My Logo

My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

" Egg Preference " by Susan Pearl

 I had a fun thought and would like to share it.

We were on a road trip many years ago to see my brother and family. 

At a cafe we were ordering breakfast.

Following our breakfast orders our 11 year old son said to the waitress that he would take the same 

as the last order.

The waitress asked, "And how do you want your eggs"?

Our son answered, "Poked".

We all smiled and the waitress enjoyed taking our son's order for "poked yolks".

Friday, September 20, 2024

"Find the Right Battery" by Susan Pearl

 Today has been "find the right battery" day, for sure.

My husband even went down town to buy a battery and came home with a brand new product because it cost half as much as a new battery.

It took him over a half hour to explain it to me.

We had to search the house for another battery.

We had to search the house again because the battery we found didn't test right on the voltage meter.

I am totally exhausted from battery hunting.

Wish I could find a battery for me right now that would give me a boost from checking so many batteries.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

" Avalanche 0f Pain " by Susan Pearl

Many years ago my good friends' husband committed suicide, 

It was an ultimate time of difficulty, courage and remembering the good times.

I wrote a song for my friend and sang it to her often. 

Today I know there are others going through this terrible time of sadness. 

I am writing this blog today with my sincere hope it will help someone somewhere.

Here is part of the song I wrote so many years ago.

"Avalanche of Pain" 

The heartache you gave hit me like an avalanche of pain, 

   taking out the view we knew.

But I'm feeling better and starting today, 

I'm not going to let the pain take the good times away.

I won't ever understand why you did what has been done,

Guess I'm not meant to know,

But I'm not thinking of that sad time, leaving it behind,

I'm thinking of the good times we had, they were many and fun,

And I believe brighter days will come.

I will always, always, always hold you dear in my heart,

I will cherish your thought and memory,

And even though it ended and we had to part,

Nothing can take the good times from me.

Nothing can take the good times from me.

I believe brighter days will be.

I believe this with all my heart, even though we had to part.

The years we had were filled with happiness and a job well done. 

I know with time a smile will come.

I will always, always always hold you dear in my heart,

I will cherish your thought and memory, even though we had to part.

Monday, September 9, 2024

" Wonderful Dog " by Susan Pearl

 We had a wonderful dog, a true one in a million.

The dog was especially like a shadow to my husband.

Just like salt and pepper, when you saw one you saw the other.

Our dog liked to have my husband in view or bark, bark, bark!

One day a tree was between them  and our dog became impatient.

Every time the dog lost view, as the tree had become over grown, bark, bark, bark.

My husband stopped what he was doing and trimmed the tree.

That way he could be in full view of the dog no matter what projects he was working on.

I couldn't help but remind my husband that we had a couple of unruly bushes blocking the view of our house.

I asked, "If I sat by the bushes and barked would you trim the bushes for me"?

Needless to say the bushes were trimmed the next day and I didn't have to bark once.

Sometimes the right words at the right time can work wonders.

Just like a one in a million opportunity brought by a one in a million dog.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

" Remember There is Hope " by Susan Pearl

When people become stuck in a rut and keep spinning their wheels, 

Remember there is hope.

Or when each load seems like it is being pulled up a steep hill

And the hill keeps getting higher and higher and steeper and steeper 

While the load keeps getting heavier and heavier.

Remember there is hope.

Hope is in motion for better days to find, 

Hope is keeping step with time.

Time and hope are in constant motion going forward to get across a line,

Leaving the past, that has gone by, behind.

Hope is in motion with better days to find,

Hope is in motion keeping step with time. 

Whenever a person is caught or hooked and needs a ways out

Hope is the opposite of doubt,

And know it is just a matter of time that the motion of hope will come

For the new forward times and better days will have begun.

Hope is the opposite of doubt,

How great it is to have the hope that pulls us towards a forward motion.

A hope that keeps moving us for the better days and the better ways to find.

Remember there is hope. 

No matter what troubles we are in

We can find hope for a new and better time to begin.

Monday, September 2, 2024

" Kristello, the Boxing Kangaroo " by Susan Pearl

Hi Readers,

Once in awhile I would like to write a short reading to be read to a child. Let's read to our young.

