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Thursday, March 3, 2022

"Childhood Thoughts Apply Today" by Susan Pearl

 I have a very distant childhood memory I would like to share. My mother had brought me to help with a church supper. I think I may have been six years old and could help clean off the tables and bring dishes to the kitchen.

It seemed like there was some sort of loud crying coming from the kitchen.  The woman who was scraping leftover food off of the plates into the garbage was crying and trembling.  Her hands were shaking, and her sobs were from deep within.

She cried out loud in broken English, "I don't know if my family has enough food to eat- and here I am throwing food away."  She broke down and sobbed.

Several ladies held and comforted her with one lady helping her put on her coat and telling she would give her a ride to her home.  The crying lady had no car and walked to everywhere she went.

I watched at a distance and now it is a distant memory to me, but I am currently focusing on remembering it. Especially now, with the world scene the way it is, I can still hear her cries. As a child of six I can remember seeing her break down and unable to go on because of the pain she was going through with great love for her family in another country.

Her cries still sound and are touching my heart to share this childhood memory to all of you.

I saw her being held and comforted and may we hold and comfort those suffering at this time of world events. 

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