive Light of a Stage Star" by Susan Pearl

 Almost everybody wants to be a star-

To succeed in the success game

    becoming a household name.

But the price to pay to be so well known

   is to become publicly owned.

That's a big price to pay

but it doesn't have to be that way.

For if we keep our true identity- 

By not becoming what other people want us to be

We simply---

Share a talent that we are blessed to have and give it our best.

Then the people will decide for us if we have met the test.

All will know-

It is just a show and will come and go.

Almost everyone wants to be a star

and drive that big fancy car.

With money rolling in without a hitch

Buying everything from being so rich-

Will this all go to our head-

  or will we remain humble instead.

Giving thanks for such an opportunity-

To shine a positive light for all to see.

Knowing it is the kindness of others who has brought us to where we are,

That is the true positive light of a stage star.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

"The Crying Sunflower" Part 2 by Susan Pearl

 "Tell me what you like to do.  I came here today to watch the sunset.  I hear the sunsets have been so beautiful.  So. maybe. we can watch it together," said the kind person.

"Sure!  That would be fun.  The sunsets are so very beautiful to see.  Yes, that is a favorite part of each day for me to see." said the sunflower.

The kind person then asked, "What are some of your favorite colors in a sunset?"

"Oh!" exclaimed the sunflower, "I like the purples, and oranges and the pinks and yellows and golds.  I like all the colors of a sunset.  Seeing a sunset is a wonderful part of the day."

"Yes, it is," agreed the kind person.  "I would like to come back tomorrow and we can see the sunrise together, too."

"Oh!" exclaimed the sunflower, " I love the sunrise in the morning.  It is a beautiful way to start the day.  It makes the roosters crow and the flowers grow!

"Hey," said the kind person, "you are not crying anymore."

"I know," said the sunflower, "I'm not missing the rainbow with all the beautiful things I have to see.  I am happy and that's a good way to be."

Then the kind person said, "Someday, when there is a rainbow I will come with my phone and show you on the screen what is behind you and that way you will see the rainbow.  We can even take a picture of it."

"Sounds like a plan," said the sunflower.

"A plan that should work, too, because a rainbow is a reflection of the sunlight on the water droplets in the sky.  To see a rainbow you have to have your back to the sun and face the rainbow.  Sunflowers face the sun all day", said the kind person.

The sunflower happily said, "I so glad I face the sun each day because I get to see all the beautiful sunrises and sunsets.  I am very grateful".             The End

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

"The Crying Sunflower" by Susan Pearl

 My, Oh, My---

Why would a sunflower cry?

Sunflowers should be happy-

   they get to face the sun all day.

When the sun comes up in the morning

It is then the sunflower lifts its' head to face the sun.

And the sunflower will face the sun

   until the day is done.

Then the next day the sunflower will face the sun again-

day after day---   from sunrise, when the day begins

   to sunset, when the day ends.

So, why would a sunflower cry? 

The sunflower was asked by a kind person,

"Why do you cry, pretty sunflower?

This is such a nice, bright day,

Let's wipe your tears away."

The sunflower said, "Some days are not bright and sunny.

   on some days it rains.

When the sun comes out after the rain sometimes there is a rainbow to see,

but not for me."

(To be continued on my next blog)  Thank You

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

" Answer to Rainbow Riddle" by Susan Pearl


I was looking to the west when seeing the morning rainbow.  With the morning sun in the east the rainbow would be in the west.  The sun has to be to our back when looking at a rainbow---- the rainbow is in front of us.---With the sun to our back we can then see the reflection of the sun on the water droplets in the sky.  The reflection of the sun on the water droplets is what makes the rainbow.  The rainbow is in front of us and the sun is to our back.

I am not an expert but I have found this to be fascinating.  So I thought of a little children's story to illustrate this fact.  I would like to share this children's story-----on my next blog.  Thank You 

Monday, February 15, 2021

"A Quick Riddle" by Susan Pearl

The sunrise was so beautiful and then a breathtaking rainbow made a very gorgeous morning to be seen. 

