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Thursday, September 8, 2011

#222 "Remembering Can Bring Comfort" By Susan Pearl

Sometimes when I have a hard decision to make or a difficult task to accomplish or a difficult time to go through that takes not only tremendous effort but,also, great faith and courage,
I try to remember the times before in my life when I made it through such difficulties,
Time and time again I can remember how I recognized and met a needed timely requirement and made it through to see another day and a new time,
time and time again I remember the strength (I didn't know I had)  to meet the challenge of the moment,
After so many times of "forward march" in so many ways and areas of life,
I begin to find comfort by remembering the times before,
And know the difficult task at hand will be met like all of the others had been,
It's been proven to me it will be like that and if I did it once I can do it again.

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