My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Friday, February 14, 2025

" Relationships " by Susan Pearl

A good relationship is like a clock,

The pendulum has to swing both ways-

For time to move forward.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

"Reflections of Time" by Susan Pearl

They say at night that the stars we see-

Are reflections of burnt out stars from other galaxies.

The burnt out stars emitted light travels through lightyears of time

Giving us an opportunity to see their beauty, 

These stars no longer exist but their light does, showing the light they left behind---

Showing the shine of the reflections in time.

Lightyears and lightyears their light has traveled coming to you and to me

Showing the reflection of their one time existence is now for us to see. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

"The Kindness Doors" by Susan Pearl

 It is best not to take a person with a sincere kind heart for granted-

For people with a sincere kind heart are few and far between to find.

Sincere kind people forget themselves and go the distance to do their very best for the good of all

  and for the good of future generations.

They come through when needed and give whatever it takes-

   or whatever needs to be done to hold the line that has been won by bravery and courage-

   and for what is right for all to have dignity and respect.

Through the nights and through the days they make ways.

Ways that are better than before like opening a sincere kindness door. 

Sincere kindness can become the source of a great and mighty force. 

Bringing more opening doors to see and these are doors of opportunity. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

"The Locket in the Pocket" By Susan Pearl

 I put a seed of love into your pocket-

It is a locket.

Carry it in good health, my love. 

Maybe attach it to your watch chain,

Knowing my love for you will remain,

When you look at the time-

I hope you look at the picture of me in the locket-

And red rose lipstick kiss that is my seed of love to you.

May our love grow and we can hold each other again-

For the love we know is true and will know no end.

I put a seed of love into your pocket- it is a locket. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

"Keep Believing Good Will Come" by Susan Pearl

 An old fantasy legend said:

That the largest pearl, yet to be discovered, lays in a deep ocean bed.

The height and girth of the mammoth shellfish has only been documented once.

The following day after the documentation an underwater earthquake happened of immense proportion.

Since then the shellfish has not ever been seen again.

But a large boat has be been coming and having divers investigate a certain area 

   for over three years.

People are suspecting this consistent activity may be over the the finding of the giant pearl 

   inside the mammoth shellfish- but no formal announcement has been made.

Some discoveries are easy and sudden just like we happened to come across it.

Other discoveries take time and lots of waiting and insightful learning as if we are led -

  to the discovery through years of finding other discoveries that build our understanding to be able to  

 see the next new discovery waiting to be found.

 Like they say in both situations "it is not about the destination, it is about the journey".

A journey of seeing the positive hopes during negative times and believing good will come.

Monday, November 4, 2024

"Taking Time Gives Back" by Susan Pearl

 I have watched some exercise training classes on TV.

They talk a lot about core strength.

I have ,also, heard a lot about core values.

Having core values give strength.

Both take time, both take consistent commitment efforts,

   and both give back what we put into it.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

"Thank You Readers" by Susan Pearl

 I have completed writing 1200 blogs-

   and I would like to thank my readers for their support by reading-

   "Pearls Take Time".

My purpose in writing this blog is to bring encouragement:

through  humor,

through inspiration,

through experience

and through sharing something new that has shown me a discovery about life and love.

I hope to continue doing this and encourage others to read past blogs, also.

Thank You Very Much-

With Best Wishes,

Susan Pearl