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Monday, November 26, 2012

Nov26- "The Sail Ship Clock" By Susan Pearl

I have been noticing a sailing ship clock we have,
We have had the clock for years,
My mother had it on her fireplace mantle,
She had gotten it at an action,
The couple's estate things being sold at the auction had some items from his parents,
He had gotten the clock when his widowed dad went to the nursing home,
His widowed dad and mother had been married for over seventy six years,
The clock represents to me that time sails by on the sea of life,
Time sailed by for the widowed dad,
Time sailed by for his son,
Time sailed by for my mother,
And time is sailing by for us, right now,
Yes, the sail ship clock---time is sailing by on the sea of life,
With the waves of minutes in each day and night coming and going,
Until the journey is complete.

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