I can remember it all to this day.

In what direction was I looking to see the rainbow?

More thoughts on this riddle in my next blog.  Thank You.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

"Something Beautiful is on the Way" by Susan Pearl

 Oh, it had been the most beautiful plant.  I regularly turned it because it leaned towards the big window.

It was a tall plant and I had staked the long wide center stem.  Then one by one the leaves started falling off.  I noticed the stem had turned yellow and was no longer green and the leaves were falling from that area of  the yellow stem.  So I cut the stem back to the green part in hopes of saving the plant.  There were only five leaves to go and maybe this would stimulate the plant to have more stem growth.  It didn't work as the remainder of leaves fell off and the entire stem turned yellow.  I cut the stem of level to the dirt but to no avail several weeks later it was no different. No new shoots poking through the dirt. I had enjoyed this plant for several years.  I decided to put some artificial leaves in the planter until, with help, I could remove the large planter to the back yard.  The planter did take up quite a bit of room and it just wasn't the same having artificial leaves in front of the window with the sunlight flooding in on it. 

That all happened over two months ago and maybe even three months by now.  Two days ago I was in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and I glanced at the artificial leaves because something looked different.  Yes, three live leaves were rising above and beside the artificial ones.  My, they looked so new, so healthy, so fabulous and so fun.   Something beautiful had been on its way all this time.  I didn't know it but something beautiful was working towards and awaiting to show itself when it could.  I don't know it all happened but I'm sure glad it did.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

"Let's Give the Gift of Reading" by Susan Pearl

 I heard something so insightful yesterday while watching a program about children's education. In one of the interviews a person said, " A child learns to read by third grade--then reads to learn.  I thought that was wonderful to know.  I know a famous quote by Einstein says--(paraphrased because I read it years ago but I think it goes something like this)  "...if you want your children to be intelligent read them a fairy tale--if you want your children to be more intelligent read them two fairy tales."

While being at home more with the COVID-19 guidelines let us read to children more and lets help them learn how to read.

I have an opinion that in years to come along with---"a child learns to read by third grade then reads to learn"-- we may, also, say, "I taught children to read and now children have taught me something from what they just read." 

Let's teach children to read every day. It will make a better day for tomorrow in many ways. 

Teach the long and short sounds of the vowels.  Teach the phonetic sound of each letter of the alphabet.  Put them together and watch what happens.  If a child learns how to sound out and read short words today it has been a wonderful day in more ways than one. 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

"Learning From Mistakes" by Susan Pearl

 Being kind to myself has become a priority,

It is a change in the way I think.

I can't feel bad about every mistake I make.

It is knowing that I will make mistakes

(everyone makes mistakes)--

We have to take responsibility for our mistakes and have no ill intent before we do something,

 we have to learn to live with what we cannot change and accept the consequences of our actions.

I have to learn to be kind to myself when I make an insignificant mistake

and how to be kind to others when they make an insignificant mistake, and to know the difference.

This is a realistic point of view--because when it come to mistakes we all make them,

In fact, we can learn from them.

Let's learn be kinder to ourselves and to others when making an insignificant and inconsequential mistake.

Sometimes we have to say. "It's not that big of deal and I refuse to feel bad about it.  I did my best and no can ask more than that."

Monday, February 8, 2021

"1000th Blog" By Susan Pearl

 Dear Readers,

When I started my "Pearls Take Time" blog in 2010 I believed through faith it would not fail-

   and that with love it would prevail.

That everything anchored in hope would stay afloat.

I still believe that to be true today.

Today is my 1000th blog and I am very happy and excited about it.

I am looking forward to writing more blogs and even reposting some blogs that have been posted through the years.

Thank you all very much.

I wish you all the very best,

Susan Pearl

Sunday, February 7, 2021

"Finding the Happy Medium" by Susan Pearl

 "Overdone"---"Underdone"---where is the "Happy  Medium"?

This is not in reference to food.

What may be "overdone" to one person may be "just right" to another person.

So it comes down to personal preference.

I may like a lots of pictures on a wall.

