An old fantasy legend said:
That the largest pearl, yet to be discovered, lays in a deep ocean bed.
The height and girth of the mammoth shellfish has only been documented once.
The following day after the documentation an underwater earthquake happened of immense proportion.
Since then the shellfish has not ever been seen again.
But a large boat has be been coming and having divers investigate a certain area
for over three years.
People are suspecting this consistent activity may be over the the finding of the giant pearl
inside the mammoth shellfish- but no formal announcement has been made.
Some discoveries are easy and sudden just like we happened to come across it.
Other discoveries take time and lots of waiting and insightful learning as if we are led -
to the discovery through years of finding other discoveries that build our understanding to be able to
see the next new discovery waiting to be found.
Like they say in both situations "it is not about the destination, it is about the journey".
A journey of seeing the positive hopes during negative times and believing good will come.