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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

"Old saying Tells it Like it is" by Susan Pearl

"If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen".

Competition can be relentless and vindictive. Sometimes it feels like "the heat is on".  That makes for heated competition for the public to decide who wins and who doesn't.

I saw an elected official being greatly criticized for a decision he had made.  This elected official was asked at a meeting how he felt with so much criticism.  He answered, 'it comes with the territory".  So the word "kitchen" in the old saying refers to the arena of competition that a person "has to take the heat" whether it be politics, or another area to succeed to the top.  If a person can't take the heat it seems like the public opinion changes to have someone at the top who can,  "If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen".   If you choose to enter certain arenas of competition "taking the heat" comes with the territory of that particular arena.

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