Another person may like the walls plain with no decorations at all.

That's alright--I'll decorate my walls the way I like them-

   and others can decorate their walls the way like them.

That's fine but if we share one wall how does that work?

Compromise, choices and finding ways of getting along with each other with respect and dignity.

The "Happy Medium" is somewhere in between extremes.

During changing times, circumstances and settings it may appear things are over done or under done.

The "Happy Medium" is "found" when we can agree on a "common ground". 

A "Common Ground" of "believing" that all people are created equal and we "work" towards the good and the benefit of all while "meeting" the responsibility of "protecting" the generations to come.. 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

"A Pearl Moment of Having a Laugh Together" by Susan Pearl

I am a spontaneous person who likes routine.

I like to be spontaneous in conversations with wit and humor.

Sometimes the opportunity is there for wit and humor-

   and sometimes not.

It's like that saying, "You can't make it happen"-

You have to be able to recognize it when it does happen 

  and improvise in the moment,

It's like finding the pearl moment when you see it, running with it and seeing where it will go.

This spontaneous style becomes a routine part of a humorous and witty personality.

It becomes fun that is at no one's expense and no one has to pay a price for the good times of others.

There is an "awareness and sensitivity" that does not allow for crossing a line-                                              it may push the envelope but it does not cross the line.

This awareness and sensitivity are the routine parts of being spontaneous-                                                     and both go together hand in hand.

So maybe I am a person of routine who likes to be spontaneous.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

"I Found the Needle and More" by Susan Pearl

 Last night, before going to bed, I tried to find a needle that I had lost in my chair earlier in the day while working on a craft. I very carefully and meticulously went over the everything in, on and around the chair, (the afghan, the throw plus a few pillows). Then, last but not least, (for sure), I decided to slowly check some creases in the cushion with my hands.  Ouch!!! I found the needle.  The tip of my index finger had been pricked.  I was glad to have found the needle.  I wouldn't have wanted to sit on it.

I wished I could have found it by seeing it but the prick worked fine to find it.  I thought there have been times in my life where I have been shown something by actually seeing it or by being shown it by a mentor showing and explaining it to me.  But there have been other times in life when I have been shown things by pain.  Like the betrayal of someone I held dear.  I was shown how to forgive and how to end a relationship if that needed to be done.  I was shown how not to look back. All these lessons were shown to me by a pain or a hurt experienced by life.  I had to learn to live with what I could not change and not let things or actions or words of others to own me.

So I think that we find things about life and about ourselves both ways---externally and internally.  By being outwardly shown these discoveries and by being shown these discoveries inwardly by pain.

My, all these thoughts came from being pricked by a needle.  Who would have thought it would mean more to me than just discovering the lost needle?  I sure didn't----but it did.  I found the needle and more.


Monday, February 1, 2021

"Still Developing" by Susan Pearl

 I woke up during the night.  As I was trying to go back to sleep I decided to pray and thank God for His many blessings naming them one by one.  I thought "Thank you, God, for developing me".

"Whoa"----"Where did that word "developing" come from"???  I don't use that word very often and I don't think I have ever used it about myself since I was 70 years old.  What could be developing about me at this age.  Shouldn't I be developed by now?  Needless to say, I woke up to review my thoughts.

I thought about developing fruit.  That would mean the fruit was maturing.  Maybe I'm still maturing in my concepts, my attitudes and my views and outlooks about life and others.

Then I thought of developing film in a dark room.  I thought that out of the dark can come a current new picture to see.  Maybe through these dark times we will see a brand new current picture about things.  Something we haven't seen, considered or known before.  That picture may still be in the process of being developed to be seen.

I am still in the process of being developed and there is going to be more maturity to come and new pictures of life to be shown.  Seeing these new pictures of life with more maturity may initiate a change of heart for various viewpoints in life   It is exciting to be developing and I just didn't ever think of it that way before.  It is, also, exciting to share this thought of "developing" on my blog.  This is my 996th blog today.  It is a brand new thought about "developing" because I just thought of it during the night.