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Thursday, February 18, 2021

"The Crying Sunflower" Part 2 by Susan Pearl

 "Tell me what you like to do.  I came here today to watch the sunset.  I hear the sunsets have been so beautiful.  So. maybe. we can watch it together," said the kind person.

"Sure!  That would be fun.  The sunsets are so very beautiful to see.  Yes, that is a favorite part of each day for me to see." said the sunflower.

The kind person then asked, "What are some of your favorite colors in a sunset?"

"Oh!" exclaimed the sunflower, "I like the purples, and oranges and the pinks and yellows and golds.  I like all the colors of a sunset.  Seeing a sunset is a wonderful part of the day."

"Yes, it is," agreed the kind person.  "I would like to come back tomorrow and we can see the sunrise together, too."

"Oh!" exclaimed the sunflower, " I love the sunrise in the morning.  It is a beautiful way to start the day.  It makes the roosters crow and the flowers grow!

"Hey," said the kind person, "you are not crying anymore."

"I know," said the sunflower, "I'm not missing the rainbow with all the beautiful things I have to see.  I am happy and that's a good way to be."

Then the kind person said, "Someday, when there is a rainbow I will come with my phone and show you on the screen what is behind you and that way you will see the rainbow.  We can even take a picture of it."

"Sounds like a plan," said the sunflower.

"A plan that should work, too, because a rainbow is a reflection of the sunlight on the water droplets in the sky.  To see a rainbow you have to have your back to the sun and face the rainbow.  Sunflowers face the sun all day", said the kind person.

The sunflower happily said, "I so glad I face the sun each day because I get to see all the beautiful sunrises and sunsets.  I am very grateful".             The End

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