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My logo illustrates that all aspects of life can come together for a common note.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

" The Race is on " by Susan Pearl

The restaurant hostess said, "Help yourself, everything is ready".

I love those words.

I think the reason why is because I know I can have all I want of the things I like and pass on the things I dislike.

The stampede is on!

Where is the meatloaf?

I just like the topping off of the macaroni and cheese.

Likewise, I like the frosting on both sides of a piece of cake.

And I love thousand island dressing on top of shredded cheddar cheese. 

That's it. Now back to my low fat diet.

But, first I need to lay down as I'm really not feeling that well.

Monday, August 26, 2024

"Speaking Up" by Susan Pearl

 The new student in school wasn't happy with her being transferred to such a mean school, but her family's work had frequent moves. Everyday she saw the same boy being bullied. It just didn't seem fair.

There was a class meeting after lunch today in the auditorium. She saw the class president, the class vice president , the treasurer and secretary on stage. The bell rang.  The class president went to the microphone  and called the meeting to order and for the secretary to read the minutes of the previous meeting. With no corrections from the audience the minutes stood to be correct as read.  There was no old business and so the meeting moved on to open the floor for any new business. The new transfer student stood and gave her name and asked if she could address the class with some troubling new business. She explained that she was a recent transfer and she had gone to several schools in high school and this was the meanest school she had ever attended. She wanted the class president to ask for ideas as to how the cut back on the bullying.  

The president was at a loss for words but said that no one had been hurt and no school officials had been concerned. She didn't think it was overly problematic. Then asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

The girl in the the audience said that she would like for the minutes to read that she disagreed and she wanted the school counselor notified that following today's class meeting she was personally escorting a very bullied classmate. She, also, wanted to know if any volunteers would join her and if anyone would like to help to please stand up.  The auditorium was tense. Someone yelled, "I vote for the meeting to be adjourned". The class president pounded the gavel saying, "Meeting stands adjourned".

"But we didn't vote", someone shouted.  Students started to leave. The girl made her may to walk beside the student who she thought was overly bullied. She held her head high and asked the other student, "Do you mind if I walk with you"? "Thank you". answered the student.

Then approximately fifteen students came and accompanied her and the student. One student said, "I've been thinking the same thing for a long time. We can do this!!!!!!!! Let's clap for our great classmate".

Things changed at the school. The change had been in the making for several students for quite awhile because they believed things were crossing a line and after awhile a few bullies actually apologized.  The girl was a "write-in" for the next class election and she became a very beloved and respected class president.    

Sunday, August 25, 2024

" Home Sweet Home " by Susan Pearl

 I am definitely an indoor TV person,

I am definitely an outdoor scenery person,

That is why I watch outdoor scenery movies on my indoor TV.

I don't have to go anywhere to see the best of both worlds.

I like sports.

And this, also, holds true for having the best seat in the house.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

" Happy Thought " by Susan Pearl

There have been two garden signs that I have enjoyed very much.

One sign read "No bugs allowed". The sign was on a porch amidst several beautiful overflowing flower baskets. 

Then on a fence entering a flower garden a sign read, "Only happy thoughts allowed".  That sign carried a special meaning because the gardener had recently lost some family members. 

So I challenge myself to think happy thoughts and sometimes life becomes a garden of discovering the beauty of a happy thought in different ways. Like a couple of days ago I was watching a show. The last thing I was thinking was to think of a happy thought. But then on the show it showed a flock of geese flying south. The sight of flying geese brings me a happy thought.  Change is on the way, the beautiful formation, the stirs me. Nature is wonderful and I'm really glad I found that one of my favorite happy thoughts is honking geese.  

Who would have thought? Honk-Honk!!!!

I'm glad someone took time to put up those signs because happy thoughts do unexpectantly come like a new bloom in the garden of life.  Isn't it great! 

Friday, August 23, 2024

" Compass Writing " By Susan Pearl

 The older retired couple enjoyed their daily routine of reading the daily paper each morning in bed with fresh brewed cups of coffee on the end tables by their bed. 

The older couple knew it was past time to size down. Both of them could barely walk, but they were not ready to go through their son's things even though it had been thirty two years since he had been presumed dead following the two week forest search. It had been a terrible, devastating time and all they could do is close and lock his bedroom door.

Immediately, after hearing the news of their son being lost in the  forest they had rented a plane and literally dropped fifty compasses over the forest where their son's last location could be verified. Their son had ran into the forest calling after the family dog. Both their son and the dog had never been seen again.

Their son was a fast runner. The track medals in his bedroom could testify to that fact. He was a new driver and had stopped the car by the forest to give the dog a break. A motorist driving by reported that the dog had bolted into the forest with their son quickly running after him. Neither the dog or their son had ever been seen again. Local people from the area said that fifteen feet inside the forest was enough to become lost and it was a very dark forest to navigate in.

The word "navigate" had given the thought of a compass to the couple. Maybe it wasn't too late for their son, so they dropped the fifty compasses.  But after two weeks of searching it was declared to no longer be a search and rescue situation.

As the older man sipped his coffee he reached for the paper. the wife had already pulled out the puzzle page and was beginning to ask a puzzle question when the ring of the phone interrupted.

The couple screened their calls so they listened intently for the message which said, "Hi, this is Al. Just making sure you read today's headlines. Thinking of you. I called the newspaper and told them about you doing the compass drop.  Don't be surprised if they call. Talk to you later".

The man shakingly set his coffee on the end table and fanned open the front page of the paper. He paused, adjusted his glasses, then read out loud, "Kansas family lost in the dark forest claim they were able to navigate to highway after finding an old compass". The couple wept.

The reason I wrote the "Compass Writing" is to encourage others that no matter where they are or what they are going through there are strong hopes from others for them to find the way to move past a trauma or difficulty. Generations like compasses have shown direction during hard times, showing the way we need to go. Let's look for these compasses and directions that lead ways for progress, ways to succeed and to find how the direction they show can apply to our own setting right now. There are people in our life who are like a compass of showing ways for good, ways of having things better and ways of being our best by moving in a forward direction for the benefit of all. These people have come across many compasses during their lifetime and made a decision to take a forward direction by being the best they can be not ever knowing how much good they have brought into someone's life.

We just don't know how much good a compass can do.

We just don't know how long it will take.

But for sure someone, somewhere will benefit from the encouragement that went before.