Best Wishes,

Susan Pearl 

Kristello is waking up to a very special day.

This is the day Kristello is going to show his idea for a new design of kangaroo boxing shoes.

Kristello has an appointment at the Kangaroo Shoe Company and Kristello does not want to be late.

"Oh! Oh! Where are the kangaroo boxing shoes", Kristello asked and then continues, "the shoes were on the table beside the front door and now they are gone".

Kristello thinks, "I will have to look for some clues".

"Wait", Ktistello says, "here's a note".

The note reads- Dear Kristello, I have borrowed your special design kangaroo boxing shoes. I want to win the power point kick punch contest today. I'll bring the shoes back as soon as I can. Thank you.            Your friend, J. K.

Kristello waited and watched the clock. It was time to leave for the appointment without the special design kangaroo boxing shoes to show the design committee.

Now, Kristello was in the waiting room for the appointment and he was wondering what to do.

Kristello thought, "No matter what, I am going to tell the truth".

Kristello was called into the meeting room.

"Where are the shoes?" asked committee member 5.

Kristello answered, "The shoes are being worn by my friend, Jay K., in the contest".

Committee member 3 exclaimed, "This is a brilliant presentation!!! I know this is a worldwide contest and it is being televised. Let's turn on the TV and see how your friend is doing in the competition wearing the boxing shoes with your new design".

Committee member 2 shouted, "Results! That is what we want to see. You must be very confident in the new special design of your boxing shoes".

Kristello swallowed hard and said, "I am very confident in my new design of my boxing shoes".

The announcer on the TV says, "Our next contestant is Jay K. Our top score right now to beat is 645, and that is an incredible score currently held by Rolland Drake".

Committee member 1 says, "Our last appointment for today is with Rolland Drake".

"Yes, it is"! confirms Committee member 6.

Committee member 3 screams, "This is all so very exciting. Let's see if Jay K can top Drake's 645 points. The timing of this presentation is so precise. It is incredible"!!!

Kostello states, "It is all on the line".

Committee member 2 says, "And right on time".

Committee member 6 says, "Looks like there is a bullseye on the boxing bag. Each contestant can kick the bullseye once with the right leg and then with the left leg. The boxing bag measures the pressure of the strike. The total of pressure points will then be seen on the big screen. Here goes Jay K. Wow!!! This single strike is off the charts. Jay K is the automatic winner"!!!

The announcer yells, "This is the very first time the strike has been too strong for the computer to register. The boxing bag is still swinging round and round. Amazing"!!!

The entire crowd yells and claps when Jay K is presented the trophy for winning.

The committee turned and formed a huddle for a brief discussion. 

Committee member 6 says, "Please, bring the special design boxing shoes here tomorrow morning.  We will have a contract drawn up by then and we would like to begin production as soon as possible. We really want to do business with you Kostello. We appreciate you making a new and better boxing shoe design and we think our customers will really like it. 

Kostello said, "You're welcome".

They all wished each other a good evening and left the room to go home.

Once home, Kostello found the the box of boxing shoes returned to the table by the front door. Along side the box was a returned key and a note.  The note read, "Thank you for letting me borrow your new design boxing shoes.  I won the contest.  The contest team want to hire me to be part of the contest team. I will travel with them to be a judge for regular ten round competition. I'm excited. So I have to catch a plane and start my new job. I know the shoes helped me win the contest. Thank you! I'll send you postcards from around the world. Also, I am returning your key. I didn't want to wake you up this morning to ask about borrowing the shoes. Hope you had a good day.

Kostello smiled and thought, "Both of us had a great day."

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

" The Race is on " by Susan Pearl

The restaurant hostess said, "Help yourself, everything is ready".

I love those words.

I think the reason why is because I know I can have all I want of the things I like and pass on the things I dislike.

The stampede is on!

Where is the meatloaf?

I just like the topping off of the macaroni and cheese.

Likewise, I like the frosting on both sides of a piece of cake.

And I love thousand island dressing on top of shredded cheddar cheese. 

That's it. Now back to my low fat diet.

But, first I need to lay down as I'm really not feeling that well.