My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sept. 28- "Good Wages Please" By Susan Pearl

In my opinion we need our big wheelers and dealers,
And we need our potato peelers,
We need those to help lift and assist the ones needing help each day,
And we need those who can balance corporate worksheets in a fair and honest way,
And I think they both should get good pay,
Because giving hands on care to those in need,
Is just as important as shuffling papers around to find numbers to read,
Pay scales say something about our priorities and what we value, too,
And people helping people is, also, an important work to do,
But do the wages show it---even though we all know it?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sept. 27- "Curtain Remedy" By Susan Pearl

When it comes to window repairs, the curtains and my husband do not get along very well,
He put the sheer curtains up over the curtain rod but while he was working--- down the white sheer curtains fell,
Covering his head like a bridal veil,
He then pulled the sheers to one side,
But, once again, back over on top of him they did slide,
His patience was wearing thin,
When I said to him,
"I'll go get a clothespin."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sept.26- "Clue Time" By Susan Pearl

If you don't have a clue,
Why people are walking all over you,
The first thing you should do,
Is check your self esteem and how you value yourself,
Because to have a good self esteem will truly help,
Then you should have a clue,
As to what is best to do--for you,
You can not buy your worth by trying to be what others want you to be,
When you have good self esteem you can see that is not a necessity,
And you will not be dependant on others for your own point of view,
That's when you really have a clue,
And will know what is best to do--for you.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sept.25- "Life Is Change" By Susan Pearl

Life is change,
Chance and circumstance are parts of the constant components causing change,
Once I get use to things being the same it is time for them to change or rearrange again,
Sometimes things go in our favor, sometimes not so,
Sometimes fast, sometimes slow--who's to know how change will go?
The cycles of change continue on- causing new times to be looked upon,
No one can change that from being true- more changes for  us to keep getting used to,
Adapt and accept, forgive and forget-
Live life to the fullest with no regret-
Because change really is inevitable,
And who's to know how change will go?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sept.24- "Words Strike Out" By Susan Pearl

Words from another, like a boxer, can strick out to inflict and pack a punch like a sudden emotional painful wallop,
I think it is fair to say that a person can even feel momentarily stunned by the impact of such words---
So, when a person has proven to me an ability to speak at me with unfair and unkind words I then act accordingly,
I stay out of the stricking distance of their words by staying away from them at any social or public gatherings,
I like to give others the benefit of the doubt,
But this is one thing I sure know what I'm talking about,
I like staying out of their ring,
And avoiding the consequences that such contact could bring.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sept.21- "Truth Direction" By Susan Pearl

I really think that if we are running away from the truth,
We are going in the wrong direction,
Even though facing the truth can hurt,
It is better than going down so many ways that won't ever work.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sept.20- "Processes" By Susan Pearl

Whenever I think of the process a person goes through,
I pick three things in the room and think of the process each item has had,
Like the the coffee table used to be part of a tree,
And the wool yarn used to be a lamb's fleece,
The coffee in a cup used to be coffee beans,
I realize that the process of change can really go to a high degree,
And that the process of change is not just for things but also for me,
It is a process to separate from the way I used to be, and at times that is not easy,
But life is change with many processes to go through,
Processes for personal growth and processes for leaving behind the life we once knew, too.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sept.19- "The Noise Maker" By Susan Pearl

Our house needed new shingles,
My husband decided he would shingle the house,
During the beautiful Fall months of September and October he was up on top of the house "pounding away",
When finished there came an afternoon our neighbors were having their family gathering in their front yard,
My husband went outside for a brief moment and when he came back in he said that the little boy who lived next door had pointed towards him and exclaimed to the crowd,
"That's the man that makes all the noise,"
I then wondered if the shingling project had interrupted with the little boy's nap time....oh, dear.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sept 18- "Case And Question" By Susan Pearl

I said that the shirt was too blue,
He said that blue was "relative",
Meaning that,what is too blue to one person may not be as blue to another person,
I thought that was interesting and new to me,
Can I actually buy something I don't like and the other person will like it?
I questioned my judgement and bought a gift certificate to the store for the gift,
Case and question---solved.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sept.17-"Gratitude" By Susan Pearl

Whenever I'm in a mood that I'm not seeing the potential for good,
I try to remember I should have more gratitude,
And my thoughts change then to a happier view,
Because I am thinking of the good that has come to be that I know is true,
And when I take time to tell of the good I have seen and known,
A new time for me in which to be grateful is somehow shown.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sept. 13- "Fall Thoughts" By Susan Pearl

Without a doubt,
This summer has been a drought,
But several rains came,
And things are trying to green up again,
So, maybe it will be a pretty Fall,
After all.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sept 12- "Thanks But No Thanks" By Susan Pearl

My husband was trying to be considerate to me,
When he parked in the shade of the blossoming apple tree,
And the shade of the tree gave a comfortable temperature degree,
But the tree was simply the hang out of every local bee,
And so my wait in the car turned into sheer misery,
So please know that waiting in the shade of a blossoming tree,
May not really be the best of places to be.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sept. 11- "More Than One Fish" By Susan Pearl

There is an old expression, " They're not the only fish in the sea",
We had a project to do and I left a message for the call to be returned to me,
After waiting three weeks for the return call and placing more requests-
    for having their free estimate-
I thought, "They're not the only fish in the sea",
I called someone else and within two days I was given an estimate that was free,
We all agreed it was a fair price, for the work to be done- and it turned out beautifully,
Yes, the one who wouldn't return a call to me,
Was definately "not the only fish in the sea".

Monday, September 10, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sept. 7- "New Term-Old Expression" By Susan Pearl

I think the person who made up the old saying-
"What goes up-must come down",
Must have lived before orbiting satellites amid the stars,
Or space stations or exploring equipment on the moon or Mars,
So there are lots of things in the sky that have been left floating around,
In fact, can everything so far up from off of the ground really all be found,
I just think the person who made up the expression couldn't foresee,
That there would be a day when people would say "space debris".

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sept.6- "Kind Heart" By Susan Pearl

The words spoken were short but long lasts any other memory,
The words were," you're kind", and said with true sincerity,
Those words are held especially dear for they were spoken to me,
And for throughout my lifetime especially dear they will be,
For final moments in life can bring a special closeness to see,
With the parting words- "you're kind"- I continue to remember that moment vividly,
Now those words speak out in this heart of mine, time after time,
Saying, ---"Let being kind to one another shine,
Oh, yes, let the light shine on a kind heart,
Willingly giving to do an extra needed part,
Oh, let the light shine on the love of a kind heart."

Personal note:   The words "you're kind" were the last words spoken to me by my mother before she died.  I wanted to share that in my blog today.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sept. 5- "Museum Decor" By Susan Pearl

What good is a ball of twine that we can't unwind? 
Evidently, it is for something to look at, like art of a new kind,
But too many things to look at can change a decor,
And, to me, too many things to look at are what museums are for,
Having written this I have taken time to look around my home,
And I think I may be coming close to living in a museum of my very own.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sept.3- "Promise and Opportunity" By Susan Pearl

Throughout life- promise and opportunity- are what we should see,
When a door closes a window will open for you and for me,
We go to the window and look through to a brand new view,
A view that may take some time to get accustomed to,
But there are some things in life that you and I will have to get used to,
Because that is what changes do,
With time a new opportunity will be there to see,
And a renewed promise of life begins again for you and me.