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Saturday, August 24, 2024

" Happy Thought " by Susan Pearl

There have been two garden signs that I have enjoyed very much.

One sign read "No bugs allowed". The sign was on a porch amidst several beautiful overflowing flower baskets. 

Then on a fence entering a flower garden a sign read, "Only happy thoughts allowed".  That sign carried a special meaning because the gardener had recently lost some family members. 

So I challenge myself to think happy thoughts and sometimes life becomes a garden of discovering the beauty of a happy thought in different ways. Like a couple of days ago I was watching a show. The last thing I was thinking was to think of a happy thought. But then on the show it showed a flock of geese flying south. The sight of flying geese brings me a happy thought.  Change is on the way, the beautiful formation, the stirs me. Nature is wonderful and I'm really glad I found that one of my favorite happy thoughts is honking geese.  

Who would have thought? Honk-Honk!!!!

I'm glad someone took time to put up those signs because happy thoughts do unexpectantly come like a new bloom in the garden of life.  Isn't it great! 

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